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Friday, May 16. 2008"Pity Party"From Peggy Noonan's critique of today's Repubs, Pity Party:
Posted by The Barrister
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Peggy Noonan has sure done her share of squandering the GOP "brand", turning on the president as she did, early in his second term, on what I can only see as his various style points.
I worked for GHW Bush at CIA. Not directly but close enough so that our paths crossed. Very few of the old OSS men who had stayed through the disastrous Carter years ( and there were very few) did not like Bush. They saw him for what he was, a ticket punching politician grabbing credentials where they were available. But such is politics.
Then he became President after voodooing the greatest President of our time Ronald Reagan. Then he moved his lips on taxes, after buying a lie from the Democrats on spending reductions, and that opened the door for Bill Clinton. George W. Bush had the unfortunate circumstance of 9-11 to deal with. Inarticulate and bumbling he at least knew how to war against Islam but could not overcome good intelligence weakened by it's abandonment and his failure to find the weapons that had been there and should have been there, even if the CIA had to place them there to be found. The cause of removing Saddam was worthy but ended up a folly because he misused his assets. Between the impuissant two Bushes, H.W. and W. the Republican Party wilted. Gone was the firebrand of Gingrich and his energy and ideas, replaced with tired platitudes of past glories. The Bushes squandered all of the Reagan legacy, not the Democrats. Now we will pay the price come November repeating the Dole is old, but due his turn error with John McCain, another inarticulate bumbler, not ready for the campaigns of the new millennium. Republicans need to find a new party, not try to rebuild one stuck so deeply in the past. I doubt if I will see it in my lifetime for what the Democrats can do will not be easily undone. I'm glad I still have the solitude of Montana with no TV or possibly Internet. For as Brutus said to Caesar: There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures It would appear the Republicans have lost their tide and their ventures. But what a difference a day can make! We just need a moment, a turning, a mere dramatic shift. a shaft of cognitive light. a glowing archangel descending on the warhorse of truth, shooting lightning bolts from his fingertips, reversing the polarity of the known universe, a...a...uhhhhh
Oh, you mean the tooth fairy.
The press is fully prepared, in fact more anxious than I have ever seen, to get a candidate,Obama, to the WH. The average Republican will be watching reruns on TV on election day rather than engage in the process. That's what the next six month beat down on McCain is going to do to morale. McCain will be unable and too feeble to get his message out and the grass roots Republican is now dwelling in the Jurassic period of Republicanism. At this point Republicans would be better served to become Libertarians than remain Republicans. If the Dems get it all, including a super majority the the ONLY way I see a way to stop things is for the Republicans not to show up so that a quorum will never be present in the House. But then the Dems will simple issue Presidential directives, ie edicts from on high. interesting thought. what if president obama calls the troops home, and the troops say no? the pentagon issues a statement that it will not repeat USA's role in the SE Asian genocide of 1975-80. what then?
If you want to look on the bright side look at all the new allies we'll have. Iran, Syria, Venezuela., North Korea, while going the way we did during the Prague Spring to our new allies who have bet everything going against the Soviets.
It use to be said that the US was a terrible foe but a worse ally...how true that's gonna become. learn to embrace it ...Allah Akbar! Peggy seems to be running on selective memory mode... I seem to remember a whole passel of promises made in 1980 that still, to this day, have not been delivered on.
Just the opposite, really... if She wants to point to the decline and fall of all things since Reagan, she had better start with the man himself. If he couldn't deliver the goods, then what makes anyone think that the rest of the party could do so? I'm sure it looked so nice inside the party, but to those of us on the outside, there was quite some wondering and asking if the R party would actually stand for much of anything... its been running on fumes for more than a couple of decades. There have been good candidates and spokesmen, but the party? And romanticizing about the past is part of the problem, at this point. "...romanticizing about the past is part of the problem, at this point"
but remember the pregame go-get-um meets. Indian war dance before the fight. Henry's (Shakespeare's) speech before Agincourt. all examples of romanticing the past in order to frame what comes next. There is some truth in what you say but it is thin gruel. His economic policies produced the Clinton economy for those things take time to take hold.
He did, without firing a shot collapse the Soviet Union, largely because he walked away from Reykjavík, placed missiles in Europe, and sold Russia computer chips that were programmed to fail at a time in the future adn pursued the Strategic Defense Initiative which the Soviets could ot compete with...all master strokes. Did he do away with some Secretary level departments, no, but he reduced by more than two thirds the federal registry of quasi authoritarian edicts. His mere inauguration caused the release of American hostages in the US Embassy in Tehran after 444 days of Cater failure. He rebuilt the intelligence community that later Carter destroyed and he built a 600 ship US Navy to project US power, now only a shadow of that force.. His much maligned Strategic Defense Initiative we see now works and is operational in part. It was the Republican minions that were satisfied to bask in the reflected glory of Reagan's successes. I could go on but other duties call. The failures were not Ronald Reagan's and his successes far outweigh any missteps. While not disagreeing with the disaster that awaits if Obama gets in, I think McCain does stand a chance. It's up to those 'hard working whites'--and they may just come out and vote.
I was in Missoula the other day. Happened that Big Bill 'Bubba' Clinton was in town, drumming up votes for Billary. So we went. 1,000 lost souls. He looked nice. Not a white hair out of place. Humorously, he'd slip up and say, "When elected, I will...." then catch hemself, Hillary will. I may have some of the last pictures of 'Big Bill Clinton at work'. "If you don't quit on Hillary, Hillary won't quit on you." Yahoooo! big-chief throw stardust in eyes, everything lookum different.
