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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, December 24. 2010An Irish Christmas love song: Fairytale of New YorkAn annual re-post. Heart-wrenching lyrics here. A Sippicanian ChristmasKesler DADT Op-Ed in San Diego Union-TribuneChristmas Eve morning linksI know everybody is doing their Christmas shopping today, but I have some links anyway if you have time. I am heading up to MA to see the family, with my sack of goodies for them.
Cal Thomas: What if the Christmas story is true? Kimball: ’Tis the Season to Be Politically Correct.
Gerald goes to WalMart Wind power? It's a scam. The rent-seekers are all over it. How Democrats gave up on religious voters It’s official: Polar bear not an endangered species He knows what is best for you. All about Cass Sunstein: A Czar is Born 45 people lynched amid Haiti cholera fears. Haiti's real problem is cultural. Iran Just Shipped Missiles to Venezuela. Hello? Is This Thing On? Buying up the entire Western world at discount prices: Fresh humiliation for eurozone as China says it will bail out debt-ridden nations Malpractice costs and defensive medicine costs, in NY Pajamas: American Leftists Refuse to See the Handwriting on the Wall in Europe -Our domestic lefties have been pushing for decades to turn us into the type of society that is now crumbling before our eyes in Europe. Not All Global Warming Skeptics Are Crackpots?!? Slate: Whose Internet Is It, Anyway? Let's drive 'em all out of business: UAW’s King Announces 2011 Goals: Target Foreign-Owned Auto Plants. No, they'll just move their factories to Mexico. After predicting a mild winter, the British weather service is profoundly embarrassed by the current deep freeze Uncle Sam Will Help Buy You an Alpaca - How the government produces negative unintended consequences Q&O: Is access to the internet a “civil right”? Driscoll: Global Warming Died; Women, Children, AlGore Hardest Hit Other McCain: Class Warfare vs. Economic Facts Neptunus on ROTC:
Obama Administration Admits Polar Bears Are Not ‘Endangered’ But Sets Aside 187,000 Miles For Them Anyway. Very scientific. Pilot exposes TSA baloney, gets in trouble:
We misunderestimated him: Bush's memoir sells 2m copies in a month - nearly as many as Bill Clinton's sold in six years The Krautman says something people don't want to hear: Obama's new start
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Christmas Eve. "Unless you turn..."Matthew 18:1 1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Joseph and Jesus, Guido Reni, 1635 Thursday, December 23. 2010What's wrong with lower population growth?Slow-Growing Population? Great! I agree! There's no shortage of people in this world, and far too many control freaks, nuts, slimeballs, and idiots. A White Christmas weekend for the eastern US
We hate hot weather (well, some of us do, but our authorship has expanded well beyond chilly Yankeeland over the years). Warmth makes me feel lazy and unproductive, and that is not the Yankee Way Of Life. Merry Blandmas?Yesterday I spoke with my mother-in-law in Dusseldorf, where she’s snowed in and may not reach her mother for Christmas eve. She saw on CNN that San Diego was suffering from torrential rains, as TV news searches for exaggerations to fill airtime. Actually, San Diego got from several inches to over ten-inches of rain, varying by spot. That’s very unusual in our semi-arid location, where sunny days are usual and average temps range along the coast from winter 60s to upper-70s in summer (today’s newspaper editorial calls our usual weather “bland”). Still, as most of our soil is sand and roads get flooded, there are commute difficulties and some small landslides (the Coaster rail is blocked for several more days). We have tickets to the Poinsettia Bowl tonight. We’ll have to go hours earlier and stall in heavy traffic; bummer. At Qualcomm, next to the overflowed San Diego River (usually a trickle), pumps are removing over 2,200 gallons of water a minute from the flooded stadium (I guess that favors Navy, versus San Diego State University). On the way back from the movies yesterday to see Narnia #3 (good, especially with 3D, but #2 was best), Jason and I stopped at Sports Authority for a quick purchase. Instead, we spent over an hour in the baseball glove aisle helping confused parents choose gloves for their sons (we sold over 20; should have been on commission). Almost all the buyers departed wishing us Happy Holidays; not one Merry Christmas. This is not a Jewish neighborhood (nor Muslim), so I thought that unusual, even bland. For those to whom Christmas is something special, two items in today’s emails tell of their deep loss. A fellow Vietnam veteran sent me this artist rendering of a photo taken at the Wall in D.C. These and other veterans never got to celebrate another Christmas. Another friend sent me this AP clip that Iraqi Churches cancel Christmas festivities because of Al Qaeda threats, following increased but hardly new brutalities and murder against them by Islamists, a million Christians having left Iraq since 2003. Christians in most all Muslim countries suffer violence and death at the hands of Islamists. Wherever you are, whatever your weather, whichever and however your faith, whenever you pause, give thanks for the freedom to celebrate Christmas in America, compared to the alternatives, and remember when it wasn’t Blandmas or an invitation to be slaughtered.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Reborn: A Christmas Carol
To state the obvious, the story is a metaphor, using Christmas as the setting, in which a man is reborn in Christ by the mystical power of the Holy Spirit (as represented by the "spirits,") transforming his soul from a grouchy, self-centered drudge into a loving, generous, and joyful creature. Many Christians, as I do, pray for some bit of that transformation and rebirth in our souls each Advent, as we remember and celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas Eve Eve links
You can now eat all the fat you want. Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Where germs breed on airplanes Bishop Tutu Is No Saint When it Comes To Jews Driscoll: Mega-Consumers against Consumerism John Fund: The Net Neutrality Coup - The campaign to regulate the Internet was funded by a who's who of left-liberal foundations. A quote:
Armies always used to take control of the radio stations first Obamacare is a government takeover Happy Kwanzaa, Commies, Racists, and Psychopaths Obama Supported Ousted Honduran Thug Zelaya to Appease Chavez School Requires Permission Slips for Pledge
Wednesday, December 22. 2010Greenies: It's the politics, stupidStolen in full (because it is so well-said) from Never Yet Melted's Van Jones Urges Young Supporters “To Pretend” EPA Regulations Are Needed:
Rush has been making accusations about this for years, and so have we. It's good to hear somebody confess the scam in public. The innocent, ignorant, and sanctimonious Greenies are the useful idiots in this game.
