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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, October 26. 2017How to raise sissified fearful childrenThe Fragile Generation. Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed. My parents would be in jail today for neglect. I think the theory used to be that kids needed adventure and freedom, along with a load of mandatory chores, because the goal was to create resilient and independent people as soon as possible. We had BB guns and made campfires in the woods. Nobody knew where the heck we were because we had bikes. As long as we got home for tennis lessons, there was no problem. Know your arteries and veins
Everybody ought to know the major muscle groups too, but that's easy.
More college grads needed?Derek Bok thinks so. I don't think so, but I am in favor of more rigorous secondary ed. Leef comments:
A young person I know recently transferred from Colorado State to UConn. Business major. Says at Colorado there was too much weed, he never cracked a book and got straight As by listening in class. At UConn, has to study every night and can't keep up - and UConn is far from an elite institution. Mediocre at best but they love basketball. To me, it's no longer clear what "college grad" means. Is it adolescent daycare? Thursday morning links
Is Marriage Obsolete? 4 Essential Reads Daimler One-Ups Elon Again; Reveals Electric Semi-Truck Weeks Before Tesla Progressive, “Fair Wage” Pizza Shop Closing Its Doors Too small for a bailout The big myth about dirty jobs, minimum wage, and illegal immigration Kent State mulls whether telling someone ‘You need Jesus’ is hate speech A Catholic university considers sanctioning Catholic doctrine The Global Warming Thought Police Want Climate Skeptics In ‘Jail’ What is America's civic religion today? Bill Clinton Ditched Secret Service Protective Detail Multiple Times to Take the Lolita Express to Pedo Isle FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments Former Clinton Spox: Hillary ‘May Have Known’ About Dossier Funding The Russia Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Clinton Deception, Media Irresponsibility, and Democratic Moral Blindness ELITES MOVE TO SACRIFICE CLINTONS JUST LIKE WEINSTEIN Poll: Voters see President Trump as 'reckless' and 'not honest' Wednesday, October 25. 2017VDH on California's futureHe is always intelligent and interesting. And he is a multigenerational California farmer and prof.
Last day of the 100 Push-up Challenge
There is no doubt that your chest and shoulder muscles respond to this sort of From now on, I am probably going to plan on the 100 mostly on my Calisthenic Days, not daily. These weeks were a good start for my push-ups, for sure. I find the first set the hardest. I will now do a set of 15 as a warm-up set, then they get easier. I had planned the next 4 weeks to be a 100-Burpee/day Challenge, but I can't do it. It just kills my injured shoulder to the point that I can't sleep on my right side. Maybe 100 Mountain Climbers? Or is that too easy? With Mountain Climbers, it's all about the speed. Mountain Climbers are HIIT Cardio/Calisthenics, not strength-building but definitely fitness-building.
QQQMy ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit. Because that person doesn't need the goddamn government for anything. Grover Norquist Communist apologistsThornton: A CENTURY OF MURDER AND ILLUSION, The New York Times' continuing romance with an evil ideology cries out for an answer. The creation of a scientific utopia requires mass murder, terror, and a complete loss of individual freedom. Then, if you survive long enough, and wait long enough, utopia appears. Or doesn't.
Wednesday morning links Men Take Classes To 'Unlearn' Toxic Masculinity - "Rethink Masculinity" Related, some adult men play video games Study: Men Are Getting Weaker Sorry, Cosmopolitan. Dressing As Moana For Halloween Isn't Offensive. Hoax du Jour: Another Graffiti “Hate Crime” Is Solved University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’ Illegals jump over border fence — as MSNBC reports on Trump wall! Good Drugetaposition Anthropology: Former NPR CEO Spends Time With Republicans, Changes His Mind Anthropology: On Safari in Trump's America - The country’s elites are desperate to figure out what they got wrong in 2016. But can they handle the truth? Paul Joseph Watson SAVAGES Leftists Plan To ‘Scream Helplessly At Sky On Anniversary’ Of Trump’s Election Great idea. Keep it up Hillary says the Clinton Foundation-Russia-uranium-deal story is just a right-wing distraction from the Trump-Russia story House Intel Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) announced an “inquiry” into the Russian-Uranium One scandal Tuesday from Capitol Hill. BREAKING: DNC, Hillary Campaign Paid To Compile Trump-Russia Dossier, Clinton Lawyer Allegedly Lied About It A Blueprint for Minimizing Iran's Influence in the Middle East Tuesday, October 24. 2017Grammatical annoyances
You know how it is. People with English accents sound smarter than what they are saying and, for many Yankees I am sad to say, people with Hillbilly accents sound dumber than what they are saying. Both of these biases, interestingly, can work to the advantage of the object of the bias. A reader offered this comment: " I heard Prince Harry or William express appreciation of a gift given “to my brother and I”. We’re doomed!"
