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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 7. 2006Why does Europe have a mild climate?
When you see palm trees in Ireland, you have to wonder. We were taught that it was the Gulf Stream. Wrong. American Scientist
Friday AM/Thurs Nite LinksThe DaVinci Barcode. A new train - the Beijing to Tibet express. A plea for support for Diana Irey - she is running against Murtha. Cotillion Hamas can't let Israel go. That's right - opposing the existence of Israel is their only claim to power. If the Palestinians were interested in anything else - like running a country, and an economy, having normal happy lives, getting educated, etc. - these terrorist creeps would be outta there. Tiny Israel, with no natural resources other than people, is the Great Middle-Eastern scapegoat and distraction from their own failings. Without Israel, or the Americans, they'd have to look at themselves in the mirror - and who wants to do that? So killing Jews, a handful at a time, can keep them in power for a long time, because there are lots of Jews in Israel. How dumb can you be? Coke employees try to sell secrets to Pepsi. NYT Nice clips from the Volvo sea-racing video. Not for the faint of heart. You Tube The economics of the minimum wage. Good, clear stuff. Cafe Hayek. Nutjobs in lab prove 9-11 was a hoax. Good grief. Yup, that sure looks like proof to me. Gateway A good birthday post for our youthful Pres, by Anchoress Update on the Iraq govt's peace plan. Oxblog. For better or worse, control is gradually being transferred to them, as it must be. Why would a state pay for kids of illegals to go to college? Wizbang takes a look at Massachusetts. Walkin' down Main Street, looking for a hoe. Any idea how many kinds there are?
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Thursday, July 6. 2006Thursday Free Advt. for Bob: Lyrics and DownloadHey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, "Mr Tambourine Man," from 1965's Bringing It All Back Home. A lovely performance from the 1995 Manchester, England show can be downloaded from the link here. Biotech Economics: Where do Morals Fit In?Is it moral to sell your kidney? Your placenta for stem cells (or does it belong to your kid?) What are the ethics - if any - and morals of commerce of the human body? Which is an indirect way of asking what the morals and ethics of capitalism are. We know what many libertarians would say, but what would each of us say? Eric Cohen at New Atlantis has a fine wide-ranging essay on the subject, covering Calvin, Voltaire, Weber, Adam Smith, Irving Kristol, etc etc.: Biotechnology and the Spirit of Capitalism. Couple of quotes:
Read the whole thing. It's an education. Sporting Dog of the Week: VizslaVizslas, aka Hungarian Pointers, They are said to be very tolerant of the cold, but I have seen them shivering and miserable after four or five hours in Maine sleet. But so were we brainless humans, who should have been sitting by the wood stove sipping brandy and telling lies. Cuddly babies at home, they are lions in the field. The svelte Vizslas have only come out of Hungary in the past 50 years. Excellent, loving pets, too, but they were born to run and need lots of space and vigorous exercise. I'd love to have one or two of these guys.
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Summertime Re-posts: Candidates for Best Essay of 2005: Values vs. Morals- Reposted from May 12, 2005 Voegeli on "Values" vs. Morals Morality is a distinctly unfashionable subject. Nothing fun about it, I guess, and I guess life in the USA has become about fun and self-gratification and "fulfillment" - ie the religion of Self - instead of about being solid grown-ups. Perpetual adolescents instead of Atticus Finches. Sometimes I feel like Rip van Winkle, waking up to a world in which all that is sacred and deep has been replaced by neon lights. Many would rather talk about "values" or "ethics" than about morals. As I see it, we'd all like an escape clause from being bound by morality, me included. And yes, I have had my stumbles too - but I haven't been able to let myself rationalize them. In this piece, Voegeli addresses the politics of absolutism and relativism. Tough subject. Made me re-think what people are really saying when they say "That's a value judgement." Good, thoughtful piece. Wish I had written it:
Read entire. Thurs. Morning LinksWordplay. Pejman likes this new movie. For iPods, file-sharing is down, legal music is up. Ars Technica The Godfather of the Muslim Brotherhood and Grandfather of Al Quaida: Saayid Qutb. A bit of recent history at Gates of Vienna Flag-burning on July 4th. Moonbattery First it was dodge-ball, now tag, soccer and flag football are being banned from school recess. Ed. Wonks Henry Paulson is a bird-watcher and nature lover. I like this guy already. The Commons Brit National Health Service attacks "complementary and alternative" cancer treatments. These things are enjoying growing popularity in the US. Is Hawaii really part of America? Brown at RCP Haha. Fred Sanders offers a bit of art criticism at Middlebrow Is Bin Ladin turning into a religious fanatic? Blame Bush Why do some gays want kids? Gay Patriot explains. Multiculturalism is a social nuclear weapon. View from 1776
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Wednesday, July 5. 2006Caught Dead to Rights: The NYT
