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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, July 17. 2006Monday Morning Links
Somebody really HATES Kenny G: Synthstuff Megachurches and the Repub party ATLA wants to change their name. Lipstick on a pig. The real names of rock stars. Ace. Bet you didn't know that Paul Revere and the Raiders real name was Paul Revere. The CBS Egg story - too dumb. Diversity is not strength in Lebanon. VDARE Stop test-driving your girlfriend: A Christian view of wife selection/ h/t, Evangelical Outpost Eager Dhimmis in Sweden. Unbelievable. I guess they hate themselves. Culture wars and the Evangelical Christians. Middlebrow is right - they aren't trying to take over - they are fighting a holding action for traditional western civilization. Hey teacher, leave them kids alone. 7years hard time for her. I guess it's against the law.
Posted by The News Junkie
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QQQTo knock a thing down, especially if it is cocked at an arrogant angle, is a deep delight of the blood. Sunday, July 16. 2006Note from Nathan, in Israel
Today - after two soldiers killed and one kidnapped in Israel by Gaza, after several soldiers killed and two kidnapped in Israel by Lebanese, after rockets designed in Iran have landed in Haifa, Sfad, Carmiel, Naharya, and other places - I sit in Netanya in the down-at-the-heels Green Hotel lobby, the TV running with news of the eight killed in Haifa today to write.To tell about D.,a 21 year-old sergeant in Nachshon, a unit trained for close-combat urban warfare.
He apologizes that he did not call me Friday when he returned: had an hour to spend with his main squeeze on the beach; apologizes for not being in shul this a.m.-- went with his little sister to see her friend at an another shul; wants to see me today for one of hour walks that last a few hours. He will be heading back at nightfall. Continue reading "Note from Nathan, in Israel" You think you can shoot?
Watch the whole thing. h/t, our cousin at FMFT . Needed this guy at the posting below.
Posted by Bird Dog
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NYT staff watches Jihadists kill Americans, does nothing
These guys are a source of shame for all Americans, today - and every day. What would you - or I - do? I would GPS the address and call in air support - before I got there, of course. Lose a photo - save a life. This is The End, for the NYT. Full story, with details on Pinch "Let the American die" Sulzberger, and photos here. Crocosmia in full-featherOur Crocosmia is in full bloom, but a bit weighted down by their flowers, and by over-growth from all of the rain. The bulbs are fairly expensive (wrong - mine were $35 years ago, but cheap now), but they spread vigorously in a sunny spot and you soon have bulbs (I think they are technically "corms") to give away. Hummingbirds love these. (lens had a little condensation from coming out of the A/C) Tropical-looking, they grow well in Yankee-land.
Saturday, July 15. 2006Some mid-afternoon linksThe Who to go on tour. The remaining two, that is. Townsend and Daltrey. Still, could be interesting. h/t, Basil Dress for church? Quote from Anchoress piece:
Imagining a better world without Israel at Daily Kos. Anti-semitism just never quits. h/t, Small Dead Animals Clinton terms going after Lieberman "nutty." He is right, unless...Kos is working for the CIA and Bush. Tim Blair Doug TenNapel (on our blogroll) has written a (comic) book. Apparently, that is what he does when he doesn't blog. Blogging is a major waste of time. From Stratfor, re Israel and Iran : A Middle East Crisis: Backgrounder
Read the rest of their report below, thanks to Gwynnie's subscription: Continue reading "Some mid-afternoon links" View from a back alley in downtown Nantucket![]()
Posted by Bird Dog
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Summertime Re-post - Summer Reading: Mark HelprinRe-posted from 7-5-05 Mark Helprin Update Soldier of the Great War is my favorite of the four books of his I have read, but many know him only through his WSJ opinion pieces. An excellent interview, mini-bio, and update in Harvard Magazine. An excerpt from the piece:
Photo by Jim Harrison in Harvard Magazine Update: Did read Freddy and Frederika this past winter. It would work for beach reading.
