Friday, May 22. 2009
I have special and sentimental feelings about this fine state, including time in the elegant Bluegrass and at Keeneland (even saw Secretariat grazing in retirement) - and time working up in the wild hollers of eastern KY where everybody is a cousin of eachother and either works in coal, moonshining, or is on welfare.
I have seen many fine Kentucky mornings, with the mist rising from the fields and crouched in the valleys. I guess I was also only passin' through, but I had a true love there, and I still have her.
Thursday, April 30. 2009
Our readers are already clued in to the Met Live in HD which, at least around here, is rapidly growing in popularity. The theaters sell out.
Now the Met has something even newer: Met Player. 200 Met performances in HD and state of the art sound. From May 1 - May 3, unlimited use of Met Player will be offered as a free trial. Sounds like a no-brainer.
No opera glasses needed.
Wednesday, April 29. 2009
Tuesday, April 28. 2009
Nickel Creek with "Ode to a Butterfly" from their record "Nickel Creek." (h/t, LGF)
Thursday, April 23. 2009

Monotonic music mainly, with lyre, drum, trumpet and flute, with different "modes" to evoke different states of mind. The ancient Greeks considered their music and lyrics to be central to who they were as a civilization, and, of course, to be a gift from the gods. As best I can tell, poetry (the lyrics) was never offered without accompanying music.
The group Melpomen recreates the ancient sounds from surviving fragments. (Samples of the music at the Amazon site.)
Wiki has a fine summary of ancient Greek music. Interesting to read that Plato (c 400 BC) complained about the modern music which defied old forms.
Image: Music lesson, c.460 BC, from this site about ancient Greek music.
This superb song was an outtake from his album Modern Times. I love it. Lyrics here:
Saturday, April 18. 2009
Thanks to Gerard for posting this 1999 YouTube (audio only) of Susan with Cry Me a River.
More from Gerard on Susan. Yes, she is an icon for something.
Tuesday, April 14. 2009
Maybe the Brits aren't dead yet. From the Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover Department: Susan sings.
One unkind question though: Why do Brit women in their 40s tend to look like Monty Python guys in drag?
Sunday, April 5. 2009
Some say that the 55 Bar, a prohibition-era dive bar on Christopher St., is the best place in the city for jazz and blues.
Two groups nightly - and it's cheap. $10. How can you not afford to give it a try?
Here's the Brooklyn Boogaloo Blowout at 55, with good photography:
Saturday, March 28. 2009
Caledonia with Louis Jordan, thanks to a good site that is new to us, Paco Enterprises. (A good name. Paco is the name of our pup.)
Wednesday, March 25. 2009
Monday, February 23. 2009
Tuesday, February 17. 2009
Our link this morning to the "Make it rain candy, Mr. Obama" bit reminded me of what should be one of the Left's theme songs. Here's the great Burl Ives:
Sunday, February 15. 2009
Thus commented a reader who heard this at Theo. This is a fast Flight of the Bumblebee.
Saturday, February 14. 2009
Friday, February 13. 2009
Wednesday, February 4. 2009