Sunday, May 2. 2010
Keeps a pretty good beat. Drumming is not rocket science. We posted this version of Sweet Georgia Brown in the remote past, but it deserves another listen:
Friday, April 30. 2010
"Cold and lonesome" is the gritty low-down heart of the blues. (That is not Jimmy Reed in the photo. I don't know who that guy is, but the music is Reed.)
I hope y'all have enjoyed hearing Jimmy this week.
Wednesday, April 28. 2010
"You ain't so big, you're just tall that's all."
Probably Reed's best-known song, and it's about work, not love. Everybody can relate. Dylan's "Maggie's Farm" echoes this classic in another way, does it not?
As in many of his recordings, you can hear his wife "Mama" chiming in sometimes.
Tuesday, April 27. 2010
Guitarist and harmonica player Reed was really the first cross-over bluesman. Whether he was marketed as blues, rhythm and blues, or rock and roll, he was really a bluesman all the way. His music feels familiar even to those who have never heard him because so much of his style was borrowed by rockers in the 60s.
He drank too much, died at 51.
Monday, April 26. 2010
Dr. Merc likes Lady Gaga, and our pal and sometime poster Tom Francis likes Ladytron. Well, Jimmy Reed (1925-1976) is one of my favorites. We'll begin the week with Bright Lights, Big City:
Saturday, April 24. 2010
A reader minded us that the Polka and the button box came to North America via eastern European immigrants, and became Tex-Mex in a happy if unlikely union with the Mexican sound. Always was fond of the Texas Tornados, with the late greats Doug Sahm and Freddy Fender, plus Flaco Jiminez, Augie Meyers, et al. A motley crew, and good fun.
Got your Camaro?
Wednesday, April 7. 2010
You cannot not love June Carter who, I am sure almost all of our readers know, was Mrs. Cash.
At Powerline, in praise of Merle with a great tune.
Sunday, April 4. 2010
Alfie's Theme (1973). A saxophone is so much like a singing human voice...that it is one.
Thursday, April 1. 2010
Sipp, with Peggy Lee's killer tune Is That All there Is?, reminded me that we were way past due a Peggy Lee day. Here's I Don't Know Enough About You.
I think the guitar man was her husband.
Friday, March 5. 2010
Jimmy Rodgers is said to have risen from his sickbed to record this the day before he died. h/t SDA
Monday, February 15. 2010
She's my new favorite chanteuse. Here's a snip from the unembeddable My One and Only Thrill TV ad. Here's another song:
Sunday, February 14. 2010
The Valentine sweetheart of Maggie's Farm is our dearly loved commenter Marianne Matthews.

Marianne is a classically trained musician, among many other wonderful things, with a sane, quick, and fun-loving mind. I share Marianne's love of folk music, she broadening my appreciations beyond the labor and protest songs I was raised with to older and other countries' folk classics. Marianne has been deeply involved with many of the greats. Marianne sent me a disc of some of her recaptured recordings from the 1950's, which you have to hear to soar. We're working on a way to put at least one up at Maggie's Farm. Meanwhile, you'll have to be content with this 1972 photo of Marianne and all-together now wishing Marianne a Happy Valentine.
Oh, the comfort -- the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, Having neither to weigh thoughts, Nor measure words -- but pouring them All right out -- just as they are -- Chaff and grain together -- Certain that a faithful hand will Take and sift them -- Keep what is worth keeping -- And with the breath of kindness Blow the rest away.
-Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Saturday, February 13. 2010
Tuesday, February 9. 2010
Wednesday, January 20. 2010
Thursday, December 31. 2009