But she done us wrong. Things have changed, since Pinch took over. So many feel betrayed, and played for fools. And have cancelled, despite missing much of their unobjectionable, good, well-written material on non-political matters. We, and others, have caught them many times with their pants down, but now they are caught dead to rights: Powerline It's a damn shame that they chose this route. If you have an opinion, send it to the public editor at public@nytimes.com, but do not expect any satisfaction. They have already drunk the kool-aid, and have left objectivity far in the past, with Abe Rosenfeld. Now, they are not only flagrantly partisan, but dishonest and anti-American. You might almost think they were French, but, God knows, they might take that as a compliment. Rainy Day Box Turtles #12 & 35On rainy days like today, our local Box Turtles come out of hiding and gather 'round. I throw them strawberries or tomatoes, and they are grateful. Such cheerful, gentle, pleasant reptiles. They even look up at you, as if to ask for more. They go nuts over a nectarine, but who doesn't? NYT is Selective about SecretsDespite its being very much in the "public interest," the NYT still refuses to disclose Pinch Sulzberger's IQ, or the length of Bill Keller's johnson under conditions of journalistic arousal. However, these are secrets the public has a strong need to know, and it would not kill Americans to know these closely-held secrets. Image from The People's Cube:
Joining the ArmyAt a July 4th party last night, saw the daughter of friends - hadn't seen her in a year or more. Last time I saw her, she had purple hair and body piercings, acted sullen, etc. She graduated from Princeton two years ago, and has been working at a media company in NYC since graduation. At the party, where we all took part in reading pieces of the Declaration of Independence and drank gin and tonics, this nice young gal - who no longer has purple hair, etc., told me that she is joining the US Army and beginning Basic Training in September. I said "God bless you." I asked all about how they do boot camp for gals, etc. Some is co-ed, and some is not. Interesting. She wants to go into Army Intelligence. She should. She said "They didn't quite know what to make of my resume." I said, "Read Illario Pantaro's Warlord." She didn't know about it. What a fine thing to hear about on the Fourth of July. The moral of the story for me was: Never judge a kid by what they're like as a teen-ager, because most of them grow up. Weds. Morning LinksEU votes for "green tax" on airfare. What will a tax on airfare do to reduce air pollution, I wonder? Daily Pundit Everyone on earth has royal roots. Knew I did. That asteroid near-miss: It will come back again, in a while. Excerpted from The Conspiracy:
Rhode Island has a 9% state income tax. Even their Dems are now trying to cut. Lib Leanings From Jed Babbin, via Dinocrat:
Stossel adds himself to the Gore debunking squad: RCP From Atlas:
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Mr. Cool: Willis Haviland CarrierReposted from July 27, 2005
While we must be grateful to Mr. Carrier on days like today, the downside is that his machines eliminated the traditional months-long July and August vacations to places like New Hampshire, Cape Cod, Maine, and the Berkshires, where at least nights are cool and breezy. And it eliminated the wonderful screened "sleeping porch" which late 1800s houses often located on the second floor, in the back, of course. My Great Aunt Buffie had one, and her bed got moved out there for the summer. Camping out, in town. And I suppose it made the old front porch redundant too, where you rocked and sipped beer or lemonade in your undershirt to the tune of the crickets and katydids, smoked a Lucky or two, watched the young folks promenading past, flirting and courting, and could hear, in the distance, the muted, murmering conversations of the neighbors on their porches. A/C pulled people indoors, and isolated them, I suppose, from both neighbor and nature. Not to mention its effect on high-rise buildings - A/C is right up there with Mr. Elisha Graves Otis and his elevator. Many traditionalist Yankees continue to eschew air conditioning at home, but they don't sleep very well in the summer. And they drip sweat on their paperwork. They view A/C as a weenie pantywaist luxury, unnatural and indulgent. Which it is, for sure. But what a fine and inexpensive luxury. Surely it's not a sin? Call me ambivalent about it - but I could not work without it. A major effect in the US was that it permitted the huge business growth, and population growth, of the South and the Southwest. I guess you could blame Carrier for the Red State phenomenon, in a way. You can read about the the A/C compressor and refrigerant works here, and more about Mr. Carrier here.
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QQQI'll tell you, son, the minority got us outnumbered. Congressman Frog, from Pogo Tuesday, July 4. 2006A CommercialLawrence Auster, proprietor of the excellent View from the Right, is asking for some donations to help him finish his book. It would be the right thing to do. Paypal, or email him for his address. We, at Maggie's, will help him. I think he would be grateful for even modest donations. We read him all of the time, but do not link him enough - we do not link any of our superiors enough. Time is limited, and our to-do list is always too long - we have a farm to run, and turtles and chickens to milk, and cows to feed. I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy
Rhode Island's multi-talented
Read Steyn's piece, You're a Grand Old Flag, which began as You're a Grand Old Rag My image of Cohan is entirely mixed-up with Jimmy Cagney, who played Cohan in the 1942 Yankee Doodle Dandy.
