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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, April 16. 2018Monday morning links GMO people is good, GMO food is bad? Is This Tomato Engineered? Inside the Coming Battle Over Gene-Edited Food Viking warrior was a woman NYC: Chikin Derangement Syndrome What’s A "Your city"? THE AL GORE EFFECT COMES TO MINNESOTA Feds To Audit CA High-Speed Rail Project As Funding Flounders In Ireland, a Leftist Reluctantly Comes to Terms with Nationalism FACEBOOK Censors and Bans European News Website for Criticizing Unlimited Migration The NSA Wants a Skeleton Key to Everyone's Encrypted Data That is evil Dear Mr. Chancellor, please stop the grade-fixing in NYC schools Why? Elite colleges give everybody an A The Decline and Fall of Brown University Vilifying Israel, Corrupting the University Social Justice: When Good Becomes Evil? We must ask ourselves how we can live and promote the good without causing even greater damage. Magazine editors turn blind eye to Melania Not attractive enough? 10 Key Insights From Today's Deep State Coup News Dem Rep: People Who “Besmirch” Comey And Mueller Will “Rot In Hell” There now THREE separate OIG investigations Sunday, April 15. 2018How to be Ultra-Spiritual
Posted by Bird Dog
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Outdoor stuff you probably don't needFrom today's Lectionary: Repent
3:12 When Peter saw it, he addressed the people, "You Israelites, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we had made him walk? 3:13 The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate, though he had decided to release him. 3:14 But you rejected the Holy and Righteous One and asked to have a murderer given to you, 3:15 and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses. 3:16 And by faith in his name, his name itself has made this man strong, whom you see and know; and the faith that is through Jesus has given him this perfect health in the presence of all of you. 3:17 "And now, friends, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. 3:18 In this way God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer. 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, Bike-Sharing Graveyards
Posted by Bird Dog
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Saturday, April 14. 2018Hey, there's a bubbleLooking good nakedBombs Away in SyriaProbably a pointless gesture. I hope it is a parting shot. Re the commentariat, however, I consider that if Trump sent the bombs it would be "Insane warmonger Trump playing Wag the Dog," and if he didn't it would be "Proof he's working for Russia." I see no compelling US interest in Syria. Assad is just one of 50 terrible rulers, but Syria probably needs him. And I do not care what Russia does. That crappy country is destroying itself anyway.
Posted by The Barrister
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FBIPowerline: "For someone who grew up in the era that I did, it is hard to believe that the FBI has fallen so low. " You get the impression that today's FBI is filled with liars with political agendas. Not good. Was that always the case? I suppose it was with J Edgar Hoover... We await the FBI's IG report, although we still wonder how the FBI can inspect itself. Saturday morning links
If Your Sex Life Is None Of Our Business, Stop Demanding That We Celebrate It And Fund It Is the Gulf Stream about to collapse and is the new ice age coming sooner than scientists think? College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party COMMENTS ON DC GRADUATION RATES The Geography of Social Capital in America Reinvigorate Your Career by Taking the Right Kind of Risk Women Are Winning in Bond Funds. Why Aren’t There More of Them? Ammo Grrrll comes out for COMMON SENSE VEGAN CONTROL Obama Campaign Harvested Data from 100 Million More Facebook Users Than Cambridge Analytica FBI explains why McCabe was fired Sanders: Comey Is A ‘Disgraced Partisan Hack’–‘Known To Be A Liar And A Leaker’ JAMES COMEY CONFESSES Comey book filled with unproven attacks on Trump, lofty praise for himself Gaza Rioters Try to Breach Israeli Border with Explosives Wellfleet, MAAs the weather begins to lose the chill, looking forward to getting to the chilly Cape Cod salt water, the bug-free salty breeze, and Wellfleet Oysters. Not to mention all of the cheerful fun-loving, people (even if many are lefty nutjobs). What am I especially looking forward to this year? Biking and /or hiking the Cape Cod Rail Trail. It's the old railroad bed that used to service NYC and Boston up to Provincetown. Now there are buses. What do we do out there? Outdoors dawn to dusk, rain or shine, with friends and family. Dawn workout, then biking, kayaking, maybe rent a little outboard and go fish for blues and stripers, body surf in the ocean, play in one of the big ponds, take a multi-hour hike, maybe rent a little sailboat for a few hours, bird-watching whenever outdoors, seafood dinners always. Minimal internet time or inactive beaching, because that's not the way we roll out there. Time is too precious. Friday, April 13. 