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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, April 15. 2016Why strength training? Plus thoughts about efficient use of exercise time. That good old guy must love life to pursue it so vigorously. The reason for strength conditioning is to build or maintain functionality. That means preventing the muscle and bone loss of inertia and age, strengthening joints, improving posture, improving balance, enhancing nerve-to-muscle reactivity, and building or maintaining power and energy for daily life and for sports and recreation. Strength training is not the same as "body-building." Normal strength-training by ordinary people like us is not meant to build bulging muscles. However, with each increment of improvement and with proper diet your naked self will look and feel a bit less like a weak slob with flab and sagging things, and that is a nice side benefit. Should a healthy adult male be able to do a minimum of ten push ups and ten pull-ups? Of course. Sturdy males can do far more. A comment about time efficiency in strength conditioning - and fitness in general - below the fold -
Continue reading "Why strength training? Plus thoughts about efficient use of exercise time." Primary care physicians becoming extinctPolygamyPolygamy is constitutional in the US. It has to be. Of course it is. It is not the Court's job to reinforce culture, customs, taboos, and traditions other than their own. We can label some things or people as immoral or depraved, but there is freedom too. Pop culture changes as Judeo-Christian standards decline. Adultery used to have a death sentence unless you were royalty or an aristocrat. Today, it seems unremarkable as habits of the lower classes and those of the rich and powerful converge.
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The Moore Moment![]() Friday morning links
Is Cremation a Pagan Practice Which Christians Should Avoid? The New England Puritans just threw the corpse in the ground, put a rock on top, and went and got drunk. The little kids too. Hard cider, mainly. Health update: Eat more chocolate And more animal fats... what next? This Is How to Confront Campus Crybabies Special Snowflakes Petition Against Tulane Frat’s Trump Wall, Claims It “Threatens” Muslims… No real safe space at University of Texas Empty dorms, empty mansions Federal judge calls IRS untrustworthy in tea party case What did Americans know as the Holocaust unfolded? Quite a lot, it turns out. U.S. Gives 680,000 Green Cards to Migrants from Muslim Nations
How the GOP Ended Up with Too Many 2016 Candidates The Coming Conservative Dark Age - Mediacracy Clinton vows to create new agency to assist illegal aliens Assist them with what? Clintonism, RIP Germany: A dirty – not particularly funny – poem just turned into an ‘international crisis’ Nice goin', Angela Venezuela to ration malls, change clocks, to save power Bernie's dream Air France: "Once you give them an inch, they want a mile. Concessions mean weakness for them." It's never enough for negotiators. Smart negotiators take the long view. Drip, drip, drip. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Taking Sides in the War Within Islam The War Games Will Determine the Future of the US Marine Corps Thursday, April 14. 2016Climate Change Won’t Kill You
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Thanking lucky stars
No, I don't think so. I think people fully accept the partial roles that good and bad luck play in their lives. Still, the old cliches apply: "Make your own luck," "Turn lemons into lemonade," "Make the most of the cards you're dealt." I like to view life as a passing conveyor belt loaded with good and bad choices, good opportunities and terrible ideas, nasty surprises and pleasant surprises. But if I come down with cancer, it's bad luck. Do you live in a bubble?
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Thursday morning links
The World's Most Dangerous Airport Low fat diet correlated with more heart attacks Woops This study 40 years ago could have reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published:
The Youngest Casualties in the War on Obesity "War" on obesity? What? Let them eat cake if they want to. Sultan: Civilizations go through three stages; Barbaric, Vigorous and Decadent. Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism. Get Over It. Psychiatrist: Overprotective Parents Are Creating Easily-Offended College Students Wrong. It's faux offense for bullying purposes. College: "You sniveling little lunatic ......s." It Begins: Obama Forgives Student Debt Of 400,000 Americans Climate Change Is A Terminal Diagnosis Or Something WSJ Confirms Collusion Behind #ExxonKnew Blue state pensions: Unimaginable Math Problems Why Minimum Wage Is Bad For Workers, Great For Unions It is that simple De Blasio Jokes About 'Colored People Time' With Hillary At Charity Event Around here we call it Island Time Verizon CEO Joins GE in Criticizing Bernie Sanders’ Views George Soros Warns Europe: Absorb 500k Refugees Costing $34Bn, Or Risk "Existential Threat" A madman Wargame Warns NATO Unready For Baltic Crisis Why Violent Islamists Assault Antiquity The new grenade launcher Wednesday, April 13. 2016Brave and undauntedIs Special K a good antidepressant?Ketamine is used by anesthesiologists. It is also a party drug. It might turn out to be an excellent antidepressant. As of now, it is mainly used with patients who do not respond to other means, but that may change. One wonders whether, like ECT, it might flick some sort of switch, or push a reset button.
When college students need remedial work
If you can not produce a grammatical, coherent, and well-structured essay, or do trig and pre-calc, you are likely not ready for a higher ed curriculum. Sensibly, a North Carolina pilot project is moving remediation to the high schools. At that point, it's not remediation, just more high school. What is money?
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Wednesday morning links
Adult dorms are no joke — they’re something we need Like the YMCA usta be. Hope it catches on for young city folk. Loneliness sucks and shared spaces are cheap. Why Corporations Oppose Religious Liberty New look at ancient shards suggests Bible even older than thought 2 UGA players face felony gun charges for shooting BB gun in dorm. A BB gun? Come on, people. BB guns are like totally fun toys. Also, a good way to prepare kids for real firearms. Black-only dorms: UConn’s Civil Rights Failure Under Obama, race relations at all-time low Should Yale Hire The “Most Diverse”? Charm School - I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes. Blue State blues: Surging deficits threaten Providence The Fight for the Future of NPR - A slow-moving bureaucracy. An antiquated business model. A horde of upstart competitors Don’t Let the Opt-Out of Common Core Testing Movement Fool You Climate Change Hits the Snooze Button Climate-change deniers deserve punishment "Interest Rates - 'The Great Game'" NOW President: Abortion Is Necessary´; First Amendment Should Be Repealed OK. Repeal it for her first. We're funnier and redder than The Boston Globe! Wrong, from a libertarian standpoint. Heather has five Mommies. We're funnier and redder than The Boston Globe! Obama Admin Advised Against Calling Iranian Missile Tests Deal Violation… Colorado Senator Rips Into Trump: How Can You Beat ISIS If You Can't Figure Out Convention? Trump Whines About Being Cheated. He Was Only Cheated By His Very Good Brain And The Very Best People. Hillary Confirms Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Plan Bill Clinton can’t stop talking about himself Book: The Encyclopedia of Militant Islam A HISTORY LESSON ON CUBA FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA - Did the U.S. really "exploit" pre-Castro Cuba? Cuba is of zero importance to the world. Dominicans make better smokes and ball players, today. Obama Foreign Policy Under Fire from His Former Defense Secretaries Turkey's Circus in Washington Palestinians: Erasing Christian History The Assad Files - Capturing the top-secret documents that tie the Syrian regime to mass torture and killings. Weeks after ‘pullout’ from Syria, Russian military is as busy as ever Fine with me. It's another tar baby. Time to take aim at Iranian missiles Tuesday, April 12. 2016Laugh or cry?
Stanford Students Reject Western Civilization By A 6-To-1 Margin Well, you have to laugh. Socrates would have laughed, because these children are 100% immersed in Enlightenment Western Civ, and don't even want to know what it is or where it came from. I have seen plenty of willful ignorance in my life, but this has to take the cake. SAT-bright students, voting for ignorance of Homer, Plato, the Old Testament, Paul, Beowulf, Augustine, Aquinas, Lorenzo de Medici, Michelangelo, Rousseau, Shakespeare, Newton, Adam Smith, Martin Luther, Locke. Wow. They won't know bupkus and thus will not be worth a serious conversation. And since all of modern physics, chemistry, medicine, and engineering are aspects and products of Western Civ too, perhaps they might consider eliminating those oppressive white male patriarchal things. Ignorant kids, standing on the shoulders of giants while denying it. Fascinating phenomenon, the hubris of ignorance. If I were there with a microphone and videotape, it would be fun to ask them what civilization they might prefer to know - or live in.
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White versus White AmericaVDH analyzes the Trump phenomenon. It's intelligent.
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Urban Hike April 23rd
Our starting point will be Dunkin' Donuts at 140 Delancey St. Why not? The march will begin at 10 AM, so be there before then. A little coffee and sugar is good to get your motor running. End point will be Grant's Tomb - if we survive the march and get that far. Some hikers will flake off, I suspect, at various points but it would be cool if many of us could make it to Grant before it gets too late. We'll have to hustle along like a serious posse. More details below the fold - Continue reading "Urban Hike April 23rd" Tuesday morning links
This New Battery is a Game Changer NPR: ‘When Is It OK To Profit From Cooking Other Cultures’ Food?” Never, ever. Even at home. Even burgers and franks are evil cultural appropriations. There otta be laws. Feminism and multiculturalism in Western Europe Moral blindness HOLY BIBLE ON LIST OF 'CHALLENGED' BOOKS AT LIBRARIES Ban all books. Few will notice. Campus Lunacy - Inside the world of the Fascist Left's intimidation tactics. Academic decay: Harvard students are triggered by pro-lifers and American flags The word 'trigger' triggers me First Brown, now U. Oklahoma students whine about the ‘hardships’ of campus activism Bill Gross : "Negative Rates Destroy Savers, The Bedrock Of Capitalism", Larry Fink Agrees McArdle: Those Tax 'Loopholes' Were Created for a Reason How White Castle Will Adjust to a $15 Minimum Wage in New York The Eco Struggle:
Problem is that the climate moonbats discredit worthy efforts at habitat conservation and the like. Serious air pollution, for example, almost eliminated in the US. That's good. Joe Scarborough: Obama 'Rigged' Clinton Email Probe Be lenient with Chelsea Clinton. When your mission is to solve all Five Clinton shell companies established in Delaware "Goodbye GOP. I Will Not Be Forced to Vote for Somebody I Don't Want. You're Toast. To Hell With the Republican Party" Drones of the Sea: DARPA Unveils Sea Hunter UK Equalities Chief Who Popularised The Term 'Islamophobia’ Admits: ‘I Thought Muslims Would Blend into Britain… I Indeed. Sultan: Islam is Colonialism, Palestine is Colonialism Act Now to Preserve Our Strategic Deterrent Monday, April 11. 2016Mammal migrationsThe Springsteen Moment
This past weekend, Springsteen canceled a concert in North Carolina, on 2 days notice, to protest the passage of law requiring people to use bathrooms based on the gender of birth. PayPal, similarly, canceled plans to expand operations in Charlotte. I understand how tightly politics has become intertwined with business. Making a statement seems to be the most important thing anyone can do, these days. So I'll make a small one of my own. I don't agree with the North Carolina law, but I don't live there. I think it is over-the-top and excessive control of society by imposing a law where common sense should suffice to reign. The passage of law doesn't make an idea 'correct' or morally justified. Even so, I'm still planning to visit my family in North Carolina, spend money there, and enjoy the state's many natural wonders. I'm not going to boycott a state because I disagree with a law. If I did that, I'd have problems living in the state I currently reside. Paypal and Bruce both have the right to make whatever statements they choose, just as I do. I'm not sure how what they are doing impacts the law, however. In fact, they both hurt many people in an attempt to 'show solidarity' with...some group or another (I can never tell which special interest groups are getting the attention these days).
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Monday morning links
Should you even care? Lionfish: Eat an Invasive Species for Dinner Bullet indicates Lawrence of Arabia was no liar Ford Mustang - Germany´s favorite sports car It’s the birds against the cats in the latest battle for Jones Beach Eat this invasive species for dinner? Why SpaceX's Rocket Landing On A Drone Ship Is A Big Deal "One of the reasons, of course, that English is such a marvelous vehicle for communication and has become omnipresent around the world is that it borrows, often and constantly, from other languages. Cyberspooks: College Grad Looking For a Job? The NSA Wants YOU! Yiannopoulos threatens to amp up 'blatant cultural appropriation' at upcoming Yale lecture Fun! What Happened to Free Speech at Marquette? Most dangerous year for free speech in U.S. history You Are Now A Racist If You Say Schools Need To Be Safer “Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture’s got to go.” Only in Western cultures can kids say things like that. They ought to wonder why that is. Bruce Springsteen and the North Carolina bathroom privacy law Shut up and sing What peak government looks like Tax fairness So @tylercowen, You Want to Understand the Great Stagnation? Here It Is New Jersey faces budget crisis over soak-the-rich policy When citizenship is just being a crop plant on a government tax farm Will taxpayers be left holding the bag for student-loan deadbeats? Subpoenaed Into Silence on Global Warming A bunch of government lawyers can mess up your life for a long time, even if they are wrong. Makes more sense for a business to not be a hero - just shut up and pay the extortion. Richard Lindzen: Global Warming And The Irrelevance Of Science U.S. Admits More than TWICE the Number of Migrants from Muslim World than Europe Team Obama is setting us up for another housing-market collapse Border Patrol ordered to release illegals ‘still soaking wet’ from Rio Grande, union says Journalists? No, Just Professional Democrat Tools Fear and Loathing at the Trump Rally Establishment Now Publishing FAKE HEADLINES to Take Down Trump Drunk Trump Cruz’s Goldwateresque Mistake - Attacking voters always comes back to haunt. Barbra Streisand Is Wrong: Hillary Is Unpopular Because Of Her Record, Not Her Gender - Sexism is Hillary Clinton’s biggest asset. China tears down THOUSANDS of crucifixes in crude bid to eradicate Christianity The Global Vote of No Confidence in Pax Americana Not everybody liked it Let’s end America’s hopeless war for the Middle East Netanyahu Furious at US Lawmakers Who Demand Investigating Israeli ‘Human Rights Abuses’ Sunday, April 10. 2016A little more from MerleFedEx
Fred Smith on the Birth of FedEx
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PrecisionUSMC Silent Drill Team
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Is government ever big enough?
No. It is a very rare Leftists who will tell you what the proper end point is for the expansion of government power and money. The answer is always "more."
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