Friday, December 26. 2008
"I've been known to be calm." Please Mrs. Henry with The Band, from the mostly-playful and never released and never intended for release practice Basement Tapes from the garage at Big Pink outside Woodstock (good photos):
Thursday, December 18. 2008
Thursday, December 4. 2008
A re-post, but well worth it: "Huck's Tune" was released on the soundtrack to the movie Lucky You last year. A Spanish YouTube user has put the whole song up along with a homemade music video. There are a few transcriptions of the lyrics available online but I have decided not to include them so as not to spoil it for first-time listeners. Damn good stuff.
Thursday, November 27. 2008
For Thursday Free Ad for Bob, his 1988 folk-rock recording of Shenandoah. To my mind, the best version of that tune I've ever heard. Give it a listen:
Saturday, November 22. 2008
The Dylanologist rolled into town on a ferris wheel yesterday, and managed to find some black market tix for Dylan's last performance of his touring season this year. The Dyl threw me in the horseless carriage and we drove down, through mid-town Manhattan, 
and past the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree (covered with scaffolding for the lighting), and down to Times Square to get the tickets from the scalper ticket agent, 
then down to 34th street, 
only to find that the ticket guy had already sent their left-over tickets way the heck uptown to the theater in now (largely-Hispanic) Washington Heights (where the Brits defeated Washington's army), so we had to turn around back north to do a cell-phone rendezvous in front of a restaurant across the street from the place (after finally finding a place to stow the car). The United Palace Theater on Broadway and 175th st: 
Here's our photo of the lobby of the 77 year-old Loew's movie and vaudeville palace as people were leaving, (recently restored by the current owners, Christ United Church):
And here's the theater's (church's) photo of their splendid interior, minus people: 
And here's Bob last night on the piano (we smuggled a camera in, but it seems impossible to get good rock concert photos):
Standouts were Thunder on the Mountain, Highway 61, Spirit on the Water, Ain't Talkin', and an acoustic Tomorrow is a Long time. They did a cheerful two-hour performance, and ended with Blowin' in the Wind with Bob on acoustic.
Continue reading "Photos: To NYC to see Bob last night"
Thursday, November 20. 2008
"Mary and the Soldier," an outtake from 1993's World Gone Wrong, off October's Tell Tale Signs, from the outrageously expensive third disc.
Thursday, November 13. 2008
Thursday, November 6. 2008
An old Stanley Brothers song. Lyrics here. This sweet and soulful performance was at Irving Plaza, NYC, in 1997:
Wednesday, November 5. 2008
Thursday, October 30. 2008
Thursday, October 23. 2008
A low-down blues from Love and Theft (2001). Was it really that long ago? Audio:
Sunday, October 12. 2008
This is the last day of Dylan Week at Maggie's, but we will, of course, continue with our weekly Thurday Free Ad for Bob when we can. Our advice: Catch Bob when he's in your neighborhood - he will be there sooner or later. One verse from this song (which is reminiscent of The Bells of Rhymney, which The Byrds rocked in 1965): Ring them bells St. Peter where the four winds blow, Ring them bells with an iron hand so the people will know that it's rush hour now, for the wheel and the plow, and the sun is going down upon the sacred cow. Full lyrics here. From Dylan's 1989 record "Oh, Mercy" (audio only, with Dylan on piano): This performance of the song is from Dublin, Sept. 2000:
Saturday, October 11. 2008
Friday, October 10. 2008
This is Dylan's rousing version of Ledbelly's Duncan and Brady, in Dublin, 2000. I think Jerry Garcia brought the song to Dylan's attention. Some of the lyrics here. "Been on the job too long..." The guy gets the job done. Listen to how you can rock a folk song, and make it new:
Thursday, October 9. 2008
The song came out on Dylan's 5th album, Bringing it all Back Home, in 1965. Wiki says that Dylan said that the title is meant to be a fraction: Love Minus Zero divided by No Limit. Simple math. Here's Dylan in Newport, 1965:
Wednesday, October 8. 2008
Tuesday, October 7. 2008
The only Dylan song that ever made it to #1 in the charts was the Byrds' 1965 cover of Mr. Tambourine Man. Here's some background on that. Here are the Byrds playing the song at a 1990 Roy Orbison memorial, with Bob helping out, tentatively. If this won't improve your day, nothing will:
Saturday, October 4. 2008
Tell Tale Signs, a new collection of Dylan rare recordings and outtakes, will be released on Oct. 7.
Lots of streaming samples from the record at the NPR preview above. Be sure to listen to the earlier version of Time Out of Mind's masterpiece Mississippi.
Thursday, October 2. 2008
Portland, June, 1999. Bob opened many performances with this song during that time. Prior to that, he liked to open with Down in the Flood. Here's the version of this old gospel tune that Bill Monroe used: Hallelujah (I'm ready) I'm ready (Hallelujah) I can hear the voices singing soft and low Hallelujah (I'm ready) I'm ready (Hallelujah) Hallelujah I'm ready to go
In the darkness of night not a star was in site On a highway that leads down below But Jesus came in and saved this soul from sin Hallelujah I'm ready to go
Sinners don't wait before it's too late He's a wonderful Savior you know Well I fell on my knees and he answered my pleas Hallelujah I'm ready to go
Wednesday, October 1. 2008
Sunday, September 14. 2008
Dylan's Visions of Johanna is one of his many masterpieces, in my opinion. You cannot really absorb the flavor of the song unless you have lived in NYC, used the subways, and lived in non-comfortable quarters and old lofts where the heat pipes cough. The version on Blonde on Blonde is excellent. This is an acoustic live performance from 1966, just audio. The remarkable late-night lyrics are here.