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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, July 5. 2015How to become a psychopath-spotterHe talks about business people, but neglects the frequency of psychopathy in politicians. I think it's more common in the latter. Over the years, I have told some number of people that psychopathy is their problem. They are good at "feeling your pain," in all senses of the term. Empathy? Sociopaths are experts at expressing that. Manipulation. Leave a trail of self-interest and damage during their lives. Much of it is not jail-worthy. Dumb sociopaths are more likely to go to jail. Is it a mental disorder? Not really. Just rotten people who might exploit you or hurt you, with strong, minimally-governed predatory instincts. Thursday, July 2. 2015Are we beach-skinny yet?
Fit, strong, and sexy yet? At this point, I have offered enough advice. Take it, or do not. Take it, or donut. It's your life, as I say all day long to people regarding all sorts of things. Brief as that of a butterfly, from God's view. Sunday, June 28. 2015Are You A Sugar Burner Or Fat Burner With Exercise?A good update on modern PsychiatryShrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry,by Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., with Ogi Ogas: A Critical Discussion Dr. Friedman's discussion is excellent and interesting. One quote:
Thursday, June 25. 2015ConversationHe: The country seems to be going nuts. I've never heard so many stupid things lately. Me: Well, bear in mind that 50% of Americans have IQs under 100. He: Is it that high? Gee, well that explains a lot. Tuesday, June 23. 2015How to burn stored fatCannibals love your stored fat. It sizzles merrily on the grill. It is difficult to burn off during life. Best to have little of it, and maybe the cannibals will leave you alone.
Saturday, June 20. 2015Backyard Croquet We have neither a backyard pool nor a backyard tennis court, but we have an outdoor ping-pong table in the barn and, of course, a good English croquet set. In time for Fathers' Day,your Quick Reference Guide for Backyard Croquet Rules
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday, June 19. 2015Perfect Teeth
It seems to me that decent, spirited people always aspire to improve their souls, their brains and knowledge, their fitness, their appearance, their skills, their morals, their relationships, etc. etc. Giving up is not cool and shows no respect for God's gifts - and surely nobody wants their teeth to indicate that they might be from England or Bosnia. Orthodontia in America: America’s obsession with perfecting its teeth.
Thursday, June 18. 2015Wedding season: "Share our joy." OK, will try to. In youth, attending friends' weddings was great fun. Drinking, smoking pot behind the church, getting dressed up, guys meeting new gals and vice versa, making out on the club porch with a new person after too many champagnes. Many youth meet their future mates at weddings, for good reason: they have been socio-culturally vetted. I also understand that parents like to throw lavish weddings to entertain their friends, families, and business associates. An excuse to check that box. But only the youth really enjoy these things because it's new to them. As an adult, I do not really enjoy attending (although I feel hurt if not invited). They interfere with your whole day and go on too long. An inconvenience, in fact, but showing up is an obligation to people you care about. It's important to them that you show up. A brief ceremony with sandwiches and drinks after would be fine with me, same as a funeral. Two hours, max, go through the receiving line, leave your gift on the pile, and then get to your tennis game. I've been to enough weddings (and enough funerals too). Throwing a wedding need not be a major imposition on your guests' lives. - People do not realize that your wedding is not the only one they are obligated to go to this year. For them, it seems like a Big Deal. - You get seated with people you have to make small talk with. Dull, usually. You keep wondering "Can we leave yet?" - You have to pretend to have 'fun," and to be grateful for the abundant food, drink, loud music, and the opportunity to dance like a teenager. I do not need any of those things but the youngsters might. - Old Yankee Rules: Excess and display are tacky. Old Puritan Rules: weddings are not religious matters. Marriage is not a Protestant sacrament but is a solemn, witnessed vow, and a secular contract. - 67% of American marriages end in grisly divorce - Weddings without children attending are just no darn good. - Weddings are an industry today. $10,000 for flowers? For one afternoon? I don't mean to sound like a curmudgeon (or do I?). Marriage is an essential institution and God bless all who partake and whose vows are deadly serious. My idea of a wedding event for my kids would be old-time, slightly post-Puritan New England. Bring a fiddler and an accordionist to the town green with a pig roast, with kids crying and running around. Don't even get me started on beach weddings, mountaintop weddings, black tie weddings, and golf destination weddings. But we have boys so I will be mercifully out of the loop. The "Honored Mother of the Bride"? Gag me. Here's a traditional New England wedding:
The percentage of pregnant brides is said to have been quite high amongst the puritan Congregationalists, maybe 50% or more.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Wednesday, June 17. 2015The FDA and Nanny laws
Indeed: After trans fat ban, what else should be removed from food?
