A Very Backward Supreme Ct. Decision (Kelo)
The Lefties on the Court today expanded the Fifth Amendment, regarding eminent domain, to include hotel construction in CT. In my opinion, this is a return to feudalism, and essentially permits any reason for taking of property... including putting a Walmart on my farm. In CNN. What does the Left stand for? Expansion of Federal power, and destruction of the nation's power, traditions, morals, culture, and religion. It's simple. Text of decision here. Is this an argument for new blood on the Court? Sure is. Perhaps Breyer was inspired by British or French court cases (from the year 1325).
Why the Sudden Fierce Anti-War Noises?
Thanks, Powerline, for the intro to Irish Pennants - almost wrote Irish Penance - which has a good theory - the left wants us to lose before we can finally win:
I suspect Democrats and liberal journalists are stepping up their criticisms because they fear they have only a few months more in which a precipitous American withdrawal could produce a Vietnam-like defeat. If, come January, American troops are still in Iraq in about their current strength, it'll be too late to prevent a glorious American victory, one which the whole unwilling world will not be able to deny.
Here. and Why We will Win, by Max Boot, here.