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Angel FallsIn Venezuela
Math is all about whiteness
Meanwhile no worries about Asians and people from India doing better, overall, than those white kids. I noted that she is not a Math Prof, but a Math Education Prof. But still... The Ethics of Consumer Genetic TestingIs consumer access to genetic testing, without a doctor's involvement, beneficial or harmful for patients? Crazy question. Of course people should have that info if they want to pay for it. Facts are facts. Tuesday morning links
Governments hate freedom, even in the USA. Freedom's just another word... Re the New York Times: Who was Lenin? NFL Teams Play Before Empty Stadiums As Fan Backlash Spreads Too much exercise can kill you - especially if you're a white man: Study finds 7.5 hours a week of fitness DOUBLES your risk of heart disease My doc is highly skeptical Neo-neo wonders what the rules are for sexuality these days Harvey Sweinstein and Hollywood's Hos Actually, it looks to me like Harvey is a crim COLLEGE ADMINISTRATOR COMES UP SHORT IN ANALYSIS OF SHOUT-DOWN CRISIS Men without chests McKibben really hates oil I love oil and gas Most Countries Who Love The Paris Climate Agreement Aren’t Actually Implementing It Polar Bears Lay Siege to Russian Village Now we worry about too many Polar Bears DC Swamp denizens strike back on biodiesel It's a scam So what was John Podesta's now-collapsed Russian green energy scheme really all about? No, Really, Gun Bans Work: Crime Stats Show London Now More Dangerous Than New York City… Bad comparison. NYC is a very safe and semi-friendly city Trump’s latest big interview is both funny and terrifying. POTUS swings and misses at the softest softballs. To be charitable, can we say that policy detail is not his forte? Face it, Germany plays America for a fool. We are its military. GERMANY: TERROR CASES QUADRUPLE TO 900
Monday, October 23. 2017Fat-adapted?
Other than hibernating animals, few animals are adapted to handle the sort of abundance that humans have remarkably produced with brains capable of entirely changing the planet's surface and modifying nutritional sources for its own purposes. Humans are nutritional outliers, and it is not "natural." In a sense, humans are not natural animals because of the extent to which they remake nature for their convenience. One example: What Does It Mean to Be Fat-Adapted? It means you have trained your body to adapt to a plentiful flow of fresh carbs and sugars (sugar is carbs and vice-versa) so it takes the burden off using fat as a fuel. Intake trains the body that way. Thus what we term the "False Hunger" of overweight people. Human physiology will never adapt to modern abundance of food because fatness tends to kill or disable people after child-bearing years. Among other reasons, Fat Adaptation is one of the reasons heavy people feel more hunger and end up consuming food more avidly and in higher volume than trim people. In fact, overweight people have zero dietary energy requirements and minimal nutritional requirements despite subjective hunger. What does Ben Shapiro think about Jordan Peterson?
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Monday morning links
How Sure Are We That The Universe Is 13.8 Billion Years Old? Scientists’ Letter to EPA Calling for Immediate Reopening of its GHG Endangerment Finding Forgetfulness: the dangers of a modern culture that wages war on its own past - Francis O’Gorman believes the systematic devaluation of the past began in earnest in the 19th century. "Speech codes are written by and for the privileged. They are written by the oppressor to shut up the oppressed." Free speech: Andrew Sullivan Gets One Right Diapers, bubbles offend at anti-safe space event White, male student under fire for defending diversity of thought: ‘punchable, drag him, expel him’ A Warped Mirror - Omissions and distortions mar Ken Burns’s Vietnam War, a missed opportunity to provide an historically honest look at the conflict. A LIBERAL VISITS SOUTH DAKOTA AND FREAKS OUT AT THE SIGHT OF GUNS The NFL managed to pi$$ off their core audience by nearly 40 points in the last three weeks. U.K. Government Blasts U.N. Because Treaty Says ´Pregnant Women´ Instead Of´Pregnant People´ The New York Times Is Not Hitler But... 93-Year-Old President Carter: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary Not only the Clintons are implicated in a uranium deal with the Russians that compromised national-security interests. Russia-Obsessed Media Shocked To Discover Facts About Russia Stories That Discredit Their Narrative Czech Donald Trump wins Report: Chinese-North Korea Relationship At End, ‘Another Missile Test Will Mean War’ By The Chinese Against North Korea Sunday, October 22. 