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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, February 24. 2017Look - A Squirrel I watched a pair mating yesterday morning on a branch next to my driveway. It was a sweet, if brief, physical encounter preceded by some tender play. I felt like a voyeur. We have a few of the melanistic variant around here. Yes, black. Common as they are, there are things you don't know about them. Saturday, February 18. 2017Ordinary bird du jour: Tufted Titmouse These chickadee-like non-migratory birds of the eastern US are mostly invisible most of the year except around winter bird-feeders when they welcome handouts of sunflower seeds. Monday, January 16. 2017SublimationSublimation is the process by which a solid goes directly to a vapor. Snow does that, even when it's below freezing. It evaporates. It's finally above freezing during the daytime here, at least for a day or two. Somewhat related: Do you know the old expression Snow is the Poor Man's Fertilizer?
Sunday, January 15. 2017Feeding the birds on the cheap in New England Once you begin, though, you should continue the freebies until March because, in your generosity, you have created dependents. If you have bears around, forget bird feeding. I do it on the cheap and in a squirrel-wise way. I buy 50 lb. bags of cracked corn or chicken feed and throw a few handfuls around every morning. Ground feeding birds go for it. They might prefer something else, but they go for it when it's cold. It keeps the squirrels busy too. In my squirrel-proof feeder, I just put the more costly whole sunflower seed that I mix with a small amount of niger seed. If I bothered to put out suet, I would attract more interesting birds but would have Starlings too. Around here, most of what we see around the food in January are Juncoes, BC Chickadees, WT Sparrows, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Mourning Dove, Goldfinch, Fox Sparrow, an occasional Song Sparrow. The occasional Sharpie or Red Tail trying to catch the feeder birds. Sometimes House Sparrows and House Finches, but they don't like this food - which is a good thing. Nothing exciting most of the time. I rarely see Purple Finch, Crossbills, Redpolls, Pine Siskins, or a flock of Evening Grosbeaks. I wish they would visit sometime but I am not on the edge of piney woods. In April, blackbirds arrive. Mine is like the one in the photo with a collapsible plastic perch thing on the bottom. I got the largest I could find so it only has to be refilled every ten days or two weeks. If you feed birds, what species are attracted? Wednesday, January 11. 2017Birds, fat, and winterFew birds store much fat. Fat adds weight which makes flying inefficient. Generally (with exceptions like ducks), birds burn what they eat during the day for energy and heat.
Saturday, November 26. 2016Do Elephants Have Souls?
Friday, November 25. 2016Thanksgiving raptors
Tuesday, October 25. 2016Why don't animals get lost?
Long-distance migration remains a mystery, at least partly, in birds. For all of the stories of dogs and cats arriving home after months, such stories are newsworthy because they are so rare. The vast majority of lost or abandoned pets never return home. The Amazing Science Behind Pets That Find Their Way Home How Do Animals Keep from Getting Lost?
Sunday, September 25. 2016Shrews Our common shrew is the Northern Long Tailed. I think that is what these guys are that I see but if they are Northern Short-tailed I would not be surprised. I did not try to catch one to measure its tail, and their bites are painful anyway. Shrews are said to taste bad, but I never tried one. The ones I see like leaf litter and mulch, ground cover like Pachysandra, thick weed patches, and the like. You mainly see a flash of grey fur zooming past your feet. They are almost blind, it is said. Seen any shrews lately? Sunday, September 18. 2016The spooky voice of the North WoodsCommon Loon. After a day chasing grouse and woodcock, and after dinner, it's nice to step out of the cabin by the lake with the pup, a ceegar, and a glass of whiskey to listen to the Loons calling. In winter, they migrate to salt water, and have their drab non-breeding plumage. Some of these pics show winter plumage.
