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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, August 24. 2012Four more years of what?Strassel: The Silent Second-Term Agenda - Despite the Democrats' shellacking in 2010, the president moved left. Re-election in November will reinforce his view that he was correct to do so. It begins:
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QQQ"Nobody ever thinks they're stupid. It's part of the stupidity." Detective Ray Cole, interrogating Preston 'Bodie' Broadus, The Wire: Season 2, episode 9, via Dr X's Dunning-Kruger in Popular Culture Germany: Fool of the decade?
Then the tsunami came along, knocked out the backup generators, and the whole thing went into the toilet. Then the Japanese government freaked out and shut down all of their nuclear power plants due to 'safety concerns'. The first one finally went back on line a few weeks ago, a year and a half later. Now, a little panic and overreaction from a government is hardly anything new. We see it here all the time. Some 11-year-old moron puts out an eye with a bottle rocket and immediately all fireworks are banned throughout the county. About the only thing they have in some places these days are sparklers and snakes. Happens all the time. But then Germany got into the act, likewise shutting down all of its nuke plants over safety concerns, all of which raises one of the greatest questions of all time: There are tsunamis in Germany? Earthquakes, sure, but, as Fukushima testified, nuke plants can be built to withstand earthquakes just fine. So what the German high command was really saying to its citizenry was, "We're afraid we're going to get hit by a tsunami any minute now." That, all by itself, might have earned Germany the coveted title, Fool of the Decade. But it gets even worse than that. When they built Fukushima, they constructed a sea wall that would withstand the highest tsunami in Japanese recorded history, back in the 30's. These people obviously aren't fools, and they well knew that (1) the reactors would probably withstand a major quake just fine, but (2) a tsunami breaching the sea wall would do them in. So they obviously put a lot of research into it. Okay, so why did the tsunami breach the sea wall? Natural mystery solved: That wasn't a tsunami that devastated Japan in March
So, to sum up, not only did Germany shut down its entire nuclear power industry because they were afraid of getting hit by a tsunami, but it turns out the tsunami they based this on was such an unlikely event that, until now, it had only been hypothesized. Germany, take a bow. You win. Friday morning linksAtheists Are Vampires?? Biology professor developing silicone implant to battle herpes The Most Interesting Coach in the World, Mike Leach The Lancashire Witches 1612-2012 (h/t Vanderleun) "Reports say Swift is helping Conor deal with the tragedy." Goodbye, V-8s, the Engines That Could Extreme couponing - Indiana has seen a quiet whirlwind of education reform From Roger Clegg & John S. Rosenberg, a major essay on diversity New Homes For Sale Drop To Lowest Ever; Average New Home Price Plunges To 2012 Lows The NYT is crazy Mitt Romney: What I Learned at Bain Capital Poll: McMahon jumps to lead in Conn. Senate race Book: Public Sector Unions Planning to Forcibly Enroll Non-Government Employees The 6 Quadrillion Dollar Climate Change Scam
DNC Embracing Radical Islamists At National Convention
Dog, mis-posingThursday, August 23. 2012Ferguson Cleans HouseRoger Kimball's take on Ferguson and Newsweek:
Hurricane funWhen I was a kid, one of the most exciting things to do was to take a Sunfish out in a hurricane. Doubt I'd still have the nerve to do that now, but these fun-loving folks in Maine took a Hobie 16 out in Hurricane Earl 2 years ago. Boat reached a max speed of 22 knots before pitchpoling.
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Melville in Jerusalem
The Moby-Dick author sought spiritual connection on an 1857 Holy Land trip. He found dust and rocks instead.
Baby Boomers Bust: "America once valued the high-skilled. Now we value the high-minded. "
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The Withering of the Affluent SocietyThat's the title of a major essay by Samuelson in The Wilson Quarterly. One quote:
The entire piece is worth studying. There are lots of people out there, young and older, who could be doing much more right now were it not for the Administration's horribly misguided responses to the recession. For our friend's personal take on it, The Gas Tank Of Damocles
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Tools for ObamaThe vast Leftist propaganda machine is hard at work. Related: Shocker: Donations from media companies go largely to Obama
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Who is Mitt Romney?Aired in April, on CBS (h/t Tatler). The talking head notes that Mitt has not developed a "public narrative."
