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Friday, May 30. 2008Book-banning in Canada
In an opinion piece in Maclean's last month, Steyn attacked the "totalitarianism" of the Human Rights Commissions, noting:
My humble opinion? Hate speech is in the eye of the beholder. Steyn's book contained none that I am aware of, but he did present unpleasant truths about the Islamization of the West. Regardless, I am in favor of protecting speech, even hateful and insulting speech: poor manners are not a matter for law, and it's difficult to have any opinion without offending somebody, just as Canada's hate speech laws deeply offend me. Cliche: The solution to speech is more speech. Photo on top: A young librarian searching the stacks for Steyn's dangerous book. (Theo) Trackbacks
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''Cliche: The solution to speech is more speech''
Cliches are cliches because they're true (tho it may be a cliche to say it). Did you folks turn on the Irony filter? I tried to comment a moment ago and was DENIED. Too much speech I suppose.
Maybe I can go to Canada and be jailed for criticizing Obama as a Muslim? Some things I could mention: 1.) Selma Got Me Born - NOT EXACTLY, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965. (Google'Obama Selma' for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles about its various untruths.) 2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - NOT EXACTLY, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government. 3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - NOT EXACTLY, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had. 4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - NOT EXACTLY, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades. The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law. Your half-brother, Abongo Obama, is Odinga's follower. You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone. Check out the following link for verification of that....and for more. Obama's cousin Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried to get Sharia muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers have burned Christians' homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter.. Obama SUPPORTED his cousin before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see what you get. No one wants to know the truth. 5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - NOT EXACTLY, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man. What's happening in Canada re free speech is important to watch and report, especially since we are not all that far from that rather frightening situation on this side of the border. All you have to do is re-label speech something else, such as 'hate speech', and then you can regulate it. At least up until you get to the Supreme Court. Which is where it would end, I hope.
monday june 2 is an important day on this free speech issue. procedings will commmence against macleans magazine (and by extension mark steyn) in vancouver. even though there is a groundswell in support of charter rights and well placed criticisms of these human rights commissions' overstepping their mandates - actual law (albeit bad law) does exist that could make this case go down in infamy.
The Canadian Association of Journalists announced today that it has has formally applied for standing as an intervenor in the case. They seem to have concerns over where the government should or should not be treading. this is welcome news for a friday just before the circus opens. send in the clowns. this just in - two pieces of good news in one day:
be still my heart. http://ezralevant.com/2008/05/government-to-launch-inquiry-i.html Koran IS hate speech in it's subtilest form.
It's author raged in it's own impotence, which has such appeal to billions. The young librarian above is free to organize my bookshelves whenever she can. I'm flexible as to the date and time.
I have a technical (engineering/geology) library which is in need of significant help. Skookumchuk should get started as soon as possible, So I can take the next slot.
It's already here. A couple examples:
Some supposed neo-nazis released a balloon with a big swastika banner (a big party banner from the rallies). Local news called it a "hate crime". While I do NOT support the action, nor the sentiments communicated by such an action, just where does showing a swastika to unsuspecting bird watchers amount to a hate crime? You see- no victim required. Just thinking bad = crime, even with no direct consequences other than "how disgusting!". This week a bit of vandalism at a local school garnered the same "hate crime" label. Some books were thrown to the floor in the library and someone scrawled a swastika on the wall. Stupid kids and stupid symbols- but again, no actual victim required. Wouldn't it be enough to charge the twerp perps with vandalism and B&E? I suppose my book "Hitler's Luftwaffe", which has EVERY plane the Nazis flew in full color with specs and a history of the war as the Luftwaffe had to fight it, would be a hate crime. There's several hundred swastikas pictured in it. Intolerance = tolerance in Canada. Soon they'll be cutting off the heads of people like Steyn- you know, for love. So Phil, you admit to owning a book that represents the finest aircraft the Hitler's Third Reich possessed. And in this book are pictures of swastikas? Are those the same swastikas that represented the Nazi occupation of Europe and was a symbol of the killing of the Jews by the millions?
