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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, July 4. 2007Rudy isn't too darn badOn the ride home from Home Depot this afternoon, I heard a re-run of Hannity interviewing Rudy this past week. I know that many conservatives do not trust his conservative convictions, but I do. Very impressive: cheerful, optimistic, common-sensical, market-oriented, quick-thinking, and happy to talk about the American ideal of limited government. It might have been a high-class con job, but it didn't sound like it. His best sound bite in the conversation was "The Democratic candidates want to take America backwards." Silent CalPresident Calvin Coolidge began his Independence Day speech in 1926 thus: "About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful." What a great guy. Who gets credit for him, VT or MA? Read the whole thing. Camp Victory
It is good. Find out, at Gateway. Independence Day Links
Hitchcock film techinques: Synthstuff A Victoria Cross and a Presidential Citation. Jim Miller. But the news is all Michael Moore and Paris Hilton. The great Artur Schnabel: Terry Teachout looks at Schnabel's life and career, at Commentary Re the UK bombings, a darn good question at SDA:
This was a great business concept. Talk about easy money. Coyote. Funny how people can't resist tossing a coin into a fountain. From the Weekly Standard review of The Dangerous Book for Boys:
The Scooter Libby manufactured outrage was totally predictable, as is the stench of hypocrisy. There is a fine line between a successful terror attack and one which looks bumbling and bungled. A good point, at neoneo Freak Show. Looks like the Coney Island side shows have moved to San Francisco. Old media vs. new media: Driscoll. With a bit of an inside view from an anonymous old media person. Women are perps of domestic violence far more often than men. Dr. Helen. Washington is not working? Who wants it to? Who wants "efficient government"? Mussolini was famous for it, but I prefer a paralyzed government most of the time unless they are killing our enemies. A quote from Jay Cost from a piece at Betsy:
13 Sovereign States
Each state coveted its autonomy, during and after the war. There was no US until 1789 when those independent 13 states, after much dithering, politicking, and ambivalence, agreed to cede some small amount of power, besides the power to run the Continental Army, to a united Federal government. They were all, naturally, and rightly, suspicious about the idea. But the State of New York, as I understand it, gets the main credit for insisting on the addition of a Bill of Rights before being willing to sign on to the document. Many delegates felt that enumerating all of those rights - and more - was unnecessary and obvious. Image: Weisgerger's painting of Betsy Ross presenting the flag of the Continental Army in 1777 - what was called the flag of the "Grand Union." Prior to that time, the Army had only State and militia flags and banners. American by ChoiceA quote from Peter Schramm's piece of the above title at Weekly Standard:
Read the whole thing. Tuesday, July 3. 2007Barbecue Basics
BondC explains it all (it is Right Wing Prof's food blog). I am working on perfecting my cold smoking, but with an electric smoker.
Beer-time Links
Hey Bird Dog. Here are some good sauces. Captain Ed: excellent piece on education - and integration Big Mac is booming in Paris. Attack On holiday tonight and tomorrow. I plan to grill some burgers and to be served a few Coronas by a lightly-garbed sweetie who always needs to be reminded to bring me limes. The burgers will happen, but the other part is just a dream. Northern women don't seem to even want to try to understand men.
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Gordon Brown - Your lace slip is showing
UK Moslem jihadist attacks cause PM Brown to ban associating the word "Moslem" with the word "terror." I suggest the Brits do what Tim Blair does, which is to term them all "Presbyterian terrorists."
David Brooks on Scooter's pardonVia Althouse:
QQQA warning from John Adams, in a letter in 1814: Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide. The real threats to American liberty
Their utopia is my Brave New World nightmare, and I am sure that VDH agrees. Read the whole thing (h/t, Jules). Tuesday Morning Links
Former radical Islamist: "I was a fanatic. I know their thinking." Daily Mail Repubs move on border enforcement. Surber. It's a winning issue. Hitchens: The London bombers were targeting women. (h/t, Tigerhawk) Inflation police in Zimbabwe. (h/t, Memeorandum). This mess will end badly. Brits skeptical about warming hysteria. Good for them. Always be skeptical about the science du jour, because science always changes. Prof B. reminds me of the Mitt Romney dog story. Dumb story. Half the hunting guys I know drive long distances with their dogs in the back of the pick-up. No difference. I see traces of the Pathetic Fallacy here. What if we hadn't gone into Iraq? Where would things be? Wallison at TCS Howard Zinn: Have an Unhappy Fourth! Moonbattery
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History of TravelA brief look at the history of travel by Culver at History News Network. A quote:
Read the whole thing. The real reason
Dr. X has discovered the real reason for Moslem rage against Salman Rushdie. Her name is Padma.
We are running faster
Still some problems if you access via AOL. Smokin'
Cold-smoked these hunks of pork with cherry yesterday. One chunk came out a bit black on one side, and I don't know why. I think the rub makes the crust the tastiest part.
Monday, July 2. 2007Una VoceBeverly "Bubbles" Sills died at 78. Una Voce Poco Fa (1976), from the Barber of Seville.
Posted by Bird Dog
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Jihad Denial
However, I do object to the references to "Leftist stupidity." That is not an argument - it's an ad hominem - and it does not do justice to the political calculation behind Jihad Denial. Fact is, "jihad" just doesn't fit "the narrative." Especially Jihad by doctors. That's all there is to it. Like the New York Times, they just try to minimize or ignore facts that get in the way. Thank you, W
I am pleased that Bush commuted Libby's prison sentence. It was insane, as was the entire case from the beginning.
Experience: A QQQ BundleI took the photo below yesterday during a delightful sail on Long Island Sound. The Bauer Island sandbar is clearly indicated on nautical charts, but this is the second-best way to find it. The wiser and now more experienced skipper must be a grand fromage in Rye, NY, because a Rye Police boat came several miles into Connecticut to offer assistance and ferrying services! "Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment." Gwynnie . “Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience." Theodore Roosevelt . "Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley . "If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way." Mark Twain No response
Every time I think the Brits are just about to grow a pair, they let me down. FICA Facts to Ruin Your DayThis little FICA review came in over the transom today, full of facts which the youths ought to be aware of: Franklin Roosevelt introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised: -------------------- Why do intellectuals love genocide?
Read the whole thing. Photo: Australian Aborigine with didgereedoo New serverOur host installed a super-duper new server today, so we have been down. It may take AOL a while to catch on, and for full function to reappear.
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