Bad all over:

Toon above from SC&A
Is Conservatism over? I doubt it.
How Obama's Socialism works. Dick Morris
The problems with an aggressive anti-trust policy. Mankiw
Oprah loves her jet and her guns. But she hates guns and oil. Go figure. I never watched her, even once. I have a day job.
GM plans to leave Detroit
How is the Porkulus working out? Michelle. Related, at Powerline: How is Obamanomics doing?
Why does the US subsidize the defence of Europe? And Canada? Wilkinson
A tax on soda pop for health care? Brilliant!
Via Lucianne:
Republican strategists have a problem. The scale of what President Barack Obama proposes to do to the American economy is so enormous, so far-reaching and so potentially disastrous that the opposition party is having a hard time describing it.
Did you read Tiger's bit on the coming taxes on all of us? Good piece. A commenter notes:
Did we ever think we would see the day where China has lower taxes than the US? Where China and VietNam are better practitioners of free-market capitalism than the US?
Related: Healthcare numbers don't add up. Of course they don't. Related: Government is broke but keeps on spending.
Related: Medical insurance and autism
Catlin Arctic Project teaches us that the Arctic is cold and icy
Comments from this morning's links: