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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 15. 2012Doc's Computin' Tips: AutoSizer update AutoSizer is a terrific little tool. It's basic function is to open programs in full-screen mode, getting around annoyances like the way Internet Explorer opens in half-screen mode when clicking on an email link or Desktop shortcut. It also opens small programs, like Calculator — which seem to have a will of their own when it comes to where on the screen they'll open — in the center of the screen. Home site is here. The problem is that it doesn't work with Internet Explorer on 64-bit systems. Enter IE New Window Maximizer. To set it up, download the free file, install, then open the Options/Configuration panel. Select 'Show IE windows while being maximized' but nothing else. Et voilà! Tuesday morning links
A high-fat breakfast of bacon and eggs may be the healthiest start to the day, report shows Plus home fries and white toast, and an (alternate day) side of pancakes or grits 'n gravy Obesity a 'derogatory' word Ann Romney = Hitler and Stalin She's a Socialist? Who knew? Break up the banks - JPMorgan mess is ‘Exhibit A’ OK, but then how do American banks compete with the foreign giants? Licensing is obviously not for the consumer Obama's Bain ad: 'Like watching an old friend bleed to death' Backlash: Obama Campaign Turns Defensive Over Latest Ad Attacking Romney Still trying to rally the base. Normal people do not like these personal attacks by Chicago thugs. The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House ‘Having Persevered Through Those Days of Horse Drawn Computers . . .’ Key Soros Ally Provides Race-Rhetoric Training Session for House Democrats President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts Romney's The un-McCain campaign College Can Help You Do Anything—Even Apply for Foodstamps Jerry Brown's plea to voters: 'Please increase taxes temporarily' Right. " It’s mind-boggling unless you understand that California has the worst business climate in the country and its revenue projections turned out to be wildly over-optimistic. " California High-Speed Rail: Highest Burn Rate Ever Turning Water Vapor Into Pollution The carbon footprint of spilt milk Vietnam, Laos Veterans Receive National Recognition The UN: Awarding the Useless Senior Homeland Security staffers have no law enforcement experience MANDEL: Perverse Palestinian pride - Losing an unwise war, refugees wear their predicament as a badge of honor Now about Obama's Teenage Years! From Front Porch's President Obama vs. Walker Percy (and Another Jefferson Lecturer):
Monday, May 14. 2012Creative DestructionThis year's Coming Attractions will include massive and distorted attacks on Mitt Romney's successful business career. Promising young businesses need funding, and frail tired businesses must be re-built or sold for salvage. Is there a way to talk, politically, about venture capital and business competition in a way that people can relate to? I suppose buggy-whip companies and blacksmiths are a place to start. Sorman, in Schumpeter in the White House - How to talk about creative destruction, begins:
Bird of the day: Yellow Warbler![]() The warblers are on the move up from South and Central America, and pass through hearabouts in May, on their way north to breed as soon as the buds begin to pop on the trees and the bugs wake up. Girls might like diamonds but the warblers are God's real living jewels. The Yellow is the yellowest, and maybe most abundant warbler, with a distinctive "sweet sweeet sweet" call. Found throughout the US during migration. They like to be near wet areas - willows, etc., but they will be everywhere soon. Learn more here
Posted by Bird Dog
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The DSM is inventing even more diagnosesBy the time they get done, we'll all be addicts. In my view, this whole DSM enterprise is one big Obsessional Disorder driven, in considerable part, by insurance requirements and by pharmaceutical companies.
Mamet interview by StosselQQQ: Litany Against FearI must not fear. Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear – From Frank Herbert’s Dune (h/t Classical Values) The F-35 Debacle
Hindsight is always 20/20. The original concept was noble in its intent; a new fighter jet that would satisfy the needs of the Air Force, Navy and Marines. Better to develop one all-purpose fighter than have each branch go through the trouble and expense of manufacturing their own, right? And if one branch had a specific requirement, like the Navy needing stronger landing gear because of the stress put on the aircraft by carrier landings, then that could be taken care of after the fact. Then they screwed the whole idea with the moronic notion that the newest, fastest, most brilliant state-of-the-art fighter in the world also had to serve as a helicopter. Yes, you read that right. For the first half of the story, watch this engaging Nova documentary on the battle between Boeing and Lockheed Martin over who would claim the prize. Both teams ran into serious delays, both teams overcame enormous hurdles, and both teams put together a truly awesome plane. Both teams also deserve the Dunce of the Decade award for even considering such a preposterous notion that the fastest fighter jet in the world also had to serve as a friggin' chopper. If they had put their collective foot down and simply told the brass back in Washington "This is the stupidest idea we've ever heard of", maybe it would have dawned on someone that trying to make the fastest fighter jet in the world hover was the very definition of oxymoronic. For your viewing pleasure: Battle of the X-Planes
Continue reading "The F-35 Debacle" Monday morning linksMom's Day brunch, above. Please catch up on our good weekend posts if you've been busy - Hank Crumpton: Life as a spy A Startling Thesis on Islam's Origins Will it be ok to kill Bald Eagles now? To save the environment, of course The attempted bribing of Rev. Wright House Democrats Get Training to Play the Race Card A “Military Revolution” is a rare thing in history, an epochal event... 3 trillion barrels of oil in the US Teachers union a colossus outside class Uncle Sam, or Uncle Sugar? The Italian economy: Off the Beaten Path in Italy Washington Post Ombudsman Gives Up Any Pretense of Credibility Toon below via Theo: Sunday, May 13. 2012Is the telephone dead?
