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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 1. 2018Does happiness begin at 50?
Sunday, April 29. 2018People vary on many dimensionsSkin tone is just one of them, and perhaps the least important one. Why "white privilege" isn't real:
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Saturday, April 28. 2018Death panels in socialized medical careDeath is as natural a part of life as is birth. All the same, the idea that a government algorithm out to determine what you are able to do for a family member, on their own nickel, seems dangerously totalitarian to me: A British Toddler’s Socialized Medicine ‘Death Sentence’ Sends Shockwaves Around The World You can argue that some people have difficulty accepting terminal illness. True, some people do. However, there is a freedom issue missing here. The Brits do not value freedom in the way that we American rebels do.
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Tuesday, April 24. 2018What good is walking or jogging? Or other aerobic activities? - First off, most articles we search discuss these topics in terms of weight loss and calorie-burning. That is nonsense. Unless you devote several hours/day to these things with a carb-restricted diet, they will do nothing for your fat. Let's take that off the table and accept that body fat is about nutritional choices and nothing else. - Second, we are talking about things which are often referred to as "cardio" fitness and cardio training. They really are not cardio training without the high heart rate which can not be attained for healthy people through walking or jogging. Similarly for skeletal muscle strength. For general endurance, good. True "cardio training" entails repeated anaerobic sprints of almost any activity (often termed HIIT. You can do HIIT with kettlebell swings, wall ball slams, road-sprints, sprint pool laps, or anything that stresses the heck out of you for 30-60 seconds). 15-20 minutes (including rests) of HIIT accomplishes far more for cardio fitness than an hour of aerobic activity. Third, recreational hiking, jogging, swimming, biking, rowing are more the happy rewards of fitness than stimuli to increased fitness. I can hike 10 miles because I am somewhat fit, not to become fit. Nonetheless, they are the sorts of things that distinguish an "active" person from a "sedentary". "Sedentary" roughly refers to a person with less than 8-10 hours/week of intentional, vigorous physical activity (not strolling, or housework or easy stuff), or less than 6 hours of high-intensity physical activity/week. A good measure of "high-intensity" is that you are short of breath most of the time. - Except for newbies, the elderly, or the infirm, the above relatively low-intensity aerobic activities (I hesitate to term them "exercise" because they lack the high exertion component) are just fine for maintaining mobility and endurance for casual activities. They do not increase fitness once you can do them. Any healthy person can walk 10 miles, jog 3-5 miles, or swim a mile of laps. Still, aerobic endurance is a handy thing for life enjoyment. - Walking and jogging put the same lower-body muscles to use. Both are easy on the hamstrings, which can lead to a muscle imbalance if jogging is your only activity. Anyway, these are not strength-builders or meaningful cardio training (because there is not a high-enough cardio stress once you have adapted to them). - Jogging on cement or asphalt on a daily basis will come back to your joints at some point. For "long, slow", once/week is enough for a fit person who works out daily in other ways along with recreational physical activities such as sports. Running is speedy jogging with a long stride and sprinting is sprinting. More on the topic below the fold - Continue reading "What good is walking or jogging? Or other aerobic activities?" Sunday, April 22. 2018Cures for Self-Confidence
- Socializing with high-achieving, highly life-competent witty people I welcome your suggestions for deeper humility in the comments - Thursday, April 19. 2018Fish Oil QuackeryMagical thinking about food and nutrition is pervasive in wealthy parts of the world where nutrition is over-abundant and biological knowledge minimal. The classic example in the US is Whole Foods - organic non-GMO foods and supplements for the rich. A scam, like this one: Tuesday, April 17. 2018Carbs are sugar
That is about dietary fat. If you are concerned about hyperlipidemia, let your doc treat it if it concerns you. There are many alternatives for that. To lose body fat, only a low carb diet works. Your body converts all carbs to sugar and then stores the excess sugar as fat. Dietary fat doesn't make people fat. Everybody knows what carbs are: sweets, fruits, dessert, root vegetables, juices, beer, grains, grain products eg pasta and bread, beans, corn, etc. The comfort foods. To gain or maintain weight, eat plenty of everything including apple pie, ice cream, beer, Big Macs - and 70-100 gms of protein daily if you do heavy exercise (eg weights). Can you lose weight with an hour of daily exercise? It depends on the intensity of that hour, but it's not a realistic effect for most. Still, it is worth doing for countless other good reasons including mental well-being and energy. Intense exercise tends to reduce appetite, so there's that too. Powerline's Scott Johnson got the memo.
Hospice, aka Comfort CareBarbara Bush in failing health, won’t seek additional treatment That's the right thing to do. It is unwise and inhumane to continue to treat people medically when it is clearly their time to go. ConsciousnessFrom a review of Antonio Damasio's new book on consciousness:
Monday, April 16. 2018How false science happens: Neurogenesis in humans
From Adult Neurogenesis:
Thursday, April 12. 2018The P Value controversy
At the least, he recommends it for new research findings. A good discussion.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Wednesday, April 11. 2018Statistics
We'll all die from something. Eventually something gives out, even the brain. Carpe diem, and try not to have a family history of Alzheimer's.
Sunday, April 8. 2018Why Self-Esteem Is Self-DefeatingThis is part of the backlash against the silly "self-esteem" movement of the 1980s.
Friday, April 6. 2018Happiness is a gift. Life is tragic. There are always problemsThursday, April 5. 2018Fighting Sarcopenia (age-related muscle deterioration)
From what is known now, only intense physical effort can delay it (ie heavy weights, sprints, maybe high-volume anaerobic calisthenics, and the like. Comfortable or aerobic exercise doesn't help). Many claim it can be reversed to some extent, and I think it can.