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Tuesday, June 16. 2015Beating a dead horse on fatnessEffortful physical exertion has many benefits (not walking or slow jogging, but heavy exertion) and should be pursued by anybody who desires to stay fit, but weight loss can only be achieved via diet. That means no carbs. It is settled science... To Lose Weight, Eating Less Is Far More Important Than Exercising More We take it for granted today, but it is an astonishing fact that, at least in the Western world, one of our challenges is dealing with too much cheap good high-caloric food. For regular folks, that's a first in human history. Saturday, June 13. 2015Losers, cheaters, six-time users
Sociopathy is common, ranging from violent to simply exploitative users (More). Don't be paranoid, but always make sure of people before welcoming them into your life. Superficial charm and pseudo-intimacy are clues. If they feel your pain, watch out. Wednesday, June 10. 2015Why Everything We 'Know' About Diet and Nutrition Is WrongWhy Everything We 'Know' About Diet and Nutrition Is Wrong The data are bad. Your Mom and your Grandma were wrong. Listen to me instead. Or don't. Just judge by your own results. Tuesday, June 9. 2015Your Boss Wants You to Be Happier. This Is Not a Good Thing.Your Boss Wants You to Be Happier. This Is Not a Good Thing.
Right. Your happiness is not your boss' concern. Thursday, June 4. 2015The Cost of CancerMegan McArdle: Cutting the Cost of Cancer Rule of thumb: the more cancer treatments cost, the more hopeless they are. Monday, June 1. 2015Living the Fitbit life.
An amusing report on an exercise obsession: Stepping Out: Living the Fitbit life.
Sunday, May 31. 2015Is The West's Loss Of Faith Terminal?
"...the wind of opinion in recent years appears to have begun to blow against those who insist that Western liberal societies owe nothing to the religion from which they arose. Partly because the more we become acquainted with other traditions, the harder it becomes to sustain. Indeed, although some people still hold out, it should be evident by now that the culture of human rights has more to do with the creed preached by Moses and Jesus of Nazareth than that of, say, Muhammad. Nevertheless, the question of whether this societal position is sustainable without reference to the beliefs that gave it birth remains deeply pregnant and troubling in the West."
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday, May 29. 2015Exercise pretty useless for weight loss
"A growing body of scientific evidence shows that exercise alone has almost no effect on weight loss..." A book, Gary Taubes: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It SittingThe human body was not meant for this. The Dangers of Sitting All Day and 5 Things To Do About It Thursday, May 28. 2015House
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Life Coaching and the Stigma of Psychiatry From the article:
Saturday, May 23. 2015Do Psychiatrists take the DSM seriously?Some do, but over half only use it for administrative requirements: How Clinicians Actually Use the DSM.. It seems to me that the DSM is taken more seriously by non-Psychiatrists. Wednesday, May 20. 2015Exercise and Fitness
I often write about dietary and nutritional issues here, trying to debunk the fads, but I think anything people do to keep moving with vigor in all stages of life improves the quality and functionality of life. Physical and mental challenges, constantly. All kinds of resistance exercises are excellent for the regular sedentary Western person to maintain posture, balance, function, bone density, and muscle mass. The challenge is that middle-aged people develop aches and pains, reminding us that Nature and maybe God never intended us to live much beyond our prime breeding ages. But, there is a need for a few wise elders. Why not be one? What exercise cannot do, unless you are hiking the Appalachian Trail (we did it as a between-jobs extended sabbatical, before kids - Georgia to Katahdin. A crazy 5-month honeymoon of bliss, bonding, and exertion. Youthful woodland passion from hill to dale, from state to state. God saw us. Then hubbie's "garden leave" ended, we started new jobs, I got an office, life returned, and kids came. I think we created our first one towards the end of that hike and we later nicknamed him "Trail," - short for Trail Mix) is get rid of fat. Only diet can do that. When people have young kids, they rightly neglect their own well-being. Nature demands that. After that chapter, you either rise or fall. These are averages for average-fit people, not what might be desired. Average sizes, not lifters and hard exercisers (for ages 30-60). These rough numbers are with reps, however many one can handle (1-10): Average fit male can bench press his weight.
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Monday, May 18. 2015Can Doubt Actually Be a Sign of Devotion?Certainly. It's part of the package or, if you will, part of the trip. How questioning and seeking truth can be part of loving God with our whole mind.
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