Saturday, September 10. 2016Edible Reptile of the Week: Common Snapper Their eyes are like jewels. Unless you do a lot of pond fishing, these large turtles are most often seen on land, searching for egg sites or seeking a new habitat. Leave them alone. Leave them alone, that is, unless you want to do some cooking: Catching, Cleaning and Cooking the Common Snapper Saturday, September 3. 2016MantidsThere are about 2400 mantid species. Around here, it's the Praying Mantis. Reader sent in this one from the garden last week: Monday, August 29. 2016Cute Rodent of the Week: Because they are taking bites out of all of my ripe tomatoes
Like other ground squirrels, these cheerful little fellows don't climb often, and live in tunnels. Mine have some burrows under my garden shed, and some live in a rock pile. They are rather tame, but the dog doesn't seem to be able to catch them. They like the free lunch of seed that falls off my bird feeder tray, so I can watch them poking around two feet from my window. At Mohonk Mountain House in the Catskills (short video of that wonderful place here), they have always had a number of little Victorian-style chipmunk houses around the place. Like doll houses, but sturdy and shingled. They seem to like those houses. When I was a kid I caught one in a Havahart trap and tried to tame it, but that plan did not work and I finally let it go. Sharp teeth, and loves freedom and independence. You can read more about these fine critters here. Friday, August 26. 2016Herp du Jour: Milk Snake They come in many different color morphs, sometimes rings and sometimes splotches so they can be confusing. They seem to like forest edges and will hang out in old barns, garages, and buildings. The last two I've seen in Massachusetts had been hiding under old piles of boards outside the barn abd the garage. They are mainly nocturnal hunters. I always wonder how snakes find their mates in the Spring.
Thursday, August 25. 2016Turtle of the Week: Diamondback Terrapin
Controlled harvesting of eastern America's Diamondback Terrapin continues today. It's a wonder to me, because I know nobody who eats them. This handsome turtle of salt marshes and brackish estuaries lives from MA to Texas, but is endangered in some states. They eat snails, small mollusks, and crustaceans like crabs and fiddler crabs that they crush with their beaks. Fish, if they can catch 'em. They only leave the water to lay eggs. They sometimes get ensnared in crab pots and drown. Whenever we went to Chinatown when I was young, I would always bring a box and some money to buy as many of the terrapins that I could afford from the big crates full of them on the sidewalk. I think they were $5 apiece. I would release them in a couple of good salt marshes in CT. My Dad would chip in a bit for the cause. Some good folks are farming them to restore populations from which they had been harvested to extinction. That is a wonderful mission. Readers know we love our turtles at Maggie's, except we do not love Snapping Turtles. I once stepped on the back of one in a marsh, thinking it was a mossy rock. Big surprise when it moved and a long neck with an open, hissing mouth shot out. It's time I did a post on them, though, unloveable as they are. Terrapins in Massachusetts Tuesday, August 23. 2016Herp du Jour: MassasaugaThis is a rattler of the central US, ranging from Ontario to Mexico and generally preferring grasslands and marshes. I have never seen one, but I have never searched for snakes in the central US. However, I once came across a DeKay's Snake in central Ohio on a hike. Took a photo. The field biologist said they had never been recorded in central Ohio so I guess I made history in a small way. Have you ever seen a Massasauga? This guy is well-camouflaged in the grasses. It is good not to be a mouse. Sunday, August 21. 2016Trailhead
Wednesday, August 10. 2016Snakes in the house They can't find their entry point. My friend smashed one with a book. The guy knows nothing about snakes. I advised him that Ring-Necks are pleasant harmless critters and you should just pick them up and put them in the woods out back. They won't even snap at you. Snakes rarely enter buildings except for Yellow Rat Snakes which like barns with rats and mice. However, I googled Ring-Necked Snake + houses and found a professional snake remover who seems to deal with that fairly often. I suspect they just like to explore tight spaces, and then find themselves in your living room with no way out. Two of our favorite common Atlantic shorebirds Both species are fairly common along the coast during migration, Yellow Legs in marshes mostly, and Sanderlings on sandy shores. Lots of both on Cape Cod and the Islands.
Wednesday, August 3. 2016Garter Snake vs. Ribbon Snake
Telling Garter Snakes and Ribbon Snakes Apart Thursday, July 28. 2016Black-colored snakes of the US During my years tramping and working outdoors, I have seen plenty of both. I have seen 6' Blacksnakes sunning on ledges on a warm April day on Cape Cod. It is a bit startling to encounter one, at first, because of their daunting size. The fat Blacksnakes like to be near water, and climb trees sometimes. You are more likely to see a Racer racing away on a grassy woodland edge if you have sharp Indian Eyes. I love to see and identify snakes in the wild. I do not pick them up anymore to say hello as I did when younger. It just annoys the heck out of a snake and they snap at you and pee on you. You cannot catch a Black Racer. Like greased lightning. Are you old enough to remember when articles were written about whether a critter was "beneficial" or a "pest"? Nobody writes like that anymore in an era where humans are considered the greatest pest in nature. Seen any black snakes lately? Wednesday, July 20. 2016Efficiency in locomotion
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