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Tuesday, September 11. 2007Eric Nails It on IraqI am linking an excellent piece which I wish I had written by Eric at Classical Values entitled A Different Kind of Education. One quote:
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D said no to Iraq, just get bin Laden.
R said yes to doing whatever Dubya wanted to do. Nobody said just listen to the experts and just win this thing, quickly. yes, avoid politics, just follow the experts.
But, both sides claim expertise. So we're back on jump street no matter which way we go. I try to focus on preferred end states. The D end state is you-know-what. The R end state is at least somewhat open to the lessons of history. D voted in the Senate to approve AUMF.
nice try though,clopfelter. R has just been better at making some appearances. That Cheney can get away with shrugging off his 1994 predictions, or Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld shrugging off Shinseki/Powell predictions, or Bush/Natsios.. suggests that something is seriously wrong with the people in charge. Insider power and image management has replaced bottom line competency.
Meddling without a complete follow through has been proven to be a repeated disaster in Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan for over fifty years now. Trading one short term solution today for two potential problems tomorrow has standard operating procedure. And the trend continues. No wonder so many people want to abandon the situation entirely - they think achieving a positive “end state” is beyond DC’s capabilities. --------------------- gumshoe, are you even on the same page? “I must say that I sympathize with the bind that Democratic leaders are in somewhat. Defeatism is forced upon them by their base.” But since you’re there.. they approved AUMF on what conditions? Securing borders, infrastructure, any WMD, and the peace within a projected time frame? Or that a single platoon could finish the job? Or that the CIC would be successful at the job just because his father was? Clopfelter, it's a pity that it doesn't dawn on you that there is an enemy, and that this enemy has a vote on the progress that you seem to think is just a matter of our being competent enough to remember to ordain it.
The DC team must get better, somehow.
Influence on a team’s record, from least to most (?): 1. Cheerleaders 2. Fans 3. Players 4. Coaching 5. Owners Sorry.. than a low ranking project manager at a small company who demands results or else.
Not enough people are asking: "And then what?" to either R or D ideas or plans for purposes of long term cost/benefit comparison. For example: link me to somebody in power who was screaming for Iraq border security after Baghdad was taken (seems obvious to even me, a non-military type, who sees Iran, Syria, and lower arabia and palestinian Jordan as major league sponsors of terror).
Or, I'm not aware of really good consice pro/con explanations of strategies coming from politicians for public examination.. ...seriously, there's info everywhere on what the future looks like, pro and/or con.
We can't really expect, can we, anything written in stone, prediction-wise, so long as there is a formidable enemy out there thinking hard all the time --? CC
Believe it or not, there are times when a strict cost/benefit analysis is not applicable and has no bearing on decisions that must be made. It is overall objectives that sometimes override 'cost', even when the benefit, short term, pales in comparison to the immediate cost. Trade offs are a part of life. Iraq is the size of California. Do you have any idea how impossible it would be to secure California's border's 100%. How about you put forth your ideas for ultimate strategies, if we are fortunate a politician may be reading this blog. Otherwise your opinion is worth much as ours. Little. Luther, don't go here unless you're in the mood to get really disgusted.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1893742/posts Some slime has squirted oil onto the Wall. Sometime Friday night it appears. A permanent stain in the stone. A different sort of permanent stain (the squirter) has manifested his being onto the names of the KIA. The older I get the more I appreciate the values my father taught me. They came from the United States Marine Corps Leadership model. So when I read in the article:
I must say that I sympathize with the bind that Democratic leaders are in somewhat. Defeatism is forced upon them by their base , I want to puke. Leaders lead, they don't let the mob do it. The problem is there are no "leaders" in the Democratic Party that would not sell their soul in a faustian bargain for just one more term. I can't even imagine one of them throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies. Read these and see what leadership is all about: Marine Corps Leadership Traits The 14 leadership traits are qualities of thought and action which, if demonstrated in daily activities, help Marines earn the respect, confidence, and loyal cooperation of other Marines. It is extremely important that you understand the meaning of each leadership trait and how to develop it, so you know what goals to set as you work to become a good leader and a good follower. JUSTICE Definition: Justice is defined as the practice of being fair and consistent. A just person gives consideration to each side of a situation and bases rewards or punishments on merit. Suggestions for Improvement: Be honest with yourself about why you make a particular decision. Avoid favoritism. Try to be fair at all times and treat all things and people in an equal manner. JUDGMENT Definition: Judgment is your ability to think about things clearly, calmly, and in an orderly fashion so that you can make good decisions. Suggestions for Improvement: You can improve your judgment if you avoid making rash decisions. Approach problems with a common sense attitude. DEPENDABILITY