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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 22. 2006Saturday LinksEnv. Repub found us some good You-Tube rock videos here and here. Department of euphemism: Partial-birth abortion now termed "women's health. Stop the ACLU Smugness alert. Ex-Donk. Smugness is a very annoying trait. There are 2000-8000 programming languages. Is this much diversity helpful? Am. Scientist Women see color differently. Cognitive Daily Big new nondenominational churches springing up in supposedly atheistic Manhattan. First Things Gay intolerance: Gay Patriot complains that Leftist gays have no tolerance for gay conservatives.
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Summertime Re-posts: What is Education About?
Re-posted from April 4, 2005
I have always felt that the purpose of secondary education is to make it possible, within their potential, for everyone to have the chance to be an informed, honorable citizen with the basic values and morals of our country and our traditions, and to be made capable of functioning in a literate world. And that the practical purpose of a college education was for those of a scholarly bent to be able to read the Sunday NYT from cover to cover and understand every detail and every reference - from the Book Review to the Arts to Business, etc. Plus the Tuesday Science Times. (Just an example - not an endorsement of the NYT's political agenda.) But I never thought that it was practical at all, or job-training - I thought it was mind-training and life-enriching. You can't really "get" the world until you've studied Geology and Locke and Bernini and Adam Smith and the glory of the calculus and Biochemistry and Statistics and Plato, and learned Shakespeare. Well, you might think you "get it," but you don't know ----. "The less you know, the smarter you think you are," as my pal Bird Dog likes to say. Fact is, you can do 99.9% of the necessary work in America without a college education - look at Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Abe Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Edison, many Brown University graduates, and tens of millions of honest, hard working folks, etc etc etc. But I have to accept that I may be old-fashioned and that times have changed. It appears that, for many, a college degree is now a job "credential," and we all know that there are many colleges out there which are very happy with below-average high-school-level work, as long as they can fill the seats and bring in the $. This is a pathetic, decadent development but it reflects the deterioration of standards and expectations in our society. I've spent a fortune providing education to my kids, as my Dad did for me, and as his Dad did for him. Maybe I am a bit of a snob, but I always felt that public education, in our time, was the K-Mart version of the thing. But I've been wrong before, once or twice...at most. Speaking of Locke, let's hear him on education: "Locke continues: “Having laid the foundations of virtue in a true notion of a God, such as the creed wisely teaches, as far as his age is capable, and by accustoming him to pray to Him, the next thing to be taken care of is to keep him exactly to speaking the truth, and by all the ways imaginable inclining him to be good-natured.” " Read entire, re Locke vs. Dewey: Click here: How Far Have We Fallen? Friday, July 21. 2006Big PigOur buddy last week, in south Texas, with a 265 lb. tusker shot with a 338 Win Mag at 85 yards. Pig goes to the local church for their summer pit barbecue. Wild pig is always in season, and no-one complains.
What is going on in Lebanon these days? Willisms has a fine summary. And, for the moment, Bolton has it right.
CIA contractor fired for having top-secret blog
Poor judgement on her part. Still, an excellent adventure.
Fiesole: It Takes a VillaVilla Balze, in Fiesole, last fall. It's Georgetown's Italian campus. The hills of Fiesole overlook Florence. We have concluded that staying in Fiesole, rather than downtown Firenze, is a good idea. Just hop on the bus with the nuns and the schoolkids for a 20 minute ride to town. And, yes, I am proud of this photo.
