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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, June 9. 2007Saturday late-afternoon links
Who can beat the NYT in trivializing culture? New Criterion Shopping for medical insurance. Coyote London would be better off Islamic, says the Left. Out of left field. How Fred Thompson became a player, without playing. Immigration polls. Gateway. Also, a rant against filling the USA with Mexicans. Also, from Dino:
Posted by The Barrister
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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Barrister..love those early morining rides..the wife did a horseback tour of Tuscany last year with two of her close girlfriends...men were excluded...so I'll be going to the Goodwood Festival of Speed with my buds.
What are friends for???? I got a call thismorning from a friend I back seat with in a Great Lakes biplane as he practices his acrobatics ..it's always a kick. "Man, you should have been with me yesterday afternoon" "oh yeah, what was up? I quired. "I took the Great Lakes up to watch the shuttle launch..it was unreal!!!" "well damn why didn't you call me" "cause I was already down at the field in St.Augustine (45minutes south) when I decided to do it and I knew you could never get here" "well gosh Bill, it sure is nice of you to call me the day after and let me know how absolutely cool it must have been" " yeah I'm sorry but I just knew you couldn't make it and it was a spontaneous urge" "not a problem Bill, I'm just going to strangle you next time we get to the field" How cool was it? "Habu, words can't explain it. Awesome comes close" I watched it on tv. The 17 yr old wandered in to see why I had let out the war whoop--she got around to the screen just in time to hear the words "...ninety seconds after launch, the shuttle is 35 miles high going 8,000 MPH...."
She said "Gaaa...AWESOME!" I gather the being able to spell is optional in the English Only law?
What happens to my dear neighbors that speak only Danish? And the Serbs? How about the folks that escaped Poland with less than your average trans-Texas traveler? Oh. They aren't brown so it won't be enforced against them. How do I tell blogs like this one from the ones that are in favor of really bad laws? LS, sometimes you're very difficult.
Calling your fellow citizens 'racist' before you know that to be a fact in particular, is 'being difficult'. Larry S..
I don't think I understand what your asking. Can you dilate your point? Thx Life is hard, has hard questions, and it has people who don't jump right in line with you (for the the rhetorical and global "you"--one of English's weaknesses is it doesn't have a word for the concept, and if I say "y'all" which does mean that, you assume I'm from south of I90 and therefore too stupid to have an idea).
I don't think I have ever used the word "racist" in anything I have posted here, but if you recognize what is in the mirror, that would be your problem, not the mirror's. But I have in fact searched a bit on-line and off-line through most of the dictionaries here and I'll have to agree, that that word best applies to people who want to pass laws limiting the lives of other people purely on the basis of ethnicity, what ever that turns out to mean. And we do know that is the issue--the introduction to this blog suggests minimal education of the principals, and we already know language is not the real issue because there are scads of folks who speak not more English than the people you want to legislate against. And I am not persuaded by the "illegal" argument for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact, I believe, that many of the "illegals" are "illegal" because we recently passed laws to make them illegal. And won't process their paperwork in a timely manner so they can become "legal". And many of you are arguing that the laws should be written to make "illegal" people that are now at this precise moment in fact "legal". But now comes the test. Are you willing to hear me out our did you trigger on the first hate-word up that and fire off an answer. I think it is fair to claim that while I think a lot of this stuff is morally and ethically wrong, THAT IS NOT WHAT MOST OF MY RANTING HAS BEEN ABOUT! Sorry. What I have most been trying to point out is: It doesn't work! If it was the greatest, most benevolent idea since the 6th day, it doesn't work! The Great Wall of China did not work. Hadrian's wall did not work. The Maginot line did not work. The Berlin wall did not work. And the wall along the United States border with a Mexico will cause the extinction of several species of wild animals, but it won't work. It will cost a bundle of money. But it won't work. It will cause untold damage in ways we can't even imagine yet, but it won't work. And I am very much opposed to even the best of ideas (and this is not one of those, did I mention that?) if they cost a lot of money, cause a lot of harm, and don't work. I can go believe Gore and Hillary and have more fun and annoy fewer people. Man alive--you sure jump to a lot of conclusions, for someone who is so contemptuous of others jumping to conclusions.
This is a friendly blog. No racists here, believe me. We hate all races equally. I do not understand this race thing. Black, Hispanic (which is not a race) - I don't give a damn. Working in Hartford, I don't even see color anymore. Irrelevant to me, and of no interest whatsoever. People are people, and most of them are dumb a-holes. Including myself - educated, but stupid enough. However, I do respect immigrants who ask to come to the US legally, and I have none at all for those who do not respect our laws. I spend all of my time either trying to comply with, or to to help others comply with, American law. Our freedom is based on rule of law. It has taken us many years and plenty of money to help our Phillipino housekeeper obtain citizenship. She arrived with a Green Card. Believe me, we want her in America, and she quizzes me on American history. She is trying to understand John Locke. Who isn't? Her kids will be doctors and - God forbid - lawyers like me. Please chill, beloved readers, have a G&T or two, and take it easy. Did anybody see the word "Sorry"? