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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, September 8. 2007Saturday Links
Federer beats Roddick, and other US Open updates from the NY Sun Re Madeleine L'Engle: Our brief post did not mention to what extent she was a Christ-inspired author and a long-time presence at St. John the Divine in NYC. I heard an interview with her recently. Very impressive lady. Brit mosques are becoming a metastatic cancer in Brit society. More on the Deobandi sect at Dino. Psychologists are overwhelmingly Dems. Driscoll. I have no idea what that means. Osama and the Dems: Perfect Together. Ace. Bin Laden can tell useful idiots when he sees them, and, despite his apparently minimal knowledge of the Vietnam era, he picked up one useful fact: get the surrenderist Left as allies by humoring and flattering them. Photo Editor note: We were recently introduced to this old-time Italian summer squash, (which goes by many names including Zucchetta and Serpent of Sicily) which I am told grows like crazy and resists bugs. There is an old joke: If you park your car in a suburban neighborhood in August, be sure to lock it. If you don't, someone will put zucchini in it. Same goes for this squash.
Posted by The Barrister
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Refreshing to see that RINO Senator Hagel has announced he will not be seeking another term.
In looking up his bio I noticed that he was a Vietnam draftee which could go a long way in explaining his mouthiness about our fighting in Iraq....seems getting drafted to most draftees to protect your country is somehow a loss of the freedoms you have. It's like, "I don't want to protect them , I just want to have the freedoms for nothing..go get somebody else to fight.". I wasn't always that way. Baseball great Ted Williams did two wars and lost five years out of the Big Leagues to do so..USMC Aviator. Bye bye Hagel, enjoy your ego. I am not a fan of retiring RINO Hegel, however I mentioned he was a draftee, which is correct. In fairness it should be pointed out that from at least one source AntiWar.com (hmmm) Sen. Hagel had orders to Germany when he volunteered to go where the fighting was, Vietnam.
His medals are not particularly remarkable for heroism. He did earn the Viet Cong Marksmens Badge aka, the Purple Heart for getting hit with some shrapnel. However his opposition to the Patriot Act and his overall anti war sentiment does little to support this nations fight against a tough enemy.....that's where we part company and comity. A comment on Brit mosques after I read the article but a quicker response while my brain is half engaged.
The Boston Redevelopment Authority donated multi millions of dollars worth of land for the Islams to build a huge mosque in Boston. It has recently run into some headwinds. My question since I heard of this years ago was how can it be legal? Separation of church and state etc..I mean when a community can't put a Nativity Scene on the City Hall grounds or Alabama has to remove a granite marker with the Ten Commandments on it how exactly does Boston get away with giving land to a religion? Especially Islam? Please, some one explain it to me before I go into a swirling vortex. Thx More evidence that Mass. is a really ,really f'd up state. The end of England, or Captain Smith to the bridge please
If 600 of some 1300+ British mosques are run by a radical muslim who breaches hate as dictated by the Koran and gets his funding from the British government then I do not see where short of civil war England can be saved. It is certainly being enslaved by the embittered, bigoted Islams and their bastard religion, but they seem not to care. When Don Rumsfeld was excoriated for his differentiating old Europe and new Europe there certainly was just cause to do so. This is but one example of it. The Swedes, Germans, French, Austrians,Belgians all are in the swirling,sucking, vortex of Islam. they might as well organize the "White Star Lines Coalition" now and avoid the rush. Coming to America soon, but bigger
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOzQQEJqiok Ah, Miss, will you get me n airsickness bag, or the sky is falling
American Thinker September 08, 2007 Heads-Up: The Threat of Airborne Terrorism By Peter B. Martin A great deal of money (over $40 billion) has been spent by federal and state governments on many wasteful anti-terrorism projects, like focusing on bio-terrorism and dirty bomb defenses that suggest such an attack is inevitably imminent. It isn't. And the reason it has not happened already is that the terrorists are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. They know that both terror scenarios are not as apocalyptic as the public believes, and to make either weapon anywhere nearly effective results in too much danger to the builder and the perpetrator. In other words, each is an unreliable, inefficient weapon. In reality, instead of thwarting terrorist tactics, Homeland Security and other agencies are actually assisting terrorists by concentrating on expensive, exotic and complex schemes while ignoring the more basic terrorist threat. Terrorists' weapon of choice remains the conventional bomb, proof of that is demonstrated daily in Iraq and various other volatile nations. Conventional bombs achieve their purpose, injuring and killing