Posted by Bird Dog
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A few Saturday Morning linksIt's a beach and boat day! Carpe diem. Hope you meet no rogue waves; hope the gals meet plenty of handsome rogues. If you're single, Hey, Jude, don't be afraid: reach out and touch someone today! Summer is the time for luuuuuuv.
Why do Jews tend to vote Dem? Kesler takes a look. The Healthy Forests Restoration Act is a waste of $. No doubt. The Commons Dems try to figure out how to manipulate religious people. RWN Microsoft, the European Commission, anti-trust. The EU hates success: they want to be KING. Disturbed people love power. Coyote Ptown gay group goes terrorist against "breeders." That ain't smart. Polipundit From Bob, a happily rambling Bobistical, but not solipsitical, piece on the inner universe, the soul, Hopkins, the human face, and God. One Cosmos. His piece made me think of The Kingfisher, which is why it's today's Saturday Verse. A quote:
Read our Dr. Bliss' piece on Happiness posted on Thurs. The Human Right to Self-Defence: Benelli M4Self-defence is a basic human right, both for individuals and for nations - or for animals, for that matter. It is the most basic right of living creatures. An unprotected home is not a safe and secure home, and a handy gun is as essential as a shovel, duct tape, or a pair of pliers. You cannot defend yourself and your family with a whistle and a phone call to 911 any more than Israel can defend herself with a phone call to the UN. Guns are the best tools for self-defence by far, plus they are fun, too. And, thank God, we are still allowed to shoot when bad guys invade our space and our lives. Looked at one of these yesterday at the gun shop. The Marines use them. I like it. Bad guys hate it, because it can turn their heads into instant pizza-topping, which is highly discouraging to those with evil intentions. The Benelli M4. One ugly-looking shotgun.
Friday, July 14. 2006![]()
Posted by Bird Dog
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The Axis of Evil
To the NYT and the LAT and the Boston Globe, the Axis of Evil is the USA, Israel, and Britain. Yes, all deeply evil, no doubt. Somehow, their wise men figgered it out, despite many efforts to hide the truth. Agenda-driven journalism discussed at Town Hall
Noon Links"Black Culture" blamed for Katrina woes. Synthstuff. The battle for Harry Truman's ghost. Oxblog. Good piece. Gentlemen's Sports: Martini-mixing, insulting foreigners, and hitting on ladies. FMFT How complicated are things in Lebanon? Breibart Krauthammer: It's about Israel's right to exist. Here. But if they got rid of Israel, who would they blame for their problems? A Soccer comment from our Gwynnie:
A Humble Yet Earnest Plea to Fellow BloggersPlease get rid of your log-ins for comments. You would have triple the comments if you got rid of them. What's the point of creating an obstacle to comments? In my experience, the systems never work, and Blogger, for example, never lets me on, despite having signed up properly a year ago. If you want comments from our team of brainiacs, get rid of those dang nuisances. Just delete obnoxious or unwanted comments or trolls - it's like vacuuming the house. No big deal. Just reading the anti-spam letters is tough enough - I cannot even read my own - X and K and H are indistinguishable.
Posted by Bird Dog
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A Connecticut harbor, 5 AM![]()
Posted by Bird Dog
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Friday Morning LinksTom Brokaw: Drives a Prius, bemoans global warming, owns a charter jet company. Tim Blair/ Gas for me but not for thee. What Londonistan is up against: Daniel Pipes, h/t, Smart Christian
Read the whole piece - a good update on the country in general. Buying wine online: What's the future? Bainbridge at TCS Is the ABA's Diversity Standard legal? volokh An amusing advt (beach video) for Israel vacations (maybe not this week, tho) When the govt tells doctors how to treat their patients. DB What did the NYT really do when they published the SWIFT story? Villainous Company Post-modernism, deconstructionism, another wacko professor, and Israel. Sigmund, Carl and Alfred Obesity and political correctness. Can a doctor tell a patient that they are "fat"? Of course. Like it's not obvious anyway. Dr. Helen
Posted by The News Junkie
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Thursday, July 13. 2006QQQI thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. Mark Twain
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
in Quotidian Quotable Quote (QQQ)
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The War
Latest info on Drudge. No doubt Iran is behind all of this. Dinocrat calls it WW 4. Kesler considers a European solution. MEMRI has info and thoughts.
