As the weather begins to lose the chill, looking forward to getting to the chilly Cape Cod salt water, the bug-free salty breeze, and Wellfleet Oysters. Not to mention all of the cheerful fun-loving, people (even if many are lefty nutjobs).
What am I especially looking forward to this year? Biking and /or hiking the Cape Cod Rail Trail. It's the old railroad bed that used to service NYC and Boston up to Provincetown. Now there are buses.
What do we do out there? Outdoors dawn to dusk, rain or shine, with friends and family. Dawn workout, then biking, kayaking, maybe rent a little outboard and go fish for blues and stripers, body surf in the ocean, play in one of the big ponds, take a multi-hour hike, maybe rent a little sailboat for a few hours, bird-watching whenever outdoors, seafood dinners always. Minimal internet time or inactive beaching, because that's not the way we roll out there. Time is too precious.