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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, August 26. 2016Friday morning links Playing with dolls can make girls want real babies? Gee, who knew? Only 29% of Families on Track to Reach Their College Savings Goal 29% sounds pretty good to me 5 Ways Get That Shitty Self Doubt Out of Your Life What about when the self-doubt makes sense? No Proof That People Are Born Gay or Transgender So what? Many people are confused about themselves, and about others too. Doctors Sue Obama Administration for Forcing Them to Perform Gender Transition Procedures Most surgeons are good at saying "No" For boomers, Emotions are to be controlled and overcome, they are not to be a guide. For most people, following emotion will lead to ruin. World's first self-driving taxis debut in Singapore Organic Farms Yield 20% Fewer Crops than Conventional Farms Mission Focus Can Put Pay Squeeze on Nonprofit Employees Stop the War on Air Conditioning! The North Atlantic: Ground Zero of Global Cooling We would appreciate it if Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum would When Did Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ Become So Insufferable? University of Chicago to freshmen: We don’t do ‘safe spaces’ It’s Fatuous To Outlaw An Emotion, Especially Hate They just try to ban expressions of dislike. Many forms of expression of love, too. Love creates many more problems in ordinary life than hate does. Taxpayer-Funded University Grants Students Just 2 Hours of Free Speech Per Week That's your weekly Two Hours of Hate, I guess The Burden on Business: 600 Major Regulations and Counting Liberals Seem Rather Upset About This “free speech” Thing On Twitter Why The Clinton Foundation Is Gross How can you tell a campaign is way behind? She is correct Trump Supporters Respond to the Great Illegal Immigration Flip-Flop Scarborough to Hillary spox: “Go back to middle school” For sale, the most brazen president money can buy Brazen is the word Every four years the GOP nominee is literally What does Hillary have to do for it to be ‘corruption’? America’s Allies Deserve to be Disturbed Western Leaders Want Islamic Terror to Seem ‘Normal’ The age of the aircraft carrier may be over It is Ray Mabus’ Social Experiment Navy is Steaming Ahead to Disaster The real ‘intersectionality’ – European and Arab oppression and persecution of Jews and Africans PondsGull Pond, Wellfleet, at the spillway to Higgin's Pond
Thursday, August 25. 2016DixieFrom the Everything is Racist Department, Ole Miss Marching Band Ordered to Stop Playing ‘Dixie’ at Games - The history eraser is getting bigger and bigger. Originally a black minstrel tune, it was one of Abe Lincoln's favorites.
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Turtle of the Week: Diamondback Terrapin
Controlled harvesting of eastern America's Diamondback Terrapin continues today. It's a wonder to me, because I know nobody who eats them. This handsome turtle of salt marshes and brackish estuaries lives from MA to Texas, but is endangered in some states. They eat snails, small mollusks, and crustaceans like crabs and fiddler crabs that they crush with their beaks. Fish, if they can catch 'em. They only leave the water to lay eggs. They sometimes get ensnared in crab pots and drown. Whenever we went to Chinatown when I was young, I would always bring a box and some money to buy as many of the terrapins that I could afford from the big crates full of them on the sidewalk. I think they were $5 apiece. I would release them in a couple of good salt marshes in CT. My Dad would chip in a bit for the cause. Some good folks are farming them to restore populations from which they had been harvested to extinction. That is a wonderful mission. Readers know we love our turtles at Maggie's, except we do not love Snapping Turtles. I once stepped on the back of one in a marsh, thinking it was a mossy rock. Big surprise when it moved and a long neck with an open, hissing mouth shot out. It's time I did a post on them, though, unloveable as they are. Terrapins in Massachusetts Why the Public Should Mistrust Science
Thursday morning links World's largest pearl Our moral and intellectual superiors. Lefty Ivy-leaguers and their kin, bred to rule. Obamacare Website No Longer Addresses 'You Can Keep Your Doctor' Single Payer Is Totally Inevitable, You Guys! Health Care Is a Business, Not a Right Court rules California can trim current public employees' retirement The police state of the US dept. of Agriculture University To Students: You’re a Criminal If You Don’t Use Transgender Approved Language Students can call me "Sir." AP statement on Clinton Foundation donors Wow. AP doing journalism THE STATE DEPARTMENT AS PROTECTION RACKET Perpetuation and Moderation: Trump’s Lincolnian Rhetoric How to Save the Clinton Foundation But why? It's a family slush fund, with 10% to charity Hillary Clinton may just be running out the clock Obama Admin Won’t Tell Congress How It Paid Iran $1.3 Billion in Taxpayer Funds How New Cold World Order Threatens Humanity Do the Finns know something we don't? Finland is smaller in population than NYC To deter refugees, Norway readies fence on ex-Cold War border A classic racing yacht
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Wednesday, August 24. 2016Are The Police Racist?