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Happy 4th
"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." "The proposition that the people are the best keepers of their own liberties is not true. They are the worst conceivable, they are no keepers at all; they can neither judge, act, think, or will, as a political body. We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other." Tues. Morning - Independence DaySamizdata found this good blog which deals with Chinese business and law: China Law Blog Govt unions oppose performance pay. Big surprise. Redstate We love our Brit cousins, but we are still glad that we had the revolution. After all, we have less crime, a booming economy with essentially no unemployment, more babies, no class system, millions of people gleefully resisting nanny-statism and political correctness, freedom of medical care, lots of guns, and the ability to hunt foxes with dogs and horses. Plus better skiing, better beaches, better sex - and NO MARMITE. Hey - I guess we just do not have the serf mentality. Gateway on how the Brits look down on us. Shame on them. They gave us our foundation, for which we are forever grateful, but our self-determination had to be taken by arms, and we still detest, or at least distrust, State power. I never exhaled. Enviros want to control CO2 emissions. In New Zealand, cow farts are the major source (really), but animals and people exhale tons of it all day long. Let's face it - the enviros want YOU to go away. They could always set an example? Coming out of the closet by becoming a black Repub: neo neo Why solar energy won't work: you'd need to cover two states with solar collectors. YARGB did the math. Read Powerline yet today? Too much good stuff. George Mason has benefited from reaching the Final Four. Good for them, but it's still a dumb way for a university to get visibility. Volokh Haha. Chomsky is a deep cover CIA operative and agent provocateur. Sure, probably. But isn't he a bit obvious? Church of England: being destroyed from within. Big Lizards shows how the same news is and would be reported, depending on the party involved. He is right as rain. Just heard Sean Hannity say he doesn't read blogs. Too bad, but I don't know how he would have the time. Really, talk radio is just a verbal blog anyway. Or vice-versa.
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Monday, July 3. 2006Real America: A Vermont house, in the Northeast Kingdom, last fall![]()
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Essays from our Archives: The Faith of Our Fathers by Bruce ThorntonReposted from the blog in 2005: A quote:
Read the whole thing
More Pogo: Rabbit TalkWe recently wrote about Pogo. A reader emailed us this one - thanks.
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Monday Morning Links - Still on Vacation
How to force your liberal arts major kids to grow up? Reality boot camp. Someone should have sent Pinch Sulzberger. It's for kids who are reluctant to grow up. I could run this: are whips and chains allowed? Jeff Jarvis: Can the press please just tell us what their principles are? Other than trying to bash conservatives? American Left going crazy. Why don't they move to France or China or Bolivia or Venezuela or Cuba, where voting doesn't mess things up? norm. Rejection hurts, but you have to adjust. Moonbattery thinks he found a prof who is nuttier than Ward Churchill. A State Department officer talks, after two years living in the Green Zone. No Pasaran Where is the Supreme Court? In transition? And what's with Justice Kennedy? Greenhouse in the NYT Belgium: "The Frog is getting warmer" by Dymphna USA Today corrects/retracts their NSA spy story. It's too little, too late, and the damage is done. A defense of Ann Coulter's book Godless, by Kirk in Am. Spectator
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QQQThere is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America. Henry Clay Sunday, July 2. 2006The Arrested Development of Pinch Sulzberger
What he said was, as posted by Dino:
Along with his honorary degree, these comments earn Pinch an honorary doctorate in Moonbatism, for having demonstrated both his grandiosity, his lack of realism, his reflexive anti-Americanism, and his inability to understand evil in the world - unless it's the evil American military, and the evil, brain-dead, ignorant, knuckle-dragging, uneducated, red-neck, right-wing extremist nutjobs like us at Maggie's. Quaint Humor from the Hollywood SquaresReposted from December, 2005 This is going around the net: You will enjoy these. Ahh... names like Charley Weaver, Rose Marie, Paul Lynde, George Gobel, and Vincent Price. They sure were quick-witted.If you remember The Original Hollywood Squares and its comics, this will bring a tear to your eyes. These great questions and answers are from the days when game show responses were spontaneous and clever, not scripted and (often) dull as they are now. Peter Marshall was the host asking the questions, of course. Q. Do female frogs croak? Q. If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be? Q. True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years. Q. You've been having trouble going to sleep. Are you probably a man or a woman? Q. According to Cosmo, if you meet a stranger at a party and you think that he is attractive, is it okay to come out and ask him if he's married? Q. Which of your five senses tends to diminish as you get older? Many more fine ones, below: Continue reading "Quaint Humor from the Hollywood Squares"
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