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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, April 27. 2010Europe's self-hatred (and their efforts to project it onto America)Excellent, from Daniel Pipes: In Europe, Remorse Has Turned to Masochism. He nails it. One quote:
Related, Sowell's Misusing History: Inhumanity, like humanity, is universal.
Posted by Bird Dog
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The Devils are backWe saw this play in NYC a year or two ago, but now it's back in town at the Westside Theater: The Screwtape Letters. It is straight from CS Lewis' book. Mrs. BD's lady's Alpha group is going to see it together.
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A darn good question from Ed Driscoll"After a century of épater le bourgeois, why on earth can’t le bourgeois épater l’artiste primitif? And why is the bourgeois and reactionary management of the Museum of Modern Art stifling the artistic creativity of its customers?"
Posted by Bird Dog
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Info you can use: The Cigar Bars of NYCThe Cigar Bars and Cigar Lounges of NYC. Plus a reminder: in NYC, despite Nanny Bloomberg, you can still abuse tobacco like
Posted by The Barrister
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Monday, April 26. 2010Positivism and IrrationalityI mumbled briefly about Positivism last week, alluding to its potential as a fuel for hubris. No philosophy is the "cause" of human evil and destructiveness, but Human Nature is. Pure rationalism (if there is any such thing) is a frightening way to run the world, or to run anything. This weekend, in timely fashion, I stumbled on a review of Grayling's latest screed against irrationalism by the esteemable John Gray. One quote from the thoughtful review:
Posted by The Barrister
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Sunday, April 25. 2010Paul Taylor. How good was "Esplanade"?
Farm chores for my aging parents regularly pull me away from church, but this morning we trek down to NYC to meet the pup at Gascogne for a cheap brunch (I'll have the mussels - I always do when they are on a menu - and a healthy and organic Bloody Mary) before treating her to Paul Taylor ll's final day at the Joyce. Mrs. BD is a big Taylor fan. Our blog pal Neoneo loves Taylor too. Despite being married to a dancer/choreographer for about 100 years, I remain a bit of a dance agnostic. I always did like Merce Cunningham, though, and Meredith Monk. Very quirky. Follow-up: It was a wonderful program from the Paul Taylor ll (the 80 year-old Taylor's 6-person touring company), but I would have been fine just seeing Esplanade. In fact, just one dance is really all my brain can process in one day. Powerful stuff, Esplanade. Substantial. Recklessly physical and driven by physical momentum, romance, and gravity and, as I sometimes say about some dances, a poem without words - or like a dream. Mrs. BD could discuss it endlessly; how his Graham background evolved and how ballet training is essential to modern dance, etc., but I lack the skill, the words, and the knowledge. The dance is in my head, though, along with the Bach. Brunch was good, too. Free Bloody Marys. And it is always a treat to spend some time with the Bird Dog pupette Wall Streeter who returned to work after the performance. Those folks work on weekends, keeping the engines of capitalism humming so that people have money to support Paul Taylor.
Posted by Bird Dog
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What use is literature?I stumbled onto Myron Magnet's fine 2003 essay of the above title. Magnet says that good writing is about higher and deeper truths than "knowledge," "information," or "data" can provide, and I agree of course. One quote:
He includes a smack-down of the one-dimensional pomo critics, but that's far from his main point. And since Magnet mentions Cosi Fan Tutte so often in his piece, here's the truly ridiculous and lovely Act 1 Finale, in which the cheating suitors fake committing suicide to re-engage their girlfriends:
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"Resolutely middlebrow," trying to remember ComteOur Editor recently described himself, and Maggie's Farm, as "resolutely middlebrow." I cannot disagree, but with the caveat that we repeatedy take adventurous forays into the lowbrow. As confirmation of the above. I have been thinking about Positivism lately and found myself needing to refer to Wiki for a refresher on the late Enlightenment thinker Auguste Comte, known as "The Pope of Positivism," and the inventor of Sociology. Comte, interestingly and paradoxically, wanted to use a science of society in order to create a new religion for humanity. His grandiose dream lives on.