From Heather MacDonald
Against Charity"In a civilized society, there would be little need for it." Mr. Lind's faith in government is like a religious faith. It worries me that some people think that way given a life's experience of how governments function. Governments do not do charity.
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Whatever turns you on?From the article, "The vast majority of people are teleiophilic—that is, preferring sexually mature but pre-middle-age adults."
Medical records, on paperHaving a mood disorderA short essay by a patient: The Thing About Mental Illness. Her main point is that it makes life boring and sad. She is not asking for pity, but just explaining her experience. Wednesday morning links Twitter Is in Yahoo-Level Trouble With Crocodiles in Custody, Police in Humpty Doo, Australia, Seek Human Accomplices Quake in Norcia. We love Norcia. Norcia is for foodies. Also, home of St. Benedict. The Surprising Reason Why More Americans Aren’t Going To Church Robbing the New (Uber) to Subsidize the Old (Taxis) Accused of being Eurocentric, Roger Williams U. hires social justice expert to help lead campus Two Hypotheses On Why Basket Case Cities Are Failing World poll: Plurality think there are 'too many immigrants' in their country Leveraging Up The World in Good Times -- The Madness of Modern Central Banking "Readers of this blog take steps to make sure their Virginia governor restoring felons' voting rights one by one after court rejects order I tend to agree with that. Everybody is a felon. Soros update What a creep Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos Carville: Attack the Clinton Foundation and you’re risking your very soul, or something Trump is a vanity project run amok Thoughts on Trump – When Life Gives You Lemons… VDH: Whatever his faults, a Trump victory is preferable for the Republic. No other couple in American politics can offer what the Clintons have to sell. Caroline Glick on Hillary Clinton Not impressed Annals of Clinton corruption Hamas, Palestinian Authority Target Journalists Ahead of Election Who should rule Syria? Nobody A few wonderful things from our August vacation
A juvenile topic, isn't it? So be it. - For starters, the view from our deck (photo above) - Our pup, despite age, is still able to fully enjoy exploring the salt marshes and Cape Cod woods. Half-blind and deaf, but nose still works well. For the first time, we would not let him swim with us. His arthritis is terrible and his athletic endurance is limited. He would probably drown. - While hiking on the Audubon land, we were lucky to come across the hatching of a nest of Diamondback Terrapins. 12 tiny ones pushing up through the sand at the same time. A first, for me. They emerge from the sand, blink a few times, then scamper for cover as if their life depended on it. Which it does. I took photos, but my camera died before I could download them. A dead Lumix with quite a few good pics in its memory. Maybe I can get them from the memory card. - Wild highbush blueberries. Blueberries are native to North America. There are two wild forms, the lowbush types of the far north and the highbush of more temperate climates. Wild highbush berries are less than half the size of commercial berries, and darker, sometimes almost black. Somebody is farming wild highbush. Expensive. Taste brings me back to my youth of berry-picking in the woods. Mom tied strings through holes in metal coffee cans, painted our names on them, put the strings over our necks and sent us out to fill the cans. We had to let the little sibs climb on our backs to reach the high berries. - Outdoor calisthenics in salty air and piney woods. About one hour, every morning at 630 or 7. Best way to begin a day of physical activity. - A car. Friends visited with their older Audi S4 with a V8. Now I want one. Makes a fine sound. - Blueberry pancakes at The Lighthouse, and dozens of Wellfleet Oysters everywhere we ate. At least 6 dozen, probably more. And the Steamers and Lobster festive supper I made for Mrs. BD's birthday party. Always good to have so much family around. Always buy large lobsters. - With ocean temps pushing the high 60s, you could body surf until fatigued. Nothing better. Some Great Whites around, but the lifeguards let you know when they spot them. Heck, they would probably grab a little kid out there before they would grab you... Tuesday, August 23. 