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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, August 3. 2022Creatine supplements for strength training
It is the stress and mild damage (and repair) of muscle that builds strength, it is not a bad idea to assist intensity. Without high intensity there is little gain. Why Do Trainers Suggest A Creatine Loading Phase? To load or not to load—it's one of the biggest questions surrounding creatine monohydrate. Clear up the confusion with this look at the evidence for creatine loading, pro and con. Here's more about how it helps:
Monday, August 1. 2022StairsStair work is excellent cardio, whether machines or just on stairs like Rocky. Your Do-Anywhere Guide to Stair Workouts
High intensity interval trainingWednesday, July 27. 2022Crossfit
Have any readers given it a try?
Thursday, July 21. 2022HIIT to burn fatBrutal bursts of squats, burpees and push-ups burn more fat than just running, study claims. Believe what you want to believe, but results are what matters. All of these exertions are great for general fitness, but if you want to eliminate fat, structure a nutritional plan to live by. As I have said many times, do not look to exercise for fat loss. If you can do it, fine. Few can. Good for you lucky few. If too skinny, eat a lot of everything, and lift weights.
Wednesday, July 20. 2022Exercise Recovery from all sorts of things
We have to bear in mind that Powerlifts/Compound exertions stress most of the body. For example, Deadlifts are not just legs. They engage everything from your neck to the ankles. It can make sense to divide up heavy days into Legs, Upper Body, and Core - but none of those are singular. So let's go through various things that regular people do to stay fit and functional, and recovery, - Long walks, hill and mountain hiking (eg 10 miles, more or less). Assuming decent fitness, the only recovery such recreational activities require is cold beer, a good meal, and a good sleep. Such things can be daily, if you have the time (which is usually on trips). - Jogging: No recovery needed. Same for swimming laps and biking. Re distance (5++ mile) road running: It's a bad idea unless it is once in a while. Not good, long-term, for joints. However, orthopedic surgeons need their vacations and cars... - Calisthenics. We Maggie's people are big believers in calisthenics (same as the military) and have posted endlessly about their role in fitness and general athleticism. In fact, I have offered the view that 50-60 minutes daily of calisthenics is great for maintaining conditioning and general fitness without anything else other than recreational activity. Done with intensity, it covers HIIT Cardio and makes every muscle work. "Toning", but no real strength-building in 1 hr/day. Calisthenics should require no more recovery than at the above paragraphs unless in poor condition. - Powerlifts and accessory difficult muscle exercises. These are designed for strength-building, which means some longer fatigue and some muscle damage. It is the repair of the minor muscle injury that builds strength. Without some extreme muscle stress it is just maintenance. Nothing wrong with maintenance though, especially for the over 65- 80 crowd, but most people seek improvement. For regular people, two days away from heavy makes sense. That does not mean 2 days of inactivity, just 2 days without heavy. Cardio or calis can count as good "active recovery."
Friday, July 15. 2022Weights and mental health"Trauma" is used in all sorts of ways these days. Let's just say that intense resistance exercise is as good for the head as it is for the body: The Healing Power of Strength Training
Thursday, July 14. 2022A tip for your time in the gymDo not compare yourself to others, or to what others do. I admit that it is impossible not to notice others but, like golf, your important comparison is to what your performance and condition were a month or two ago. I know - you start with one chin-up while some 60 year-old lady is doing 10 or 12. Admire what she does if you must, but aim for 1 1/2 or two for next month. As I mentioned, Mrs BD and I are in "training" for an 7-day hiking trip, 12 miles/day (with a side visit to Edinburgh). It's remarkable to me how endurance can advance by training for it. For serious hikers, our challenge is no big deal even with 50 lb. packs. Not me - I am fine with 12 miles once, but I don't know about daily. Addendum: I heard on the radio this morning that Edinburgh is the #1 tourist destination in the Western world this year. I've been there. I don't really see the attraction... the appeal of Scotland is the grey dreariness as a contrast to the warm and sunny summers in the US.
Tuesday, June 28. 202210 Myths that Keep You From Getting Fit After 50
Sunday, June 26. 2022Endurance Fitness
Who has time to hike 10-12 miles over hill and dale, with a pack, without either a vacation or a dedicated Saturday? 6 Ways to Improve Your Hiking Stamina
SarcopeniaFrom the Harvard Med. School Letter: Age and muscle loss
Sunday, June 19. 2022A few general conditioning exercisesSome good examples of "Conditioning" exercises. We would put them in the Calisthenic category. Tuesday, June 7. 2022Getting Up
Wednesday, June 1. 2022Squats vs. Deadifts
Each one is useful for general studiness, and especially for women. Saturday, May 28. 2022Walking and Hiking
When does walking become a form of endurance (light-moderate "cardio") exercise? That depends on speed and incline. However challenging hiking might be (hills, rocks, etc.) it is still mostly a recreational and visual experience. Even for mountain hiking, most of us need to slow down. As a rule of thumb, walking is not exercise unless there is sweat and a little shortness of breath. Some people say that if you can have a conversation, it is not exercise. Makes sense. Here's a good synopsis about walking as exercise.
