Tom Stoppard update
The American Chestnut coming back
The recipe for happiness? An enduring marriage and an affair with lots of sex
California Puts Raw Dairy Farmers in Jail; While in France, Raw Milk is Sold in Vending Machines
Ryan's appeal is his normality.
Paul Ryan: ‘Happy’ to be clinging to guns and religion
Albright campaigns for Obama: We’re going to keep blaming Bush “forever”
Message to the GOP: Maine is not lost!
Samuelson: Why Ryan Might Be Right
Why Geezers Are the True Enemy
Iran Bans Women from University Studies
Jake Tapper: The Media is Failing the Country
Fred Barnes: How Ryan Recasts the Race - With his big ideas, the GOP's vice presidential candidate makes the incumbent president seem smaller.
McGurn: Social Justice and Ryan the Heretic - Church liberals launch an odd line of attack against a free-market champion.
Pic below from
Theo, with this Corzine quote:
"I simply do not know where the money is... I do not know which accounts are unreconciled or whether the unreconciled accounts were, or were not, subject to the segregation rules."
- Jon Corzine