masses of people in a horrible manner. They are relatively safe to use, are easy to assemble and are cheap, which earns them the status of favored instrument of terror. Suicide bombers are a real and present danger. The threat is well known to everyone and many precautions are now taken to avert and uncover them, among them are: pat downs, behavior profiling, sniffer dogs, explosive screening machines and video analytics software. And new devices are being tested with promising results such as backscatter and millimeter wave systems that "see" through clothing. These type of defenses against suicide bombers are rather effective in the field where it is possible to individually screen people. But there is a dimension and an approach where such tools are ineffective. Security personnel tend to look around them for trouble, they look behind, in front of them and to the sides but hardly ever up. And the next terrorist threat could be airborne. A small aircraft is a discrete form of transport, thousands fly overhead daily and most of the time one hardly takes any notice of them. A single engine aircraft modified for parachute jumping can hold nine people and carry them up to quite an altitude - 4000 meters without difficulty. Imagine if the plane held 9 terrorists fitted out with parachutes and they were all strapped with high explosives. With modern parachutes they could navigate several kilometers toward their target, after having been dropped by a plane out of sight of the eventual landing zone. Using a parapente chute they could travel even further. In view of the fact that they are suicide bombers, they could elect not to use a parachute and simply skydive down at a terminal velocity of 200 kph onto their target. With the use of wind suits they could glide an even longer distance, depending on the altitude of the plane. Using oxygen masks they could be free to climb to higher altitudes beyond 4500 meters, which would increase their glide distance accordingly. This added distance could mean the use of a larger plane with even more terrorists aboard, as nobody would see the drop plane from the target area. The target could be a crowded stadium, an open-air concert, a large political demonstration, an inauguration or a downtown section of a city during rush hour - wherever there are many people congregating All this may read like some chapter from a thriller, but when you think about it, the scenario is feasible, economical and an efficient terrorist strategy. Such a spectacular strike could take place in daylight or at night and would be very hard to defeat. The resulting scene of carnage from this type of assault would create chaos and fear and immense attention from the mass media; all are determining factors in a terrorist's selection of an act of violence. It is worth taking such a development into consideration and acting to prevent it from ever happening. You Haven't Earned The Right To Be 'War-Weary '
In its ongoing effort to demoralize you and tell you how you should feel, so that we can have defeat and a proper humiliation of America, the Washington Post informs us that Americans are 'war-weary'. Well that is impossible. Sorry, seeing the same images of stuff blowing up in Iraq does not give you the right to claim you are 'war-weary.' You aren't there, you aren't fighting. The guys in Iraq and Afghanistan are the ones who can claim to be war-weary, not you. You are not making sacrifices for this war, you are not doing without. There are no scrap metal drives, there is no rationing, there are no shortages, there are no war bonds. War effort? What war effort? Unless you are in the military or are related to someone who is, there is no war. Other than those hurt or killed and their loved ones, America is not paying a price. There's a great saying posted at a US Marine site in Iraq that says: "America is not at was, the Marine Corps is at war: America is at the mall ". Stop your whining. Citation for above "war weary" goes to Willisms.com ..sorry I missed the attribution.
Psychologists are overwhelmingly Dems. Driscoll. I have no idea what that means.
It means that psychotherapy is a political movement, not a science. I've thought so for many years. And how could it be otherwise for a profession dedicated to teaching you how to live and think? It is, after all, not sufficient to merely analyze and understand, one must have a living goal that goes beyond such lifeless material. It all comes down to the question of what it means to live sanely, with all the loaded implications of what "sane" means. Neo-neocon had a series of posts about the politics of psychologists, especially psychotherapists, a year or so ago. Very thoughtful and evenhanded, though she no longer comes down squarely in the politics of her chosen field.
I will point out that social workers are even more likely to be Democrats. Psychiatrists, psych nurses, OT's, etc - not so much. If we look at it, both psychologists and psychiatrists, test you, ask you questions and take your money. They never have a definitive answer, but will proscribe yoga, drugs, or other 'remedy" Most will also tell you that NONE OF IT IS YOUR FAULT. They'll blame everybody in the world before they ever get to the problem.
A good question to ask:
"What is the constant in all your problems, dysfunctional relationships, and bad luck?" >>"Hmm...me?" |