2016Herp du Jour: MassasaugaThis is a rattler of the central US, ranging from Ontario to Mexico and generally preferring grasslands and marshes. I have never seen one, but I have never searched for snakes in the central US. However, I once came across a DeKay's Snake in central Ohio on a hike. Took a photo. The field biologist said they had never been recorded in central Ohio so I guess I made history in a small way. Have you ever seen a Massasauga? This guy is well-camouflaged in the grasses. It is good not to be a mouse. Rotten to the core
This pattern goes back to the selling of the Lincoln bedroom. Friends, this is abnormal. I think it is racketeering at the least. Unsurprisingly, the MSM has played no role in exposing Clinton corruption. This is not an argument for Donald Trump. As I have said before, I think Clintonian morals are already baked in the cake. It would be newsworthy if they did something honest and unselfish.
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The War on ChartersThe War on Charters Escalates. It must be an election year. Teachers' unions are rich.
Tuesday morning links
"Well aren't we special, then, loving so much and being such nice people." Brexit Armageddon was a terrifying vision – but it simply hasn’t happened 'Borders are the worst invention ever!' EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker Invented by God, I believe. Gates of Eden EPA Says It Needs Eight More Years to Decide if Ethanol Mandate Is Bad for the Environment - It is, as everyone who isn't a corn farmer will tell you. The Regulatory State: The worst Excesses Of Rent Seekers And Power-Mad Politicians CNN thinks "blacks" synonym for "felons." Emails show that Clinton Foundation donors got improved State Dept. access Big-time grifters Trump: Clinton Foundation “most corrupt enterprise in political history” Could be... Hillary Wears Heavy Coat and Black Pants to Nantucket Fundraiser 80 degrees and a wool coat? Strange. A cover-up? Has Trump Awakened John C. Calhoun's Concurrent Majority? Monday, August 22. 2016CashWolves of Clinton Street
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I need a new barn
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Monday morning links Many thanks to Roger de Hauteville, King of Sicily, for filling in with the morning posts last week. It was a welcome and refreshing change of pace from my usual bla bla bla. College Profs Admit Affirmative Action Is Failing Students, Get Called Racist Scheming Buffalo Herd Roams Amok at Grand Canyon - Descendants of ‘beefalo’ outfox hunters, refuse to relocate; ill-fated ‘catnip’ plan Feral critters. Shoot 'em, eat 'em EpiPen Costs Skyrocket, Because Big Government Ruins Everything What lies beneath: an introvert’s guide to fiction – and life Mikey Weinstein – embarrassing atheists since… hell, I don’t know Hillary Clinton’s Worst Week—Yet, According to the MSM, Her Best Week Jewish Fear and Loathing of Donald Trump Irony Squared: Could Donald Trump Be the Savior of Black America? Donald Trump’s Lincolnesque Moment - A landmark in the emergence of a new Republican Party. With a comfortable lead, Clinton begins laying plans for her White House agenda House Clinton and the Wages of Corruption Washington Post: Trump’s Attacks On Hillary’s (Poor) Health Sickening Or Something Last Night Was the Turning Point in Trump's Campaign Americans are about to get the first landslide president we don’t want A bizarre editorial from some paper in New York
Althouse: "The media feel like lawyers for the Clinton campaign, taking whatever the evidence is and presenting it as advantageous to their client." Cahoon's Hollow, sunrise. Wellfleet, MASunday, August 21. 2016American journalism is collapsing before our eyes
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