And why do you have such a book? Are you sympathetic to the Nazi cause? When did you stop liking the Nazi cause? This is a hateful book is it not since it shows pictures of aircraft flown by hateful people? When did you stop hating Jews, or do you admit not owning a book that glorifies the Nazi Luftwaffe that ran the POW camps? Yep, we're not to far away from that type of thing right here in the USA..I'm glad I just bought my "Obama Sucks" t shirt I figure that should be good for some open dialog with the left. I only read the specs page for each plane, and only the entry for number lost to Allied action. The rest is incomprehensible hate on the lowest level.
In fact- I have already reported the publisher to the Canadian Authorities. Do I have to give up my copy of Birth of a Nation too? It just came out on DVD. Not counting the ME262, i'd say their best fighter of any numbers was the FW190-D9 "Long Nose".
"And why do you have such a book? Are you sympathetic to the Nazi cause?"
In another life, Habu lead the Spanish Inquisition. And sold T-shirts. Free speech..lets try it here too.
Today, at least for this contributor, it is irony personified to have a thread regarding free speech as I have had at least three perhaps four comments taken down. It's irony,risible, and hypocritical ...... it's Orwellian. Free speech in Canada gone. Free speech on MF...gone. And ya know you don't even have to use a dirty word or abusive language. All ya gotta do is be out of favor. You're pissing on your shoes now... straighten up and find the wind.
"It's irony, risible, and hypocritical ...... it's Orwellian. Free speech in Canada gone. Free speech on MF...gone. And ya know you don't even have to use a dirty word or abusive language. All ya gotta do is be out of favor."
All seriousness aside: It's one thing to have the government of a country dictate speech, and quite another to struggle with the political* dynamics of a blog. The former is a free speech problem, the latter is a matter of community traditions, leadership, accepted practices, and standards. There's a difference. For me, it's not censorship if the community around a blog doesn't like me. Or even shuns me. Frankly, the communities of SOME blogs should NOT like me, or I am doing something wrong. But it IS censorship if I am fined, jailed, harassed, or run out of my own home for speaking my mind (without outright slander or yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater, which Steyn is not doing). No blog is going to stop me from speaking my mind on my own blog. But if the government does so, THAT is censorship. *politics - the standards and customs pertaining to 'the body politic', that is to say, a group of people. The original hullaballoo at Berkeley was the 'free speech movement' covering and or morphing into leftist non sense. It's an interesting and important debate though, how far free speech should go.
Advocating overthrowing the constitutionally elected government? Getting rid of the Constitution? Advocating violence on behalf of Sharia, the dictatorship of the proletariate, the pure aryan people? Gay cleansing? Where's the line? Big Brother says you don't need to know where's the line. You'll have crossed it whenever he says you did.
Orwell was wrong. It's not Big Brother who's after us. It's Little Brother egging Big Brother on. As Pogo said, 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.'
that is friggin true, snitch. but we can't very well say ''down with us!'' -- we got to externalize it -- right? i mean in view of the fact that anger makes energy, while self awareness just makes ommm.
"Free Speech" ? i thought they were hollering "Freeze Peach"
Thank God our rights are much stronger here. We must keep educating people about this stuff so we stay far away from that PC craziness. This whole Steyn, Levant and the Canadian bloggers V Mark Warman may end up being the death knell, and beginning of the end of the HRC's lawlwss actions.
. I can't wait to see a tape of Steyn in front of the commission. The one with Ezra Levant was a real hoot. Ezra skewered them. I hope Mark will too. Mark Steyn is totally excellent, someone MUST give him his own show! We should all go hear him speak if we ever get the chance. . absurd thought - God of the Universe likes human rights commissions that violate human rights while claiming to protect them . absurd thought - God of the Universe hates real freedom of speech an American concept which is NOT for Canada . |