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Thursday morning links
Dealing with one's dark side in relationships Dad, You Were Right About The Lines Is it rape to wake up a sexual partner in a sexual manner? Should I euthanize my 12 year-old? Spanish fresco restoration botched by amateur $14.5M for boy's brain injury from metal bat Climate High-Sticking: The Unmanly Mann Has "Bless his heart" become an insult? How likely is a Repub Senate majority? 'God is in control': Obama gets really religious in new interview (with the election a little over two months away) Senators ask Pentagon to consider debarring United Technologies from future contracts GOP Convention Theme “We Built This!” Poll: Warren Down 49-44 to Brown in MA In Addition to Its Many other Flaws, Obamacare Is Becoming a Racket for Overpaid Government Bureaucrats The coming government-made healthcare crisis Book: Obamacare Is Scheme to Draft Millions of New Union Members The Bipartisan Imperial Presidency - On core questions of federal power there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two tickets. How good police work is the best thing to be done for the poor It Begins… Sandra Fluke & Obama Use Todd Akin to Trash Romney-Ryan & Raise Cash Welcome to College Insurrection Poll: young voters say “key life decisions” are in jeopardy
Wednesday, August 22. 2012The Truth Behind the Bush Tax Cuts and the DeficitThe question of the Bush Tax cuts 'causing' the deficits, and hence the 'need' to increase taxes on the 'wealthy' is one which Democrats spend many evenings discussing. Clearly, Bush was an insane tax-cutter without any good ideas and caused every problem mankind faces today, and frankly every problem we've faced for the last 40 years. He was just that bad. However, a non-partisan look at the cuts indicates something quite different. On a standalone basis, taking out all other additional spending programs from the last 11 years, what we find is the tax cuts paid for themselves, and then some. In other words, the issue isn't the cuts. The issue is all the additional spending which took place after the cuts. To be completely honest, and completely fair, not all the spending was by Bush, either. In fact, most of it was voted on with bipartisan support. Very little could be said to be purely Bush-related, let alone Republican-related. Honesty is a difficult thing in politics. Typically I don't look for anything more than a minimal degree of it, what I prefer is a level of consistency of thought. The Republicans have their own challenges regarding honesty and consistency, but the Democrats have really done a good job of cornering the market on dishonesty and hypocrisy.
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Investments guaranteed to lose just a littleHigh-Rise ArtI've been busy the last few days with management meetings, mostly running from office to office and keeping people happy. However, there was a full day off-site meeting recently on the 44th floor of a relatively new high-rise on 57th Street. We had the entire floor to ourselves, and before the meetings got underway, I walked around and snapped a few pictures. Here's one:
A good view of the Hudson, Jersey City in the distance, down 8th Avenue from 57th. As I snapped this, I noticed several other people in the room doing the same thing. I laughed, and commented, "Isn't it strange, we've all lived in the New York area for years, we've been in so many skyscrapers, and here we are taking pictures?" One woman, who lives in Manhattan, replied "Yes, but you need to do this to remind yourself just how special it is sometimes. We tend to take it for granted." I agree. We don't usually stop to enjoy what we've got available to us. Continue reading "High-Rise Art"
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Why Men Favor Republicans? Bitchy Democrat WomenHere's a poll question that needs to be asked: Why do more men favor Republicans over Democrats? A) The leading Democrat women are bitchy; B) The leading Democrat women remind me of an unpleasant wife or one I'm glad I don't have; C) The leading Democrat women support programs hostile toward or ignoring men's needs; D) The Economy Alpha maleThat's one heck of a family for a relatively young Mitt, via Like a Boss. How does one remember the names of all of those grandkids? "College Degrees Aren't Umbrellas"George Leef is not convinced that many jobs which require a BA have any need for it. What is a BA anyway? He begins:
Einstein On The Beach, in BrooklynIt's back in September, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). We saw it during the 1984 performance at the BAM. It's a memorable, hypnotic theater experience, a collaboration between Robert Wilson, Philip Glass, and choreographer Lucinda Childs. 4 1/2 hrs, no intermission, but you can come and go as you please. Wine and snacks in the lobby throughout. When performed at NYC's Metropolitan Opera in 1976, Einstein was remarkable in its theatrical innovations, but many of them have since been absorbed into the mainstream. If you are interested in music, theater, or dance, I would still say that it is not to be missed. However, it ain't a Broadway-type performance. I wouldn't call it highbrow - just unique. It sort-of washes over you in dreamlike fashion. I found the visual imagery to be unforgettable. It is a dream, a spectacle. A non-theater and -dance person might get bored without smoking a little weed first. Little snippets of it at the link above. I cannot let my kids miss this. Worth a trip from almost anywhere. Here's the Wiki entry. QQQ“As human beings are also animals, to manage one million animals gives me a headache.” This is the speech needed before Congress and the NationThanks to Theo, the best political ad E-V-E-R !
I very rarely watch TV, but more of this would motivate me. Good times, good times Yes, you simply couldn't ask for a more peaceful, tranquil existence. Well, usually.
Weds. morning links
The American Chestnut coming back The recipe for happiness? An enduring marriage and an affair with lots of sex California Puts Raw Dairy Farmers in Jail; While in France, Raw Milk is Sold in Vending Machines Ryan's appeal is his normality. Paul Ryan: ‘Happy’ to be clinging to guns and religion Message to the GOP: Maine is not lost! Samuelson: Why Ryan Might Be Right Why Geezers Are the True Enemy Iran Bans Women from University Studies Jake Tapper: The Media is Failing the Country Fred Barnes: How Ryan Recasts the Race - With his big ideas, the GOP's vice presidential candidate makes the incumbent president seem smaller. McGurn: Social Justice and Ryan the Heretic - Church liberals launch an odd line of attack against a free-market champion. Universal Mediocrity - Why do Britons like their sub-par health-care system so much? Gov. Deval Patrick's New Health Law Is Flat-Out Dangerous What Madonna Doesn’t Get About Russia’s Punk Protest Pic below from Theo, with this Corzine quote:
![]() Where's that?And from where or what did I take this pic two years ago?
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