I Brake for Turtles
From Real Meal Ministries:
I stop for turtles. I have often even parked my car so that I could pick up and carry one across the road. I do this because of my commitment to be a steward of God’s creation. I can’t help but feel sorry for the slow moving reptiles. I have witnessed on too many occasions motorists swerving to hit turtles. I have had obscenities and objects hurled my way for slowing down so that a turtle could cross. I know that stopping to help a turtle is no great deed. In fact, if the turtles insist on attempting to cut across the heavily traveled roads of Central Forida, I don’t have much hope for the future of the species. But I like turtles. Always have.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat turtles on the road way. People tend to fall into three categories. There are a few people who will actually stop to help a struggling turtle. There are probably an equal number who will happily squash the reptiles under the wheels of their automobiles. Yet, I suspect that the vast majority simply drive by unaware of the creatures or uninterested in their well-being.
I like this blogger. We at Maggie's are also all certified turtle-lovers, as is well-known. "Howsoever you do unto the least of these..." Just do not pick up a big snapping turtle with your hands - it will not behave gratefully: they have terrorist brains. This is the time of year when turtles wander to lay their eggs, but dealing with roads is not in their genes. (photo of the delightful Eastern Box Turtle)