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Friday AM LinksOmar has a creepy post which makes me wonder whether anyone in the West understands these people. Iraq the Model Neckties: Are they coming back, or going out? CSM Clinton will campaign for Lieberman. As you may recall, Gore declined to support him: a bad idea, if he was your vice-presidential candidate. According to Duke faculty, the lacrosse players are guilty anyway, as one prof is quoted in a piece at HNN:
It's always about "Whose truth?", like Pilate. How about The Truth? Yes - that same old cliched faculty-speak, which makes it clear that white males are always guilty. Further comments at Coyote The dangerous fantasy of peaceful Arab intent: Seattle Times Headlines you won't see: House Committee hears testimony debunking the hockey stick climate graph. Redstate Who knew that you could buy an entire edition of a Law Review? Cramer. Shameful, stupid, whorish, embarassing. The NYT spins it as a good thing that Lamont cannot raise $ in CT against Joe Lieberman. Nice try, NYT. What it obviously means is that he has minimal financial support in the state - but he is doing well in the polls. We were going to comment on the VDH piece on the weariness with fighting Jihad, but Dinocrat beat us to it. A cool resource: Middle East bloggers round-up, at Truth Laid Bear. Toilet-training, Adorno, Barry Goldwater, and John Dean: Classic rambling blogging by Classical Values. I still believe there is a basic confusion existing out there: It's the Left and the Progressives who want to control our lives - not the Conservatives. Or am I missing something?
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QQQYou can’t make Socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent. John Dewey Thursday, July 20. 2006Summertime Re-post: Pequot Library Book Sale this Weekend - Christmas in JulyRe-posted from July 26, 2005: Great Connecticut towns, Plus Loot from the annual super-stupendous Pequot Library Book Sale - worth a drive if you and your family like books. Photo is one of the many early 19th Century sea captain's houses in elegant Southport, the loveliest and most exclusive town in CT (with runners-up as Litchfield and Old Lyme, but not to omit the understated, historic, and noteworthy havens for tasteful and genteel Yankee gentlemen and gentleladies - da gentry, ya know - in Roxbury, Washington, Sharon, Kent, Warren, Essex, Norfolk, Salisbury, Sachem's Head, Granby, Harwinton, Farmington, Pomfret, Centerbrook, Avon, Southbury, Woodbury, Southington, Greenfield Hill (in Fairfield), and Lakeville, among a few others that do not jump to mind). The reference is to Southport's Pequot Library's famous annual used-book sale. (Last weekend of July.) Here's my loot - Christmas in July - at the request of The Dylanologist, hardcovers only: Life Magazine Photo History of WW2, The Guns of August by Tuchman, The Lost World by Crichton, The Atlas of Ancient Archeology by Jacquetta Hawkes, A Shropshire Lad by AE Housman, A Countryman's Woods by Hal Borland, Five Seasons by Yehoshua, Days of Awe by Agnon, Blue Highways by Wm Least Heat Moon, Clausewitz on War, Hotels and Country Inns in Italy, The Fatal Shore by Hughes, English Verse: Longfellow to Rupert Brooke, Restoration Poets: Milton to Goldsmith, A Travel Guide to Scotland and the Islands, The Great Gardens of Britain, The Master Sniper by Hunter, An Illustrated History of Firearms by Hogg, The Oxford Annotated Bible, Life in the Castle in Medieval England by Burke, The Encyclopedia of Rock Music (1994), The Atlas of Early Man by Jacquetta Hawkes, English Weapons and Warfare 449-1660, The American Heritage History of the Civil War by Bruce Catton, The Founding Fish by McPhee, The Complete Works of Paul Klee, Atlas of the Epic Land Battles of History, and about ten Robert Parkers. Plus about ten other misc. paperbacks. Could not find an excellent book on the identification of eastern trees, but I know most of them anyway. Total under $100. If I had been around on Saturday instead of late Sunday afternoon, it would have been more. This book sale keeps me safely and harmlessly occupied for months. Remembered when I got home that I had already read the Hughes and the Tuchman - I guess I liked them. The Housman was a replacement for an overly-used and disintegrating paperback. And no need to travel if you can read travel guides - a return to the amazing and hospitable Turkey is next on my list, but maybe after Provence. Then Scotland again for grouse-shooting and scotch-tasting - absolutely no golf - golf is for strivers and the Japanese - then Tuscany again. That's the long-range plan, not including routine hunting trips to Manitoba and New Brunswick or Maine. Photo: One of the many fine 19th Century sea-captain's homes in Southport, CT Editor's note: Hope the Dylanologist is home from Montana this weekend to take a drive to Southport.