Back from the grocery market.
I haven't given up all hope that McCain can win. His challenges however are mighty given the adversarial press he is going to face. Obama has enough negatives to create an equation Einstein couldn't unwind but they are all now taboo to be talked or written about. The number of seedy friends and characters he has would be enough to disqualify any republican candidate, but that story is so old as to be known by all. His Marxism is very disturbing and not being explored outside the Internet. The MSM will never touch it such is their love for poking all WASP's in the eye. Once again quoting Albert Einstein: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former The American public is so utterly dumbed down that they simply lust after a nanny state to take care of every need. It is a disgusting display of slovenly thought and action, but it is America 2008. Chicos playing into the middle of Peggy's Party;
Screw her and her perception of what Senator McCain's greatest challenge is. Dissembling of a few "conservative" and "libertarian" quejicas isn't a challenge, either. When Hillbillary gets the nomination she'll be a weak challenger and if Hussein Inc. joins her they'll be easier to beatdown. Senator McCain will not and should not be a Reagan nor a Bush but better than their sum, methinks. His public service record and policy papers leave no doubts America has a bright future ahead with John McCain as President and Commander in Chief. I heard one of the poor lost souls, a bimbo behind me, a bimbo in limbo:), saying to another at the Big Bill Clinton event. "I'm a pacifist, I'm against all this fighting" with such sincerity and naivete ( 1. The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated, especially in being artless, credulous, or uncritical.
2. An artless, credulous, or uncritical statement or act.) as to make one weep. you could've smiled at her and agreed, adding that if only Lincoln and FDR had shared her views, we could all be Japanese-speaking Nazis with negro slaves.
How has the Republican party allowed such a successful president to become synonymous with failure? GWB inherited a recession and had the addition of a terrible attack on our civilian population. Largely by staying out of the way and reducing government interference, he helped the economy grow back to where it is now -- a tremendous powerhouse even in a slow time. He overthrew two terrible regimes with very low loss of life and with astoundingly few problems in the transitions to follow. If this is failure, I hope John McCain can fail like this. Obama won't fail this way.
Thank you. The amount of ingratitude for the President's courage and wisdom on the really big issues is nauseating. Yeah Republicans, I mean you.
geoff brown and paul, I'm with you two all the way.
the beatdown has been a huge mass-conspiratorial lie, but it has created the truth that he can't easily govern. of course that's because the Dems refuse to be governed by him, but at any rate he is thus, ipso facto, a sort of failure. a mighty peculiar sort of failure, tho, a peggy noonan criteria failure, a failure on fashion, a failure on making himself popular with the screaming idiocracy. Yes buddy, and the big lie of the media and the willful and sadistic joy in which the body politic revels in it portends a huge and disastrous "correction". It's the inevitable day the rent comes due for all the postmodern indulgence in relativism and wishful thinking. The elements for a perfect storm are all gathering ominously on the horizon.
I think a lot of Republicans, including myself, are going to be unable to hold their noses to vote for McCain.
It's going to be Obama in a wipeout. And the Republicans only have themselves to blame. Unfortunately, we will all pay for it. Jim , if we follow your advice you're right, we won't have a chance..
So what's your alternative, not voting because it looks bad now? Telling all your friends the same plan...yea that'll help. So it's 1775 and the colonials are getting their asses handed to them time and time again..what does Jim do? "Well fellas you know the Brits have the largest Navy and Army in the world. They just sent the largest invasion force in history to our shores, along with some nasty Hessians..lets give up, surrender, and just do it their way" That about it? Who would to be blamed for that? The Jims, that's who, but, but...... guess what..we won! but the continental army was known by name to a man. quit the war meant a british rope, or confiscation and exile at best. like the Marines in the WWII pacific, on the invasion islands there was nowhere to go but on.
A few remarks fro the record. On more than one occasion the British , I believe under Lord William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe, KB, PC, offered amnesty to all colonialists in and out of the army. Some took it , others not.
Washington was faced with a desertion rate of 25-50% at times, although many returned after going home. Enlistments were always a problem, in fact one of the major reasons for the attack on Trenton in December across the Delaware was that almost the entire Army had their enlistments up on Jan 1. Washington was faced with having no Army at all. The British did not hang captured colonialist with reckless abandon. Most were placed on prison ships and left to poor rations and disease to kill them. Now the mercenary Hessians were a different story an after successfully attacking Fort Washington would have killed every soldier remaining but the Brits stopped them from doing so. Other than immigration, it's hard for me to get really down on Bush. I'll vote for McCain, out of a sense of duty, though there were two or three other pubs I would have much preferred.
This was all about pay back.
After the routing with the Contract with America, ousting Jim Wright, impeaching Clinton, and the Dems losing control of Congress for the first time in over 40 years they grasped everything they could to hammer W, especially after no WMD's were found. That was hypocrisy at it's 24k gold best because as I pointed out before almost every leading Democrat said Saddam had them and needed to be dealt with. But that's where the Dems win, in the trenches, down and dirty while the country club Republicans are satisfied to go to Embassy parties, do a little work and go back to the civilian world and cash in on the process they now know. right you are. down in the trench, organizing, beans and cold coffee, walking the ward, learning the letter of the rules to the nth. just like the old bolsheviks.