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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, January 8. 2018Is normalizing Autism a good idea?A history of a concept: How an autism diagnosis became both a clinical label and an identity; a stigma to be challenged and a status to be embraced. "Autism" is not a unitary thing. That's part of the issue.
Thursday, January 4. 2018SleepIt remains a mystery why sleep is necessary: Why Do We Need to Sleep? At a shiny new lab in Japan, an international team of scientists is trying to figure out what puts us under.
Monday, January 1. 2018A new year. Time for some changes?Your path to destiny? The call for adventure and the courage to be stupid. "You have to be a fool before you can be a master." Prof. Peterson uses Exodus as a metaphor for life change. He rightly emphasizes the difficulties of change, and the wandering in the desert. He also rightly praises taking life risks to develop oneself, risks of abandoning stale and stupid axioms, risks to fail, and risks to start out stupid. Two quotes from Ace:
Saturday, December 30. 2017New Year fun: Augustine and sex
Did Augustine and Christianity ultimately make sex sexier and more exciting?
How to slow time, with Saturday VerseTime's winged chariot does hurry along. As life goes on, it hurries faster, frighteningly so. I know only one way to slow down that acceleration: do new things, take on new challenges, visit new places, have new experiences, find some fresh successes and failures, make new friends, . While routine and structure are generally useful and comforting for people, new challenges and adventures, large or small, which entail some special stimulations and anxieties. Yes, anxieties. New stresses are good. Seek God, learn Mandarin, lift heavier weights, remodel the house, take a Great Courses course on something about which you are totally ignorant and uninterested to open your mind, find a new mate (not for me - we make new together), climb a mountain, or try some good therapy and reawaken or unleash parts of your inner true self which have been smoldering in the dark for years. All such things have the effect of adding punctuation marks, or even fresh chapters, to the humdrum prose of life. Variety is the spice of life. This author agrees with me: There's a Reason Time Seems to Speed Up as You Age - But It's Possible to Slow It Down While it's not just about a manipulative seduction, Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) was spot on with the time thing. To His Coy Mistress Had we but world enough and time, My vegetable love should grow For, lady, you deserve this state, Thy beauty shall no more be found; The grave’s a fine and private place, Let us roll all our strength and all Wednesday, December 20. 2017Continuing education
It is the current basic text, and it guarantees a thorough grounding in the basics. If you shop around on line, you can find it for much less than the list price. A magnificent book, clear and easy to read if you recall some basic biochem. If you took college bio ten years ago, you know almost nothing. Tuesday, December 19. 2017Men and women
It's a given that the propensity for love/romance/sexual interest, to varying degrees, is a common, normal, and healthy subtext of human interaction. No number of social rules or boundary-construction can get rid of that, so it is common enough for people to fall so heavily that they arrive at "Damn the rules, the heck with everybody. I want this more than anything else". I see it all the time because things often do not work out well. This is good: PROFESSOR-STUDENT SEX—JUST A PROBLEM OF DIRTY OLD MEN?
Wednesday, December 13. 2017The joyous holiday season
However, I will say this about my profession. When I evaluate a new patient, part of my diagnostic job is to assess their level of functioning in all areas of life, and to make a guess about their potential levels of functioning. What things do we consider? Social functioning and friendships, home management and organization of personal finances, family relationships, ability to work and at what level, hobbies and avocational interests/activities, conscientiousness, stress tolerance, emotional continence, functional fragility, impulsivity, intelligence, and so forth. These are personal characteristics which may or may not have anything to do with any DSM diagnosis. Making a functional life is not easy. While every single day tests those capacities in some ways, I have no doubt that this time of year can require us all to stretch our life-management skills. Friday, December 8. 2017Reading Aloud Helps You Remember More InformationYes, it really does help. Best study method I ever used: Read a paragraph, and explain its content back out loud in your own words. That method got me through med school.
Wednesday, December 6. 2017Is aerobic cardio exercise a waste of time?
You will often see people swimming half-miles of laps, on the elliptical for 45 minutes while reading the newspaper or watching TV, jogging on the treadmill for 60 minutes. If viewed as recreation, that's fine and it might feel good but there are minimal fitness gains to it. Why? - Aerobic cardio doesn't build strength or burn fat with any effectiveness. Anyway, you don't need to get rid of any fat, do you? To improve cardio effectiveness and endurance (except for those in the deconditioned, geritatric, or heart-disease categories) you need to up the intensity and reduce the time spent. That means sprints and other HIIT-style efforts which are anaerobic stressors. Another cardio thing you can do is to vary your cardio work-outs. Doing the same thing repeatedly (eg jogging) becomes useless as your body adapts to that one thing and it becomes too easy. I say that if you can breathe or talk, it isn't exertion: it's recreation. My preference for cardio/endurance fitness is to combine it in high-intensity calisthenics classes or high-stress machines like Jacob's Ladder or Stairmaster. I'll do rowing or running sprints too sometimes, but I like those things that address full-body muscular conditioning along with difficult cardio. It's time- efficient to combine the conditioning with the cardio.
Thursday, November 30. 2017CAN YOU REALLY BE ADDICTED TO SEX?"Treating" sex addiction has become a profitable industry. But is there really such a thing? I would answer No. The sex drive is strong in most people. Bill Clinton did not have a "stronger more manly sex drive" than other people; he was just a predator and exploiter. Manly men don't do that even if they want to because the key to "manly" is self-mastery, not self-indulgence or mastery of others - especially women. Are there badly-behaved people, criminal people, boorish people, and people with poor self-control out there? Of course, as in all areas of life besides sex. Related, THE PURGE OF THE DEVIANTS MAY GO TOO FAR. Regarding that piece, I'd remove the terms "deviants" and "pervs" that I keep hearing. Historically, rich and powerful men were free to use women as they wished to fulfill their fantasies without consequence. The Kennedys were famous for that, as were British royalty. I'd prefer to talk about decent and indecent behavior except in the cases of assault or rape, in which cases I would discuss criminality. Wednesday, November 29. 2017Calisthenics for beginners
I am a believer in calisthenics for flexibility, athleticism, cardio, agility, vigor, sexuality, and mental health. A great way to roll out of bed and begin the day by getting the blood moving and to wake up the brain. (Their virtual jump rope is good but real would be better.)