Posted by The Barrister
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Cape Dory
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Saturday, April 24. 2010The sad demise of ye olde Bar CarI know The Barrister has fond memories of the old Bar Cars on The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad (now Metro-North). I have some such memories, also. People smoking and drinking Scotch, and the bow-tied, white-jacketed bartender who knew everybody's choice. A cozy cheerful place on the 6:14 from Grand Central. A smoke-filled decompression chamber between work and home. The famously alcohol-fueled and adultery-fueled bar car on the branch line from Stamford up to New Canaan and Ridgefield, CT used to have their own web site, but I can't find it now. Photo below from the NYT photo essay. I never saw a bar car like that one, though. In my time, usually more packed with people (including chic gals and MILFs on their way home from shopping and hair-dos at Kenneth's) and so full of fragrant and wholesome tobacco smoke that you couldn't see from one end to the other. Addendum: A reader has kindly sent us a Bar Car site
Posted by Bird Dog
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Friday, April 23. 2010And the chapter closes I was there when Spock uttered his first iconic Live long and prosper. We'd heard about some cool new space series coming up and eagerly tuned in for the first episode. It certainly did not disappoint. The show looks pretty corny now, but everything about it was state-of-the-art for 1966, from the concept to the design of the ship to the aliens. And over the ensuing half century, while starlets and action heroes rose and fell, one of the true constants in the Hollywood universe was the logical mind of Spock. Whole continents could roil in upheaval, but Spock would know what to do. He was an anchor. A hope. A symbol that one day mankind would cast aside its petty grievances and jealousies and grow up. Yes, I was there when Spock uttered his first iconic Live long and prosper. And his last.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Happy Hour
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And a plywood airplane
Posted by The Barrister
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Carbon fiber car
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Thursday, April 22. 2010Re our "House" post yesterday
1. Watch that Speed Dating video
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Wednesday, April 21. 2010Another Urbanism siteOur Urbanist friend shares another good Urbanism site: Discovering Urbanism. He has a good post on the American lawn. Who knew that turf grass is America's #1 crop? Photo below is from a Pennsylvania turf farm:
Posted by The News Junkie
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'House MD': A couple o' treatsTuesday, April 20. 2010Feelings Education
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Monday, April 19. 2010The Deafening Silence Suddenly, flying 30,000 feet above the ground, a massive depressurization takes place and the airliner starts to break apart. It tumbles toward the ground, bucking and spinning, as the last seconds of your life turn into a living nightmare. The only good news is, in the chaos around you, your mind would be so overwhelmed that you'd be in shellshock, with no time to contemplate what could have been, no time to regret what never will be, and no time to say goodbye to life, itself. But, as ugly as that is, there is one scenario that might even be worse. You're flying along at 30,000 feet when suddenly... Click. All four engines stop. You don't like the depressurization scenario? Well, lucky you, you now have minutes upon minutes to contemplate what might have been, to regret what never will be, and plenty of time to say goodbye to life, itself, before you cartwheel into the sea and disintegrate. Lucky you. A few weekends ago I decided to wig out and watch every single 'airline disaster' show on YouTube. There were about twenty of them. And, as terrifying as many of them were, there was one that stood out above the rest. The one where the engines suddenly went click.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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On the radioI heard "Call your doctor or dial 911 for any erection lasting longer than four hours." Why? Isn't that normal?
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Motorcycling around Chernobyl
Lots of photos. Looks like Detroit.
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Report from Maine, with Deep Snark
I like the street. It's what I call "American." Hope my pal Sipp has a few fireplaces. Down in more southern New England, I spent the weekend gardening while he spent hours producing that video, smoking Cuban ceegars and good Maine weed as the snowflakes fell, and sipping an ancient cognac by his cozy fireplace while the scent of osso bucco wafted from the kitchen where his sexy barefoot Goddess Mrs. Sipp was lovingly cookin' up a storm on the olde wood stove with nary a "Get off that damn computer and come help me, you lazy cyber-Yankee-would-be-Mozart-redneck." It's on the Maggie's list of Best Maine Home-Made Videos of 2010.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Sunday, April 18. 2010Paul Cezannne"Bathers"
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Meet me in St. LouisA friend of Maggie's is interested in urbanism websites, and found a good one. This fellow spent a few years driving through all of the neighborhoods of St. Louis with camera. Good for him. Some neighborhoods are as bad as Detroit: Built St. Louis. In my view, government construction of endless highways destroyed the American city - and the railroads. Why? I never heard of a huge national pro-highway Movement. Unless it came from...Detroit.
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Saturday, April 17. 2010Our summer plansIt's something new and different this year: a trip down the Danube. Vienna, Ravensberg, Linz, etc. with the entire Bird Dog family crew and my excellent and adventurous in-laws. Linzer torte. Sacher torte. I have always been amazed by how the crazy Norsemen (Roger de Hauteville's gang of Normans) circled around the Med, into the Black Sea and way up the Danube. Where else did Barbarossa get his red beard? I think they just liked getting away from their families and being on boats.
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