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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, December 8. 2010"I can recommend the Gestapo to anyone."
Freud had a wry sense of humor which was rarely evident in his writing. He was 82 at the time, the Anschluss had happened, and his friends like Ernest Jones had to drag him out of Vienna to London, with the assistance of Pres. Roosevelt. Fearful as he was of growing anti-Semitic sentiment, he did not want to leave home. The NYT announced his departure on June 5, 1938. He died a year later, in London. What happened to the Constitution?
It's too late now, but I'd like to see an experiment in which one state in the US would operate under the Constitution as it is written. See how it works out. See who would go there (me, for one) and see who would flee limited government power. Weds. morning links
The folks at Friends of Maine Mountains asked me to get this link right: Seems like lots of folks are getting out of the wind/solar scam market. Some booze ads Capt. Tom liked I like those real-time billboards. More health care waivers Tiger: Mortgage interest deduction may do more harm than good Probably true. But getting rid of it, however slowly, would be like taking candy from a baby - and would lower home values since it is a de facto subsidy. California's Parent Revolution - 'Triggering' school reform in Compton. Great stuff. Baby Aspirin Linked to Reduced Cancer Deaths Some chance they reduce heart attacks too. Nothing to lose by taking one. The Lightbulb Nazi has changed his mind That's good. But it's a bit late. They already stopped making them in the USA. EU Ref on Cancun:
What's the next big thing? Blogging about blogging at the Other McCain's ‘A Communicational Schematic That Is Superior to Anything Else in Existence’ We are all traffic whores, cybersluts. We're disgusting. Bill Gross on how to fix the economy
I have lived in the South. Gotta watch out for those country dumb types. Englishman: Thank goodness Climate Change is the number one priority for the Scottish Parliament. Related, in Scotland: Pupils banned from playing in the snow HUD pushing low money down mortgages again Worked out great last time. BTW, what's so great about home ownership? Tim Blair tries to buy a used car All the usual tricks of the trade. Gaza growing rich on aid dollars If they wanted to, the Palestinians could try to create a real economy like Israel did. They seem to prefer the victim role. Money for nuthin and the virgins for free.
But... Tuesday, December 7. 2010America's Puritan, Congregationalist soul
Read the whole thing. I do not know how, or whether, immigrants to the US can, or have been able to, or even want to, learn the code. I sure hope they can. Picture is Jonathan Edwards, a member of the Maggie's Farm pantheon. You would not know from the prissy portrait, but he loved to have fun. Quote of the dayAfter live-blogging President Obama's presser, John Podhoretz comments:
Look at the rest of Commentary's Contentions blog for more insights. Cobb and his ilk creep me outIt's clear as day that Leftists are interested in restricting information flow and limiting, suppressing or intimidating dissenting voices. That's good old "Liberal fascism." They can't stand the new reality of diversity of news and viewpoints. Have you ever heard a Conservative push the government to limit public access to cable, broadcast, or internet information or opinions? I haven't (except for porn). True, we are opposed to PBS - but not because of their bias. It's because it's taxpayer-supported. I'd be fine with PBS as a donor-supported organization. We do believe that government-supported or controlled media is a terrible and frightening idea. At Maggie's Farm, we do not ask for a penny from the government to help us put our stuff out. So why PBS? FCC push to regulate news draws fire Sharpton: We’re Going To FCC… Limbaugh “Doesn’t Have The Right” To Use Public Airwaves No connection with Maggie's Farm
Nice cufflinks.
Posted by Gwynnie
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Obsidian tradeWe mentioned the cross country prehistoric obsidian trade last week in Capitalism is not a theory. Here's a piece on the West Coast obsidian trade of the Paiute.
Parts 2 and 3 below the fold - Continue reading "Obsidian trade" ![]() Pearl Harbor Day December 7, 2010I checked Google News to see what the nation’s press has to say this year on the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and throughout the Pacific. Very little. A little about how few survivors are still alive today. A little about the dedication of the renovated Memorial over the USS Arizona. A few scattered services. What does December 7, 1941 mean today? How long should unemployment insurance last?Mankiw wonders, and concludes:
Tuesday morning linksFausta: Jobs, you ask? Volokh: UNICEF harms children Maker of ‘Shoah’ Stresses Its Lasting Value Egypt’s “Jaws” phenomenon: Hungry sharks or … devious Jews in shark suits? Samuelson: Supersized Government?
Seems like lots of folks are getting out of the wind/solar scam market Watts: More on the Wikileaks Climate Cables - http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/12/04/more-on-the-wikileaks-cimate-cables/ Pushing the right to bear knives - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/05/us/05knives.html Some link probs today - Government Website Promotes "3% or Less" Down Market Power: "Ethanol on the Run"
Image on top via Washington Reb Central ParkA friend iPhoned this pic from New York's Central Park on Saturday. Monday, December 6. 2010Nothing new under the sun
At Pajamas, a brief review of media climate scares.
Public Pension AristocracyThe cars of James BondOne sad victim of the education bubbleVia Phi Beta Cons,
Crocodile Tears for CapitalismIf advocates of capitalism want more sympathy, it’s past time to expose and shuck many so-called capitalists whose self-interest undermines capitalism. Objectivist Richard Salsman cries for capitalism in Forbes, Where Have All The Capitalists Gone?
All true. And, misses much. After all the manifest advantages of capitalism are appreciated, the inclination of some who are unproductive to take from the productive is discounted, and the false bravado is revealed of some who are wealthy – protecting their own with expensive lawyers – to suggest higher taxes, there’s great and increasing unease and anger at many of the biggees of capitalism. Continue reading "Crocodile Tears for Capitalism" Those Who ServeMy sons and I were at the pancake breakfast last Saturday morning at Camp Pendleton paid for by Congressman Darrell Issa’s Family Foundation to gather toys and contributions for Homefront San Diego. Issa’s Family Foundation is matching all contributions. Homefront San Diego has no overhead and no payroll. Every cent of tax-deductible contributions directly benefits the lower enlisted active duty military families in the San Diego area. Just go to the Homefront site and make your contribution to those who serve. As a former Marine Sergeant, of course I enjoyed who worked the line serving us Saturday morning, though they serve us every day. Continue reading "Those Who Serve"
Posted by Bruce Kesler
in Our Essays, The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Inconvenient truth
There has been no warming for 15 years.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Monday morning links
High speed rail: Trains to nowhere Lawmakers Weigh Deal to Extend Tax Cuts for All I still find this amazing:
I didn't know this:
GOP Can’t Afford to Alienate Hispanics - Republicans are making life easy for Democrats who don’t deserve to have the level of support they have with Latino voters. Oxygen not so rare in space Armed Forces Journal: Small unit dominance -The strategic importance of tactical reform
Sunday, December 5. 2010Character and FatalismA fairly serious essay by Prof. Bertonneau at Brussels titled A Lesson for Our Time in Three Late-Antique Narratives: Satyricon, The Golden Ass, and Confessions. One quote from this literary jeremiad:
Read the whole thing. It's a good reminder about those three classic texts, too, which we all read before we had the age on us to really appreciate what the authors were talking about. Non-technical education is wasted on the young, because they are too interested in questions about themselves than in the big questions. These books were not written for adolescents. Bleak MidwinterA sweet rendering of one of my favorites (h/t AVI) From today's Lectionary: He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.Matthew 3:1-12
Saturday, December 4. 2010Nice tractorThis beauty has been working the same land in CT for 63 years.
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