2017Radicalization is the rational courseIn a recent discussion with a fairly knowledgeable person of centrist views we raised the question to each other, what does the government do well? Sure, there’s education, but it has become too much an exercise in inculcating left-liberal themes and not preparing needed skills. Sure, there’s the military, but it has become undersupported and used poorly by timid careerists and ignorant of war political leadership. Sure, there’s welfare, but it is a virtually unrestrained and lax stipend to secure votes from those without ambition, self-discipline, and illegal immigrants they want to legalize. Sure, there's infrastructure, but it is usually dome ineptly, overly costly due to paying off unions, and the funds drained away for pet projects outside core infrastucture needs. I could go on. What we came up with is the sole thing that government does well is to use our tax money to line the pockets of politicians and bureaucrats, most of who are really not needed except in the view of those who support interfering with and controlling the private lives of productive citizens. The establishment is largely without merit. That is the core understanding of at least half the voters nationally, and probably more when directly faced with the question of worth that we discussed. This well may be somewhat exaggerated, but probably not by very much. The one-sided and contemptuous behavior and writing of the left’s politicians and their media and cultural allies in the NY-Washington, L.A.-San Francisco, and academic self-congratulatory circuits merely confirms this view of the establishment every day almost every time they open their mouths. The half of America that takes umbrage and rejects their snotty and ignorant disregard of reality, the half of America that really toils and pays the tolls, stand up behind the Trump agenda because they understand it. The Trump agenda is to bring down and destroy if possible the corrupt establishment. It’s an imperfect agenda, opening ground that the establishment thought it has plowed under and sanitized against independent thought, but it is felt and believed to be necessary. That’s why the pouting of the left is disregarded as an immaterial and misleading defense of their status quo establishment’s self-serving. For home defence
Paglia on her studentsFrom here:
La Carrera
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Moving to Trump Country
Lloyd Marcus (who is a black guy) moved to West Virginia.
From today's LectionaryMatthew 22:15-22 22:15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. 22:16 So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. 22:17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?" 22:18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, "Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 22:19 Show me the coin used for the tax." And they brought him a denarius. 22:20 Then he said to them, "Whose head is this, and whose title?" 22:21 They answered, "The emperor's." Then he said to them, "Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's." 22:22 When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away. Saturday, October 21. 2017Advice from a Harvard lawyerThis is a little dated, but worth it anyway
Pasta Rules, with a comment on Cultural Appropriation
I do not care for a pasta dish as a meal. It makes me feel full and lazy. I don't mind the way the Italians do it - and the way it was intended - which is as a small plate tasty treat as a Primo. Maybe 4-6 forks' worth. That's a meal's carbs, because the Secondi usually doesn't have any. Just meat, with some vegetables in oil on the side. Southern Italians eat pasta, but they don't eat much of it when they do. Maybe the equivalent volume of a potato. Lasagna (which is Southern Italian) is served as a small Primo. - a little 3-or 4-inch square. Sicily is not big on pasta. They make a few classics, like with sardines or clams, but do more rice and couscous as primi. On the mainland, the further north you go the less pasta there is. They do more rice (esp. risotto), gnocchi, and polenta for their primi. Anyway, an Italian meal with a primo and secondo - and wine or beer - is lunchtime, not supper. (Italian breakfast is typically just an espresso or a latte - cappuccino - with a biscotti. Suppers are light, like a soup and lunch leftovers.) Italians tend not be be fat and even the elderly women mostly tend to look pretty spry except for the ones who stay home all day cooking for their relatives because they taste things all day long. I married into a family with some roots in Caserta (lots of ziti and spaghetti pasta down there) and I know the rules: - When pasta is cooked al dente, you take it out of the pot with pasta-grabbers and dump it directly into the saucepan with the sauce. Then you mix it with the sauce with the heat on. You don't drain pasta. - Depending on the volume of sauce you have made, you dump a cup or half-cup of the pasta water into the pasta-sauce mix, and slop it all together with the pasta-grabber (with the heat on). Enough pasta water to be right. Heat is on. The pasta water binds it all together and helps the sauce coat the pasta completely. My favorite pasta primo is Tagliatelle con Funghi (Fresh Porcini, ideally) My second favorite is Aglio e Olio (as in photo) What is the ultimate pasta Primo? The festive Timballo. I have never had a slice of one, and probably never will have the chance because it's not a restaurant item. Tomato sauces? Yuk. Cristoforo Columbo and his pals, in my view, wrecked Italian cooking by bringing the tomato back from Central America. Not to mention the Cultural Appropriation sin of putting the Mayan tomato in Italian food. But wait - the Italians stole pizza from the Greeks? And pasta from China. Is there anything that college kitchens will be able to feed the brats now? I mean, like, ice cream is Egyptian and yoghurt is Turkish. Let them eat gluten-free cake. What pastas do you like to make?
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