Banned from Disneyworld for Life![]()
Posted by Bird Dog
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A few mid-morning linksWho killed Fidel? Zidane. Video at Babalu Another addition to the Maggie's Olde Blogrolle: A Slower Pace. His family is seeking a sane, wholesome life. Why is John Calvin a "rhetorical negative"? Middlebrow says "Blame the textbooks." We agree. Many of us have shot tennis balls from backyard cannons towards the sea, but potato guns? Orange guns? New to me, but I like the idea. Alphecca. Vanderleun - a quote from his recent confessional piece:
Twyla Tharp does Dylan
Something new on Broadway.
The Lehnert SpeechSpeech by Marine Maj Gen Michael R Lehnert, commanding general of Marine Corps Installations-West, Camp Pendleton, CA, to the San Diego Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Advisory Council, 26 June 2006. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Eight days ago, I was present in the audience when Tom Brokaw addressed the 2006 Stanford graduating class. After the initial pleasantries and one-liners, Mr. Brokaw said something unexpected. He told the class that they were the children of privilege, fortunate to be attending one of the finest educational institutions in the country, the anointed because they had both the test scores for admittance and parents who were able to afford their tuition. He noted that they could likely expect rapid advancement in almost any endeavor they choose and that they were destined to lead the most powerful country in the world. The class was beaming. And then Brokaw reminded them that the liberties and freedoms they enjoyed were being defended by young people their age that did not have their advantages. That at this time thousands of men and women were fighting, dying and suffering debilitating injury to ensure that the rest of us could live the American dream. There was an uncomfortable shifting in the seats, followed by slow but growing applause from the audience. When we sent my son to Stanford four years ago, we filled out a form asking for demographic information. One of the questions for the parents said, what is your profession? After it was a list of about thirty professions including doctor, lawyer, congressman, educator, architect. Military was not listed so I filled in "other." Read the rest, below. Continue reading "The Lehnert Speech"
Posted by Gwynnie
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Thurs. Morning Links
Does being wealthy make people Liberal? Then why do they love the inheritance taxes? View from 1776. At Maggie's, we oppose all inheritance taxes. We would like everyone and every family to have the chance to become free of relying on the government - whether that makes them liberal or conservative. "The religious left that doesn't exist." In Britain. Asst Village Idiot. And in the US, the Dems go up against the Pope with their Religion of the State: Ankle Biting Prostate Cancer: Does it always need to be treated? Many docs say No. The Gay Sea Scouts, or The Black Sea Scouts, or the Hispanic Sea Scouts, or the Jewish Sea Scouts, would have no problem in Berkleley, but the real Sea Scouts have a real problem. Stop the ACLU Dinosaurs in Alaska? There were herds of them, due to global warming. Will they return if we warm it up again? Could be some exciting hunting. Nice head mounts. More details on the Big Dig. Talk about sloppy execution. MassBackwards. Engineering details at Viking. Did I help pay for this boodoggle? The consequences of gun confiscation in East Africa. Never take away people's right to self-defence. You take away their humanity. h/t, Barone And here is why: Dept of Righteous Shooting by Kim du Toit. My opinion? No responsible home should be unprotected by firearms. More on Rove and La Rasa. "Shared values." Lieberman update. Ex-Donk. I could almost support this Lefty guy, just because of the people behind his opposition. Psychedelic drugs and religion. A new study. Yes, they make people more "spiritual," whatever that means.
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QQQPersons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. By Order of the Author. Mark Twain
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