Why not send Gov. Scott Walker a few bucks?Few politicians have had the cojones to push back against the government unions who seem to believe that they own the government. Walker did. Government unions nationwide are pouring so much money into his recall election that Obama's team is complaining that there isn't enough left for him. The election is on June 5.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Sunday morning links
The art of Arthur Szyk Distracted Drivers Think of Themselves as Good Drivers, Research Suggests For Mother's Day, Julia is married to the State A study that studied a study that studied why there are so many studies How Black Studies Avoids Studying Blacks Romney Tells Liberty Students to Honor Family Commitments Sweden's Reputation As A Welfare State Is In Trouble Around world, Obama's presidency a disappointment The Incivil War of Climate Change Heats Up The Proper Role of Government in One Chart Armageddon in Wisconsin A Speech I Would Like to Hear from a Politician...Any Politician! Via Eratosthenes:
Review of "best book on health care" Scott Walker Is No More Anti-Union than FDR - The recall battle against Walker speaks volumes about the misguided priorities of modern-day progressives The "It's On" Video is Now Off Traitor!: Left Launches Hate Campaign Against Romney From today's Lectionary: Abide in my loveJohn 15:9-17
The Mother’s Curses & RevengeYou should have children who act like you. Or Someday, You’ll see. Either usually expressed in exasperation. I sound like my mother. Usually expressed in shock, then realization that she was correct, but it took our children to get it through to us. Saturday, May 12. 2012People who just don't handle life all that wellThe world is full of people who cannot or will not negotiate life very well, or with any pride or honor. Every sort of culture has them; the people who cost you money or detract from your life in some unpleasant way. Often, they have either had misguided or negligent upbringings, terrible karma, or have significant character flaws resulting in poor judgement, poor functioning, or antisocial or dependent traits. Often their families expect them to rely on government for survival or help, as so many do with the frail elderly these days. (That's the Julia story.) Not everybody is born to be a real, self-sufficient, family-centered American-type. It's not easy. However, we are all fully aware of the grieveous moral and spiritual effects of moral hazard in government benefits, and of the temptation of freebies. What's the answer? Or is it just the price of civilization that some people just don't or won't get it, and must be paid regardless of moral hazard? In other words, just write them off and absorb the losses. Let them rip you off or live off your labor, even though they are not your relatives. That's my theory. Ignore moral hazard and people working the system, write them off as losses, give them some money and let them go away. Nothing anybody can do about it. With half of the country on the dole in one way or another, parasitism is becoming acceptable anyway. When most people farmed, it was not thus. Even today, I think anybody can make themselves useful, and lead a positive existence, if they want to. Saturday morning linksBecause the state has decided your frying pan grease is its business EO Wilson: An eminent scientist reconsiders natural selection Maurice Sendak: children are tough Charles Mingus Cat Toilet Training Program Energy Science Education Touts Such Cutting-Edge Subjects As Fermenting Things, Windmills, And Window Glass. No Word On Alchemy, Miasmas, Phlogistom JPMorgan loss sets off call for heavier regulation If they make money, they call to regulate them. If they lose money, same thing. Good academic article: FUNDAMENTAL INFLUENCES ON SOCIAL JUDGMENTS Calif. students rank 47th in science Be glad you don't live in Connecticut Finally, a good reason for the US to invade Canada Ralph Peters: The Left’s Seven Tragic Terror Lies Obama too wise to be President Clinton: Obama is an amateur
Prager on selfish society: Saturday Verse: Andrew Marvell (1621-1687)
Clora come view my Soul, and tell Here Thou art painted in the Dress But, on the other side, th' art drawn Like an Enchantress here thou show'st, But, against that, thou sit'st a float These Pictures and a thousand more, But, of these Pictures and the rest, A perfect poem? Marvell is grouped with the English metaphysical poets, along with John Donne, George Herbert, and others. A politician and diplomat, Marvell was a close associate of Milton and the Cromwell family.
Newport, Rhode IslandA Newport "cottage." Yup, these are called summer cottages.
Friday, May 11. 2012JetsonsBuddy thought y'all might enjoy
Racist Republican breaks arm of blind black guy, just for fun![]() In governing, the people are always the problemFrom Sultan's The Efficiency War:
Always enjoyed that Berthold Brecht quote about when a government is displeased with the people, the government should elect a new people. Friday morning links
Craig Claiborne: Shopping bags cause illness Obama’s EEOC runs amok Flashback: Obama’s Sordid High School Past In His Own Words… Obama Admits to Smoking Pot, Drinking Beer, Doing Drugs… And Bullying Fat Nerdy Black Girl in High School Where's the 5000-word WaPo hit piece on that? Examiner Editorial: Liberal media aid in Obama's 'shiny objects' strategy DOJ Defends Employee Comment that Mississippi Is ‘Disgusting and Shameful’ Excruciating details emerge on Jewish ghettos A Massive Facelift for Eastern Germany See before and after photo Moderates Only Look Dead - The center, contrary to what you might conclude, is not vanishing. This is what happens when the common rabble are permitted to vote Obama-Loving Media Spin The Economy For The President ABC Reporter Robin Roberts on Interviewing Obama: “I’m Getting Chills Again” Obama’s College Promises - He promises more “free stuff,” while Romney offers credible reforms. Another Warren Bizarre Plot Twist Department of Unfortunate Headlines: "With Dicks in, all 6 WA congressional Democrats favor repeal of gay-marriage ban" Thursday, May 10. 2012Learned HelplessnessArthur Brooks played French Horn in the Barcelona Symphony, but returned to the USA:
Humans are very responsive to incentives, even to their own detriment (eg addiction). Can you detect lying?It's not a polygraph, and complicated by left-handed and ambidextrous people and left-eyed people. Do you know how to determine whether you are left- or right-eyed? Roll up a sheet of paper like a telescope, and see which eye you put it to. Most people have a dominant eye. Shooters care about this.
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