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Deer stand![]() A Jewelry Store at Christmastime, and the economy
The lady who retrieved my watch showed me a $285,000 watch. Used. It doesn't look fancy or flashy at all. She told me they would sell it this week, already sold one just like it earlier in the week. I admired it, but I prefer my old Accutron that my wife gave me the first year we were married (and my Timex Explorer for banging around). She also showed me a pretty bracelet, $60,000. She said they had had five of them three weeks ago, now down to this last one. They have an armed rent-a-cop on duty full time. When I finally got my watch delivered from the repair and jewelry construction area upstairs, she handed it to me and said "No charge. It was a simple repair, just a cleaning and oiling. Merry Christmas."
Posted by Bird Dog
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A new poll, plus BastiatRasmussen: Majority of Voters Say Protecting Individual Rights Is Government’s Chief Role. That's a good sign. Lots of folks, it would appear, have taken Bastiat to heart. Unsurprisingly, Liberals do not see it the same way. A creative solution to eminent domain conflictsIt's money. At The American. One quote:
Pay them the real value. Makes sense to me. Un traductor óptica de Español-Inglés
This is an iPhone app, soon to be available for other smart phones. Home site is here. The app is free, languages cost five bucks apiece. They only have Spanish-English at the moment, but converting other languages should be a snap at this point. What's particularly impressive about this is that it's the quintessential case of the entrepreneur's axiom, find a need and fill it. Check out the second video on the site for the background story. A truly marvelous invention, and sure beats the hell out of having to look up "ADVERTENCIA! GRAVES DE DERRAMES DE RADIACIÓN! DOS PASOS MÁS Y SE MUERE!" ("WARNING! SEVERE RADIATION LEAK! TWO MORE STEPS AND YOU'RE DEAD!") in the translation book. "Ad-ver-ten-see-a? Why would there be an advertisement way out here? Should we look it up in the translation book?" "Look up an advertisement? Why bother? Let's go!"
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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ComplianceAt Pajamas, ‘Compliance’: The Word That Sunk a Million U.S. Jobs
It's not just cheaper labor - it's the hassle factor.
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Weds. morning links
Obama's mystery proposal to regulate the Internet Also, at WaPo: Hands off tomorrow's Internet:
Price controls: U.S. Proposes Rules on Raising Insurance Premiums We all know that the long game is to put them out of business In New Maps, 'An Embarrassment of Riches' for GOP SANDERS: Afghanistan and worldwide jihadism Obama administration readies indefinite detention order for Guantanamo detainees Do the farmers feed us, or do we feed the farmers? And another issue: Do they care what that E-10 already does to our 2-cycle engines? What will E-15 do to a chain saw? Re farmers, you got money for "attempting to farm" Tuesday, December 21. 2010Last Gay Posting (I hope)
Makes me want to be a lesbian! Wooden powerboatsPyrrhic Victory: What’s Next For Gays After The DADT RepealMy good friend Dan Blatt, of GayPatriot blog, has a worth reading column today at AOL, What's Next for Gays After the DADT Repeal? Though we disagree on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), Blatt neutrally links to and quotes from my previous post, DADT Repeal: What Comes Next? Pentagon Asked, Tells Combat Troops Not To Tell, and I reviewed his draft for accuracy. Respected defense and foreign policy guru Max Boot writes, as does a combat Marine’s wife, with confidence the able military will adapt, though they opposed the repeal. For one thing, there may be far fewer gays in uniform than claimed by the pro-repeal advocates. One indication of this comes from data that most of the approximately 14,000 discharged under DADT from the military over the past 17 years were probably not even gay, but slackers who falsely “outed” themselves for an early out. Continue reading "Pyrrhic Victory: What’s Next For Gays After The DADT Repeal" Last minute Christmas ideas for gun enthusiastsHere. The Judge is a handy weapon, but the .410 in it might not kill anybody for keeps. You do not want the bad guys alive to testify at your trial, because they will lie. Re gun safes, I just don't want my firearms stolen, but I have no idea what good a home protection firearm is when locked in a gun safe. All across this great land, people keep a loaded shotgun handy and hope they never need it for anything other than a rattlesnake. Best home protection is a cheap pump action 12 ga. Only a semi-pro or pro could kill an intruder with a handgun in the dark, while feeling freaked-out and confused. A 12 ga might damage your possessions but at close range with the right cartouche (Buckshot) it can definitely mess up a bad guy so he will die in the hallway before the cops arrive. These are not very Christmassy mental images, are they?
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Good newsJustice. This via TigerHawk:
Gov. Awesome does it again.
Diplomas, Inc.From the Pope Center's Studying or Partying? The Five-Year Party identifies a problem with college, but gets a barely passing grade:
Readers know that I am in favor of raising the bar for HS and college graduation. Over time, these things mean less and less. A HS degree should mean, at minimum, that you can write a personal essay, a researched essay, know what PV=nRT means, and perform Trigonometry. A college degree should mean, at minimum, that you can write a scholarly paper, do Calc, and speak intelligently about Kierkegaard and the Bible. ObamaCare 2011Good summary, looking forward:
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