Maggie's Farm is still in vacation mode. A long July 4th vacation.
How to force your liberal arts major kids to grow up? Reality boot camp. Someone should have sent Pinch Sulzberger. It's for kids who are reluctant to grow up. I could run this: are whips and chains allowed?
Jeff Jarvis: Can the press please just tell us what their principles are? Other than trying to bash conservatives?
American Left going crazy. Why don't they move to France or China or Bolivia or Venezuela or Cuba, where voting doesn't mess things up? norm. Rejection hurts, but you have to adjust.
Moonbattery thinks he found a prof who is nuttier than Ward Churchill.
A State Department officer talks, after two years living in the Green Zone. No Pasaran
Where is the Supreme Court? In transition? And what's with Justice Kennedy? Greenhouse in the NYT
Belgium: "The Frog is getting warmer" by Dymphna
USA Today corrects/retracts their NSA spy story. It's too little, too late, and the damage is done.
A defense of Ann Coulter's book Godless, by Kirk in Am. Spectator