2018Medium Rare Occasionally I want a rare ribeye, but usually medium-rare. I usually get it right on a cast iron skillet. Steak doneness photo below the fold, but I do not like that image. To me, rare means some blue in the meat - Continue reading "Medium Rare" QQQ on cranksVia American Digest: “Another way in which I tried to define the crank was that he always begins at the wrong end. He never knows the right way to take hold of anything, as one takes hold of a cat by the scruff of the neck. He always tries to catch his cat by the tail; especially if it is a Manx cat. The thing he begins with is always the thing that is last — and least. Thus, if he is talking about the ancient and lawful bond between man and woman, he will talk about votes before he talks about vows. Thus, if he is talking about children, he will be genuinely interested in the children’s schools; it will never so much as cross his mind that children, as a class, generally belong to families. If he is interested in Shakespeare, he will not be interested in Shakespeare’s poetry; he will be interested in the extraordinary question of who wrote it. If he is interested in one of the Gospels or in one of the Epistles, he will not be interested in what is written there; he will be interested in some bottomless bosh about when it was written.” GK Chesterton Manhood
Historically, the path from boy to man was hard-earned and marked by specific achievements. With the modern invention of adolescence and "extended adolescence", the lines are blurred. Like the song says, a "mannish boy" is not a man. Puberty does not make a man, nor does sexual activity. Are the ideal "manly" qualities today very different from those of the past? I don't know. I can tell you what qualities my friends aspire to and work towards as a life-long project: providing for and protecting family and progeny, independence, courage and shame for weakness, the willingness to take risk, the willingness to be tough and forceful when needed, a seriousness about life while remaining cheerful, physical fitness and athletic development, mental fitness, spiritual development, skill development of all sorts, community involvement, responsibility and integrity, kindness and being a good friend, having constructive life goals, generosity of spirit, etc etc. We discuss these things in our men's Bible study group. It's a tall order, and that is exactly the point. We all raise boys to aspire towards these qualities, knowing full well that it is a challenging and difficult path with many speed bumps and disappointments. (How different or difficult the path is for women is not something I feel qualified to discuss.) When I went off to prep school at 13, on the first day the Headmaster said to us (paraphrased from memory): "Welcome, boys. You have said your goodbyes to your parents and have had a nice lunch. We are delighted to have you now officially join our school. I am sorry to tell you that we will make it very hard for you and you will suffer many disappointments but we expect that you boys will become adult young men who are a credit to this school when you graduate. One more warning. Disappoint us too deeply and you will be sent home to your Mom. Please do not do that. Since we picked each of you carefully and personally, we expect that each one of you will have victories too in whatever areas you choose. If you have troubles with something, let us know. We are on your side but we will be tough in expecting and demanding your success, so get ready for the adventure. Give everything your best. You have one hour to settle into your rooms, and then report to the Field House for your health and physical fitness and sports assessments. Good luck, boys, and I will see you tomorrow morning in Chapel." Good little speech about male privilege. Although the intellectual challenges were intense, overall it seemed secondary to their focus on personal development, to expand oneself to become the best, most developed person you could be. School, or parents, same message. At Qulllette, this: Becoming a Man Related, quotes on What does it mean to be a man?
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Friday morning links
A Gentleman's Guide to the NBA: When Players Agree to Take Plays Off Teens are dumping McDonald’s for Chick-fil-A Sperm costs too much Why Literary Scholarship Matters Learning How to Not Be a Snowflake - Resilience depends not only on what happens to us but how we interpret what happens to us. Willie Parker: Aborting Babies Is My Christian Calling Court forces Harvard to publish confidential admissions documents in Asian-discrimination lawsuit We’ll Make You Neurotic And Dishonest, Just Like Us March For Our Lives Isn't a Youth Movement Why the Social Engineers of the Sixties Failed to Make a "Great Society" - The State clearly knew best what "these" people really needed for them to have some minimum form of a "decent life." Entitlement Reform Is Dead Scott Pruitt, Warrior for Science - Democrats and liberal journalists attack the EPA head for insisting on transparency, shared research, and rigorous peer review. New Zealand Warmist Signals By Banning All New Oil Exploration Permits The Hardening of Leftist Contempt CUNY Students Tried to Shout Down Josh Blackman. Here's Why They Failed. " Because having the government decide what is and is not true, and what can and cannot be criticized, always works out so well." HAS MCCONNELL FINALLY HAD ENOUGH OF DEMOCRATIC OBSTRUCTION? Trump Is a Low-Information Gasbag He was not elected to be Intellectual -in-Chief Alan Dershowitz Predicts FBI Will Leak Privileged Information About President Trump Thursday, April 12. 2018WavewalkWhy Should We ‘Sacrifice Even One of Our Sons or Daughters’ in Syria?So asks Sarah Palin. There is no reason other than geopolitical maneuvering. There are no good guys in the Syria mess. Typical of middle-east conflict.