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Thursday Free Advt. for Bob: Idiot WindWith the Dylanologist on vacation, covering the fruited plains of the USA from NY to DC to Nashville to LA, I will fill in with my selection for the Thursday Dylan lyrics, Idiot Wind, from the masterpiece Blood on the Tracks:
Nice Example of Malignant Moral Equivalence
"What's good is bad, what's bad is good. You'll find out, when you reach the top. You're on the bottom." (Dylan, from Idiot Wind)
From Fisk himself, in the Guardian. One quote:
Perhaps "knuckle-dragging Jihadist blood-thirsty power-mad fascist idiots" would capture the concept more accurately? Whole piece here. h/t, neoneo Cool Turtles
When we see them, we tend to see the Box in the shady woods, and the Wood Turtle in the streams, but our pup finds the Wood Turtle in the wet pasture too. We train our dogs to bark at them, but to never pick them up. The first time they find one, we give them heck with the shock collar and they learn that these turtles are radioactive. My introduction to the charming Box Turtle was at the Massachusetts Audubon Society sanctuary in Wellfleet as a kid. Cape Cod was full of Box Turtles then. Many fewer now, due to cars and dogs and coyotes - and the northward march of raccoons. Why does the subject come up? Tuesday night, with lightning flashing all around and rumbling thunder in the distance, I took an evening stroll with the flashlight, and stumbled on a Box Turtle digging a hole for her eggs in a sandy patch surrounded by oaks, not far from the marsh. Slow and steady. I have never seen this before. My first thought was "Wish I had my camera," but my second thought was "Why photograph everything?" It makes it no more real, and this is a special sight, a real gift from nature. So I turned my light away, and left her alone to her arduous task. Image of a box turtle digging a nest hole, in daylight, from Univ of Ga.
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Is Addiction a Disease?When Dalrymple talks about criminality and addiction, you have to listen. He is an ex prison psychiatrist. He makes the case that opiate addiction is not a "disease," which therefore requires "treatment."
Although AA tends to term addiction a "disease," they approach it as a problem with the soul and the spirit, as does Dalrymple. Read the whole thing, which runs contrary to the usual pieties and victim mongering. Comment from Dr. Bliss: I like Dalrymple very much. And I don't care whether you call addiction a disease or not - the concept has been so degraded that they call acne and PMS diseases these days. The implication that addicts are real, or latent, born criminals is not born out by my experience. Some are, some aren't. "Help" for them? Some require detox - that's a medical function. After that, AA is the best bet, unless they have other psychiatric problems. AA is the exact opposite of a government program. Thursday MorningHow should Bill Gates spend that 60 billion? The Copenhagen Consensus has some ideas. TCS Marry your cousin? No problem, says Stossel at Town Hall Taranto has mixed feelings about Bush's stem cell veto. I think it's probably a good thing, because it injects the moral dimension into the science. How do we want to regard human embryos? I don't know, but it's a question. How illegals damage the American economy. Malanga at City Journal. His point: A few get cheap labor, while the rest of us pay the bills. Papa Duck, Roland Remmel dies at 88. Remmel was the grand old man of Ducks Unlimited. Camus' wartime journalism. Plus plenty of things I did not know about him. TNR QQQI can make more generals, but horses cost money. Abraham Lincoln ![]() Wednesday, July 19. 2006Weds. Evening LinksWalmart wins, unions lose. Env Repub. Apparently there is a relevant law. Is it now the Left that doesn't want change - or is that just an artifact of having Repubs in control of congress? Driscoll The Duke group of 88 - who are these people? Dino found out. They are, umm, not "regular folks." Doubtless smarter than the rest of us. "Why Stephen Harper is my hero." At YARGB Leaving people to die on Everest usually makes sense. Big Lizard explains. Dying is a basic part of the sport. Like the military, don't do it if you aren't willing to die doing it. I have two friends who have lost relatives on mountains. The risk and challenge is the deal. You can chose to sit home and watch TV. Someone else who wonders why an Israel cease-fire would be a good idea: Bolton. As the Wash. Times commentary puts it:
Krauthammer agrees. So does Gingrich: Not the time for restraint. But, on the other hard, David Clark in The Guardian wants Israel to give up even more land...probably all of it. They will not:
That's a perfect example of a guy who preaches appeasement, and would be pleased to see Israel an Arab nation - but who is too naive, (maybe) to acknowledge that these people would just find another scapegoat for their mess.