That is from a somewhat grim article explaining physical performance and ageing, mainly focused on running but applicable to all physical activity. Yes, high-intensity exertion does raise levels of growth hormone, and that is good. They also recommend supplemental creatine for middle-aged, and above, heavy daily exercisers. There is good evidence for its helpfulness. Especially for those over age 30, supplemental creatine (naturally found mostly in red meat and especially in rare red meat) permits a higher level of intensity of exertion for sprinting and weight-lifting, resulting in more muscle stress, resulting in stronger muscle repair (protein synthesis) during a recovery day or two. Strength Training Helps to Stop Age Related Muscle Loss. Mind you, "training" means it is unpleasant and highly aversive for good reason: it's hateful, stressful work requiring delayed gratification, not recreation. Not for everybody (obviously). Tuesday, April 3. 2018Metanoia
A funny-sounding word, almost as if it were the opposite of paranoia (which entails projecting one's bad stuff into the outside world.) Metanoia is usually used for spiritually-based internal changes based on a deep and ruthless personal review, followed by penitence and/or confession. In fact, tenets of AA are based on the concept of metanoia. In a more secular context (despite just coming off of Lent), it is never a bad idea, however unpleasant, to fearlessly do an honest review of one's character flaws and weaknesses, covert malevolences, selfishness, evil thoughts, unhelpful impulses, life errors, failures, ignorances, etc. etc. It's assumed that everybody is a mess or insufficient in some way, or in many ways. It takes great courage to review one's terrible shortcomings, and not one of us is all we can be. I generally advise people to appraise their strengths, competencies, potentials, and virtues at the same time. Still, it's the flaws that need attention. I learned the term from this wonderful and wide-ranging (including God and Jesus, free speech, and lots of history) conversation between Prof. Peterson and the thoughtful Australian politician John Anderson. An intellectual treat:
Monday, March 26. 2018The sanctity of "my lived experience"
Most of the world cares about objective reality, not subjective. One aspect of my day job is to help peoples' subjective experiences align more closely with objective reality.
Friday, March 23. 2018How exercise gets your weight in shape
The scrawny learn that they need to push themselves to build themselves up for strength and endurance, and the pudgy are forced to realize how much their pudge slows them down. Therefore they are motivated to pay more attention to their nutritional habits so they can keep up. A physiological factor is that an hour of daily exertion tends to reduce appetite in pudgy adults. Exertion means "hard to do." Scrawny people may have to force-feed themselves somewhat. Athletic and physically-active people tend to consume what they need, not so much what they want. So that is how an hour of daily cardio, calisthenics, and weights helps get people into fighting shape. The exertion itself is a minor factor but it is a motivator. Physical maintenance. How to construct a useful and worthwhile lifeThis composition of pieces of talks says it better than I could. He is speaking to youth, but could be speaking to anybody.
Monday, March 19. 2018Facebook and myPersonalityFacebook has offered "myPersonality" for a decade. Since they seem to be in the personal information business, your data might be useful to them. If interested, you can do that myPersonality test here, away from Facebook. Not very illuminating to see I came out as Traditionalist. In fact, probably only interesting to marketing people although it is used for social science research too. Not impressed. Tuesday, March 13. 2018Tommy Rall!
Here is Rall with the great Bob Fosse:
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Deinstitutionalization of the impaired
I see no future for help-rejecting mentally-dysfunctional. Currently, jails are said to be the largest mental health facilities in the US. Have we have returned to Bedlam? More likely, family homes are the largest, jails second, and the streets third. Rightly or wrongly, government-coerced "help" was politically and morally abandoned. If you are a parent or relative of an impaired person, and have some assets, best thing is to make a trust for them with a good trustee. The low-functioning relative might reject all that, but it's all one can do. Once upon a time, there were permanent "retreats" and "homes" for such people, but when government got in the game they became hellholes. I have no solution. Functioning at a high level is challenging enough for all of us even without tragic difficulties.
Saturday, March 10. 2018Got enough clothes?
Where the instructions "Formal attire" used to mean gowns and dinner dress fro men, now it means dresses and suits. Dress has obviously become small-d democratized. There is a loss in that, a loss of elegance at the least. We're now at the point where even formal black or white-tie weddings (evenings only, please) look like silly costume shows. That ten year-old gown should be fine, and who cares? I recently realized that I own enough formal wear, footwear, outerwear, sportswear, riding wear, ski gear, boating gear, and athletic gear to last my lifetime, not including new tennis racquets. I am done accumulating it as long as my size doesn't change, which will not.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Thursday, March 8. 2018Time and Exercise
Thus we raise the intensity. Instead of lifting light rocks from the field all day, we do 4 sets of heavy deadlifts, and done. Instead of jogging for one or two hours, we do 30-45-second sprints. Furthermore, a good balanced program can pack that in with minimal or no risk of injury, unlike somebody who shovel-digs ditches all day. The thing is, in the western world very few jobs require day-long heavy lifting any more. That is all mechanized. Today, even professional tennis players (and all athletes) do their gym programs in addition to their sport training. Playing a sport is more of a use of fitness rather than a cause of fitness. Even many people who do a lot of work with their bodies (eg carpenters) go to the gym to stay fit for their work. As readers know from endless repetition, we recommend, for general fitness for life for men and women, a balanced program of resistance training (heavy weights), calisthenics, and cardio (meaning heart rate elevated well-above comfort). We also recommend nutrition approaches to meet your fitness goals. Wednesday, March 7. 2018Mental illness and artAn isolated chronic schizophrenic connects with people through her creativity. Interesting that her speech is similar to Milton in Office Space. Thanks to Ann Althouse for finding this:
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