Photo above: That is not our Dr. Joy Bliss. That must be Theo's assistant, hard at work. I think he gets the photos and she does the thinking.
Death of a Phony: Arthur Miller. I never did quite get what was so great about him. Preachy, condescending - and humorless.
Chosing the right college. Another view, via Dr. Helen
When war was the answer. George Will at RCP. Unfortunately, war is often the answer.
Remembering 9-11. Captain Ed. No holiday, please. Official grieving is disgusting grandstanding, and a holiday would be just one more day when government employees do not work, and everybody else does. If anybody doesn't know who the enemy is by now, they never will.
How Shakespeare taught me to read financial news. Bowyer at TCS.
Poverty in America. This might be a re-post, but it makes it very clear. Nobody is going hungry, or lacking in the crap on TV.
Sweden: Truth about communism will confuse people. Moonbattery. At least they admit it.
Switzerland wants to keep their country Swiss. h/t, Insty via reader. Yes, it sure does sound racially-tinged, but is that what it is really about, or is it about preserving their culture?
From Leno (h/t, Conspiracy):
Speaking at a forum organized by Lance Armstrong on cancer research, Hillary Clinton told Chris Matthews if she is elected president, she will declare war on cancer, and then she will support the war on cancer for two years, and then she will be against it for a year, and then she will back out of it all together.
Porn on the web: Some data in our comments - scroll past those lawyer jokes to comment by Pat Jones
Calderon: "Mexico does not end at our borders." What? Is he demanding Lebensraum?
Every once in a while, the totalitarian impulse, the grandiosity, and the contempt for people which underlies nanny-statism and socialism is spoken out loud. Was it Bill or Hillary who commented "What if people don't spend their money the right way?" John Edwards proposes telling people when to go to the doctor.
Arthur St. Germaine: A Maine kid and his Guadalcanal memories. Scroll down to the final comment by Buddy