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The P Value controversy
At the least, he recommends it for new research findings. A good discussion.
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Independent workers
For people who value independence and being their own boss, the price paid in uncertainty, lack of external structure, and anxiety, is worth it. There is nothing new about this. If you are a plumber with a truck you are a gig worker. So is a guy with a barbershop.
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Thursday morning links Did a Typo Help End World War II? Aaron Renn's urbanophile site is usually interesting Another good site is Science Direct LA Is Painting Streets White To Combat Global Warming Or Something It could reduce the urban heat island effect, which is considerable 'I’m not having children because I want to save the planet' Well, thank you for not breeding more idiots Pride Parade Bans Drag Queens Over Fears They'll Offend Trans People Life in the circus. No comment needed Equal Pay Myths - Activists for wage parity ignore stubborn truths. Memo to Laura Ingraham: Never Beg Are Black Male Athletes Failing to Graduate Because of Racism? Everything is either racism, sexism, or global warming. That's all you need to know. Why are bishops supporting government unions? University’s Sex Week to teach women how to have anal sex with strap-on dildos Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Students? Anti-Jewish, Anti-Zionist Discrimination Reported at San Francisco State University IS THERE A PATTERN TO THE HIJAB HOAXES? In an otherwise interesting piece in The Nation about Dostoevsky, they have to bring in Trump Harsanyi: When Will The Media Finally Get Over The 2016 Election? AG Sessions Freezes Aid Program for Illegal Migrants Trey Gowdy: Take This Job And Shove It How Paul Ryan Went From Young Gun To Gone - Ryan was the most important Republican in Washington from 2009 to 2016. He now seems like a throwback from a bygone era. Time to let Puerto Rico stand on its own two feet "There Wasn't A Single Corpse": Russia Claims 'White Helmets' Staged Syria Chemical Attack Seems possible US Backed Syrian Rebels Caught Staging Corpses of Dead Children in Douma to Play on Western Emotions Like Palliwood The Russian Method of State Suicide Europe's Civilizational Exhaustion These are the things we are being told to believe in 2018, via a commenter at Schniederman (below the fold) Continue reading "Thursday morning links" Wednesday, April 11. 2018You say your heart is in the right place..."Funny, I can't see your halo from here."
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We'll all die from something. Eventually something gives out, even the brain. Carpe diem, and try not to have a family history of Alzheimer's.
Wednesday morning links Things about blondes The beauty factor in employment Kentucky neighborhood bans Danes, Dobermanns, German Shepherds, St. Bernards and more Telling Moms "I Don't Know How You Do It All" Isn't Helping Us, It's Hurting Us Internet ads: No one wants to listen to the sex workers “It was really, really surprising to see the amount of hate that I got.” A pretty girl The Electric Vehicle Mileage Fraud, Updated Holocaust survivors and their families sing an upbeat LIFE The Gig Economy Continues To Expand, Frustrating The Old Guard Undercover Chat Reveals Planned Parenthood Giving 'Minors' Dangerous Advice on Anal Sex, Asphyxiation How did we get to this? Harvard to interrogate profs accused of ‘microaggressions’ Forensic microscope required. This is sick and creepy Brown University Now Features ‘Safe Spaces for Men’ Are there really too many "manly men"? Playing the Race Card in Higher Education Millennial poll: Historic youth wave coming in 2018, Dems outnumber GOP 2-1 The Insanity of Open Borders Justice Department violated Michael Cohen's constitutional rights just by seizing his records, Alan Dershowitz tells DailyMail.com – hours before Harvard law professor has dinner with Trump Tuesday, April 10. 2018What is Facebook?Re Facebook:
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