Tuesday, November 28. 2017Sorrow, regret, grief, and agony are not ailments in need of a magic pill
Nobody promised you a rose garden. That was Eden. Learning to bear emotional pain, like bearing some physical pain, is part of life. It never hurts, of course, to have somebody or something accompanying you with that. Happiness pills are everywhere. Alcohol. Cocaine. Heroin. Meth. Fentanyl. Marijuana. They are widely used. Monday, November 27. 2017Women, careers, money, etc.It's not a rant, but the Prof sure does unload a lot of info and insight in this short clip. "Of course you can just compare yourself to the few people who are richer than you and feel sorry for yourself, but that's pretty pathetic in my estimation"
Wednesday, November 15. 2017Risk factors for Alzheimer's Disease
What factors are associated with increased risk? - Age (obviously) nb: Correlation does not mean causation. These things just represent the current knowledge. Also, medical researchers never include "Bad luck" as a disease risk factor, but it is usually a major one in most ailments. Monday, November 13. 2017Being overweight, and your precious knees
While muscles respond well to stress, joints do not. The worst thing you can do to your hips and knees is to be overweight. That is why, in the UK and many other European nations, if you are overweight they will leave you a cripple and tell you it's your own fault. Government medicine will buy you a 12-Euro cane. In Euroland today you see people with canes, walkers, and wheelchairs who would be playing tennis and hiking in the US. How Overweight Causes Knee Problems Study links obesity to rise in knee dislocations Similar issues apply to hips and lower back. Nothing but trouble. Shoulders can wear out too, but that's a separate topic with different causes. Friday, November 3. 2017Is rape and sexual abuse "natural"?It's dominating the news these days, and rightly so. With humans, for whom it is natural to live within cultural/religious contexts, questions about "natural" are always fraught. However, I will claim that sexual abuse by women and men, but more by men because of dominance hierarchies, is part of the animal side of human nature like violence, etc. Human nature contains much unpleasantness. There are errors in Freud's Civilization and It's Discontents, but he got the big picture right. Living a bourgeois civilized life is challenging for humanoid animals and, depending on the culture, demands some sorts of instinctual restraints or constraints, at least on regular folks. The elites get away with more, and the poor folks often end up in jail. Claiming that something is "natural" does not claim any moral valence. However, even in a Christian culture like medieval Europe the knights and nobles pretty much had access to any female who took his fancy (and vice versa, in the fancy courts of Europe - if a princess summons you to her boudoir, No is not an answer). Today in American, females teachers are routinely called on the carpet for seducing their high school students (which is not very difficult to do). For many women, "star-f-ing" is a diverting hobby, so it works both ways. One of the perquisites of wealth, power, dominance, or celebrity is access to sexual adventure without consequences. In our culture, we consider some of it immoral and some of it illegal. Other cultures have very different rules about sexual behavior. My point is simply that, in our society, there is and has been far more sexual libertinism, rape, and abuse at all levels of society (but perhaps most at the lowest and highest) than people like to admit or confess. Until they are caught. The unleashed sex drive is a powerful force and in people who don't care much, power, money, lust, and indifference to law or societal codes can let animal spirits loose. Attila the Hun is said to have fathered 10,000 children, which is why most Europeans claim him as an ancestor. 10,000 were not consensual, I am certain. But I wasn't there.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Saturday, October 28. 2017Gout
Have any readers had this nasty problem?
Thursday, October 26. 2017How to raise sissified fearful childrenThe Fragile Generation. Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed. My parents would be in jail today for neglect. I think the theory used to be that kids needed adventure and freedom, along with a load of mandatory chores, because the goal was to create resilient and independent people as soon as possible. We had BB guns and made campfires in the woods. Nobody knew where the heck we were because we had bikes. As long as we got home for tennis lessons, there was no problem. Know your arteries and veins
Everybody ought to know the major muscle groups too, but that's easy.
Tuesday, October 24. 2017The Ethics of Consumer Genetic TestingIs consumer access to genetic testing, without a doctor's involvement, beneficial or harmful for patients? Crazy question. Of course people should have that info if they want to pay for it. Facts are facts. Monday, October 23. 2017Fat-adapted?
Other than hibernating animals, few animals are adapted to handle the sort of abundance that humans have remarkably produced with brains capable of entirely changing the planet's surface and modifying nutritional sources for its own purposes. Humans are nutritional outliers, and it is not "natural." In a sense, humans are not natural animals because of the extent to which they remake nature for their convenience. One example: What Does It Mean to Be Fat-Adapted? It means you have trained your body to adapt to a plentiful flow of fresh carbs and sugars (sugar is carbs and vice-versa) so it takes the burden off using fat as a fuel. Intake trains the body that way. Thus what we term the "False Hunger" of overweight people. Human physiology will never adapt to modern abundance of food because fatness tends to kill or disable people after child-bearing years. Among other reasons, Fat Adaptation is one of the reasons heavy people feel more hunger and end up consuming food more avidly and in higher volume than trim people. In fact, overweight people have zero dietary energy requirements and minimal nutritional requirements despite subjective hunger.
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