Thursday, May 26. 2022A Nutritional Diary for weight gain and weight loss, reposted
Weight-gain is important for scrawny or physically-undeveloped people who are looking to gain muscle and physical power. The classic 150-lb weakling male who wants to develop might need to gain 10 lbs with a balanced exercise program including weights and a robust diet. Same goes for a weakling stringbean gal. Whether part of a fitness goal is weight gain or weight loss, a nutritional diary, I believe, is the essential, basic aid. If you record everything you put in your oatmeal-hole, including portion size, while weighing yourself every month, you will get a good idea of how you're moving towards your goals. For weight gain goals with a 5-6-day per week exercise program including weights, I'd like to see about a 1 lb gain per month for a while. Unless you want to gain fat, a pound/month is plenty. If you can't do that, you need to up your intake. That can be difficult for some people who have to force themselves to eat more than they really want. For getting rid of excess fat, a reasonable goal is 2 lbs/month with or without exercise. I can't tell you what percentage of American medical problems are related to being overweight, but it could be half of it, from arthritis to breast cancer. Hard exercise doesn't do much for weight loss but it's a good thing for life anyway. In either case, a detailed diary can help you navigate towards your goal. People are often surprised by how much, or how little, they consume in a day. This is not a recommendation for an obsessive lifetime plan, just to try for a few months.
Wednesday, May 25. 2022Metcon workouts"Metcon" workouts (metabolic conditioning) are not about strength-building or weight loss. They are about building vigor and endurance. A combination of HIIT Cardio and calisthenics, usually. They are far better, and more fun, done in a group in a gym. Not 20 minutes, more like an hour with a 5-minute warm-up and 5 minutes stretching at the end. Metcon Workout: Is It for You?
Friday, May 13. 2022High-intensity Cardio
It requires intensity to properly stress the heart muscle. Like weight-lifting, the intensity is what demands muscle strengthening and improved vasculature. This does not take much time out of your workout schedule. Heart rate is a good measure of exercise intensity. Here's how to know your cardio stress level. (It might not exactly apply if you are taking blood pressure meds that limit heart rate.) Or you can go by how you feel - if you are winded by a one-minute sprint and need 30-60 seconds to catch your breath, you probably got your heart rate up. Here's a good 10-minute cardio workout, with jump rope. He calls it Beginner but it is pretty good:
Sunday, May 8. 2022CalisthenicsThursday, May 5. 2022More on CalisthenicsAt Maggie's Farm, perhaps we discuss weight training more than the other aspects of fitness. That might be because weight training requires more technique to get it right. However, it seems to me that daily Calisthenics would be the thing to do if you had to pick one thing. Why is that? A cali routine puts every muscle to work. It doesn't build big strength much, but that's another topic. A cali routine involves lots of HIIT cardio. A calis routine works on balance, and general athleticism. And, unlike heavy weights, an hour of calis does not require any special recovery time so it can be done daily. It is more fun to do these in groups or couples, and it is more fun to rotate from one thing to another. It doesn't matter what level you work as long as you push it. One hour goes by fast. Here are some of the things we do: Warm-up (5-7 minutes): Jumping jacks, jump rope, high-knee running in place, etc. Push-ups (any sort) If not heavily sweating, nothing is happening. Add on a 10-minute treadmill walk to cool down. You do not want to put a horse up wet...
Monday, May 2. 2022Accessory Weight Exercises
(A reminder about Powerlifts: These are mostly full-body, or multi-muscle group/compound exertions: Bench Press, Deadlifts, Barbell Squats, Rows (dumbell, TRX, seated, barbell - whatever), Military Press, and pull-ups or pulldowns.) Depending on general health and taking into account past injuries, these are sturdiness basics regardless of age or sex. Ordinary people should not push their powerlifts two or three days in a row because recovery is needed. For a good discussion about powerlifts. So-called Accessory Weight Exercises are good time- fillers, and do not need the sorts of recovery that the powerlifts do. Here's a partial list: Curls of any sort Do any of our readers do Accessory Weights and, if so, what?
Wednesday, April 20. 2022Growing kids should lift weights
My husband loaded trucks at a lumber yard for three years in his teens. Sports too, of course, but he is sure that that labor made him a sturdier adult. Hard manual labor is what growing boys are made for. This might not apply to women, though. In adulthood, however, if women want to avoid osteopenia the simplest and most natural approach is to lift heavy. Cardio does nothing for bone maintenance.
Monday, April 18. 2022A case of DOMSEver had DOMS (Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness)? It's not a disease, just a normally-abnormal thing that gets better in a few days. Stiffness, soreness, mild swelling beginning about 24-30 hrs. after the exertions. I've only had it several times over the years, and I know why I have it right now in my calves and quads. It's because I requested 30 minutes of our hour for calisthenics from my trainer on Saturday morning, and he had me doing things I've rarely done. It was hard, but a great workout. As an experiment, I tried stretching and walking it off for 50 minutes this morning. It didn't seem to do much, but better than sitting, maybe. Our D-Day post yesterday described 8-hour/day calisthenics for Airborne training (including running). "I thought I was in good shape, but I wasn't." Good grief, that's always the case.
Thursday, March 24. 2022Leg Tucks
Woke army introduces new easier combat fitness test that swaps tough leg tucks for planks and lowers standards across the board to be more inclusive for women Here's how the US Army does Leg Tuck exercises.
Tuesday, March 15. 2022Why Am I So Tired After Deadlifts?
In my current program, I only do deads once weekly and barbell squats once weekly. Plus all of the other strength stuff of course. It's not advice, but for my deads I do a 15-rep warm-up and then 5 sets increasing weight and lowering reps to 4. It is feeling more to me like maintenance. Why Am I So Tired After Deadlifts? Here’s 7 Reasons Why
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