Definition: Dependability means that you can be relied upon to perform your duties properly. It means that you can be trusted to complete a job. It is the willing and voluntary support of the policies and orders of the chain of command. Dependability also means consistently putting forth your best effort in an attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance. Suggestions for Improvement: You can increase your dependability by forming the habit of being where you're supposed to be on time, by not making excuses and by carrying out every task to the best of your ability regardless of whether you like it or agree with it. INITIATIVE Definition: Initiative is taking action even though you haven't been given orders. It means meeting new and unexpected situations with prompt action. It includes using resourcefulness to get something done without the normal material or methods being available to you. Suggestions for Improvement: To improve your initiative, work on staying mentally and physically alert. Be aware of things that need to be done and then to do them without having to be told. DECISIVENESS Definition: Decisiveness means that you are able to make good decisions without delay. Get all the facts and weight them against each other. By acting calmly and quickly, you should arrive at a sound decision. You announce your decisions in a clear, firm, professional manner. Suggestions for Improvement: Practice being positive in your actions instead of acting half-heartedly or changing your mind on an issue. TACT Definition: Tact means that you can deal with people in a manner that will maintain good relations and avoid problems. It means that you are polite, calm, and firm. Suggestions for Improvement: Begin to develop your tact by trying to be courteous and cheerful at all times. Treat others as you would like to be treated. INTEGRITY Definition: Integrity means that you are honest and truthful in what you say or do. You put honesty, sense of duty, and sound moral principles above all else. Suggestions for Improvement: Be absolutely honest and truthful at all times. Stand up for what you believe to be right. ENTHUSIASM Definition: Enthusiasm is defined as a sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of your duties. If you are enthusiastic, you are optimistic, cheerful, and willing to accept the challenges. Suggestions for Improvement: Understanding and belief in your mission will add to your enthusiasm for your job. Try to understand why even uninteresting jobs must be done. BEARING Definition: Bearing is the way you conduct and carry yourself. Your manner should reflect alertness, competence, confidence, and control. Suggestions for Improvement: To develop bearing, you should hold yourself to the highest standards of personal conduct. Never be content with meeting only the minimum requirements. UNSELFISHNESS Definition: Unselfishness means that you avoid making yourself comfortable at the expense of others. Be considerate of others. Give credit to those who deserve it. Suggestions for Improvement: Avoid using your position or rank for personal gain, safety, or pleasure at the expensive of others. Be considerate of others. COURAGE Definition: Courage is what allows you to remain calm while recognizing fear. Moral courage means having the inner strength to stand up for what is right and to accept blame when something is your fault. Physical courage means that you can continue to function effectively when there is physical danger present. Suggestions for Improvement: You can begin to control fear by practicing self-discipline and calmness. If you fear doing certain things required in your daily life, force yourself to do them until you can control your reaction. KNOWLEDGE Definition: Knowledge is the understanding of a science or art. Knowledge means that you have acquired information and that you understand people. Your knowledge should be broad, and in addition to knowing your job, you should know your unit's policies and keep up with current events. Suggestions for Improvement: Suggestions for Improvement: Increase your knowledge by remaining alert. Listen, observe, and find out about things you don't understand. Study field manuals and other military literature. LOYALTY Definition: Loyalty means that you are devoted to your country, the Corps, and to your seniors, peers, and subordinates. The motto of our Corps is Semper Fidelis!, (Always Faithful). You owe unwavering loyalty up and down the chain of command, to seniors, subordinates, and peers. Suggestions for Improvement: To improve your loyalty you should show your loyalty by never discussing the problems of the Marine Corps or your unit with outsiders. Never talk about seniors unfavorably in front of your subordinates. Once a decision is made and the order is given to execute it, carry out that order willingly as if it were your own. ENDURANCE Definition: Endurance is the mental and physical stamina that is measured by your ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship. For example, enduring pain during a conditioning march in order to improve stamina is crucial in the development of leadership. Suggestions for Improvement: Develop your endurance by engaging in physical training that will strengthen your body. Finish every task to the best of your ability by forcing yourself to continue when you are physically tired and your mind is sluggish. Because it is important to always be able to remember the basic leadership traits, the acronym "J.J. DID TIE BUCKLE" is used. Each letter in the acronym corresponds to the first letter of one of the traits. By remembering the acronym, you will be better able to recall the traits. Thanks Buddy, I had previously seen that. I will leave it to you to imagine what I would do to the cowardly bastards that performed that deed.
Believe it or not, there are times when a strict cost/benefit analysis is not applicable and has no bearing on decisions that must be made...