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A completely understandable breakdown
Ah, the way the other half lives... Villainous
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Samuel Pepys AgainIt's been a while since we posted from
Tuesday, July 18. 2006Tuesday Evening LinksNew State Slogans. Two samples:
Read the rest at Dr. Sanity NYT reduced to begging for readers. Am Thinker How Liberal is Joe Lieberman? Very. And I see Lamont cannot raise $ in CT. Calif Yank What's wrong with "social justice?" FIRE Who wants a cease fire? What for? Finish it, first. RWN An important point reinforced at S, C and A: Being elected does give you some legitimacy, but it doesn't make you right. From a new piece by Steyn, re Canada - and multi-cult in general:
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Another Note from our Guest Author, in Israel
I am fine. Things tense here. Last night dinner with a psychoanalyst from Brazil, Dr. E (and a guest who spoke Yiddish). Dr. E's son heard a rumor that the army is moving MLRS (multiple launch rockets) from Golan to Leb border; today, my realtor had to leave early to get ready for his call-up tonight - tanks being moved to Leb border. MLRS have never been used by Israel: they rain steel. The Air Force dropped pamphlets over areas of southern Lebanon warning citizens to leave certain areas as these will be bombed. M. said that MLRS is a serious move towards war. Editor's note: Sounds like it's all going as predicted by our news here in the US. And it's nice to have most of the Islamic nations on Israel's side, for once. Perhaps sanity is sinking in? Someone has to take out the garbage. Including Ahmadinejad, whose lovely comments today are here and here.
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Proof of the Global Warming CrisisWe have no idea why Al Gore refused to use this image in his movie. It graphs itself.
The Population Bust and ImmigrationIs mass migration needed, now that women have quit having kids? A quote from Brussels Journal:
Read the whole thing.
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Tuesday LinksThey have taken away Winston's cigar. Tangled Web Why dealing with Islam is different from dealing with Marxism: Samiz Tree dweller enviro will not come out of tree. Moonbattery Brit Moslems approve of beheading. LGF
Camp checklist: Bugspray - and your pills!!! NYT Democracy Alliance outed. The multi-millionaire Limo Liberals, who cannot relate to the aspiring working guy like me, are up to their old tricks. The Prof. Is it some chemical in Starbucks, or does it just come with tax-protected money? The Soros-types never even talk to regular Americans - they leave that to their servants. Ted Kennedy damns Lieberman as a "JFK Liberal." Perfect. Scrappledude See the review of Dion at Powerline? The Dangerous Book for Boys is on semi-permanent hold in the US, depite being a best-seller in Europe. I could have written this. Where to live in the USA? anywhere is good, and don't fall for the old geographical cure - but take the test. Ahminejajbajbaj has had it with Israel's "terrorism". Ummm. HH The Bombay bombings. Jihadists take "credit." Gateway. Also - they were funded by Brit "businessmen" - no ethnic identity noted. Highland Calvinists, no doubt, in kilts, with their single-malt whiskey wealth. France's joie de vivre - where did it go? CSM/ Confiscatory taxes, and a total lack of work ethic, do not help. Nor does their "solidarity tax": Cafe Hayek. Solidarity with whom? Chirac? Or here: France Head-butts entrepreneurs. More NYT in bed with the enemy. What amoral morons. Michelle. "Yo' momma never taught you right from wrong.." Also, more at Villainous Way to go, Dan. Dan Quayle walks out on Mellencamp. More on Dems trying to harvest the "religious" voters. Got religion? I suggest that they lean hard on the "render unto Caesar" line. That'll get 'em. Bush will speak to NAACP. Good. He should bring a friend.
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Monday, July 17. 2006Life as a Guy
Ya gotta watch this video. I would You-tube it, but I don't know how. Rapid download, definitely worth it.life_as_a_guy.asf
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