If you’re talking about situations that require an immediate response, like seeing your wife getting attacked by gang members, I agree. But Iraq? Are you saying going in with 1000 troops for 1000 years would have been no different than 1,000,000 troops for 1 year? borders Then “Iraq as flypaper” must have been the strategy. And I know stuff like refugees, blowback, oil flow, infrastructure, was all taken into account in it’s implementation. How about you put forth your ideas for ultimate strategies But would I then have to crawl through these wires and kill all of you? In 2002 my highest and best technology was called “Comcast.” But those DC folks had thousands of guys in lab and trench coats, spy satellites, supercomputers, all that really cool shit. But even back in 2002 I knew that locking down madhouse Iraq pronto was of extreme importance. Anyways, my 2cents about the Democratic base – they’re not as “malignantly dishonest” as they are cynical of DC power. I can't even imagine one of them throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies.
Maybe it’s time to go over the CVs of all the presidential candidates using Marine Corp criteria? A spreadsheet, maybe? For example, who wouldn’t disqualify Obama right off the bat on “KNOWLEDGE“ (Two years national/international experience – WTF?) or give him severe negative points... CC,
I guess I could have used any number of other books on leadership. The Corps leadership values are not materially different from those of any successful executive leadership program. They're just implemented more successfully. I also should have capitalized Faustian. "Anyways, my 2cents about the Democratic base – they’re not as “malignantly dishonest” as they are cynical of DC power." Naw , their malignantly dishonest. It's behavioral by the time they reach DC, having followed their party for so many years. CC, it ain't that a president should throw himself on a live grenade to save a friend (jeez, how could he be president, then? hHe'd be dead, right?).
It's that a president must not be cynical of those who DO such things, or those who admire those who do. Or, better put, anyone that is cynical about root fundamental human nature had better keep it all hid, kid, if he wants to lead with any elan. Nobody wants to follow a cynic (tho there are those who pretend to, for the sake of politics). IOW, tho the leadership trait can of course be framed intellectually, the actual fact of its exercise is more concrete than abstract. The head and the gut can't be in conflict. If you think those senators berating the general today were capable of leading the nation, you're out-thinking yourself. I wouldn't follow Obama, Clinton, Biden or Dodd if I could possibly help it--tho I'd sure follow a President Petraeus.
Bravo...I had the same thought as I watched ... This Petraeus fella has "it".... President Petraeus ..I'd follow his lead.
He do, he has "it". The mil guys who work with him have been saying that for some time. The lefties already hate him, so they must see it, too.
Darn right they see it. Now they MUST redouble their efforts to thwart success in Iraq.
I was sufficient until yesterday to hammer the President, but now General Petraeus shows up, is unflappable when weenie Wexler tries to tar him with the Westmorland analogy and fails. The entire nation got to see the Democrats as not just doubters but defeatest. The Democrats even tried holding back so as to not say on national TV in unison what they do singularly say in hushed corridors and cloakrooms to reporters and Moveon.org scum. "Paging Mr Quisling, Mr Vidkun Quisling" The Democratic Party is now an eponym for traitor(s). That's pretty much the way I see 'em, too.
I've been giving 'em the benefit of the doubt, figuring they were after Bush because, unless he's a liar, they can't Watergate or Irangate him. But, hell, he's done now, a lame duck with no successor VP in the wings. So what's the deal with the absolutist we-must-lose-the-war effort? Naw, the target was only Bush as he stood in the way, the real target has been America itself, all along. And that is why it is often said that a day in politics can be a lifetime...the Democrats have both flanks exposed now...first a tacit endorsement from Osama bin Laden that they know the way to peace and W doesn't, and now the national exposure of another cut and run when things are getting better.
And there's dirt all over Hillary from Hsu...we're gonna find out that Bill and Sandy Berger were funneling Chinese money to Hillary via Hsu .. Berger was prior to NSA the Chinese rep in the US..registered and the whole deal..his biggest client so he has contacts. Bill of course just nakedly sold secrets for cash. They've had a number of years to set this all up ..they'll be the usual cut outs etc because the Chinese don't want to get caught but a vigorous investigation will expose this..the $850,000k she gave back will find it's way back in at the right time. Thank the Lord Armand Hammer is dead or Russia would be in the thick of it too...hell they probably are. Come to think of it Hammer is dead but Soros simply filled that void..ugh what a dirtbag.
Armand Hammer was thick with Al Gore's daddy, and also thick with the Rus oligarchs. Look into Al & the Chernomyrdin Commission sometime. Al hasn't YET submitted to congress the minutes of his meetings, but why worry about that law when you have Berger running around loose?
http://instapundit.com/archives2/009221.php don't miss, re China Clintons -- |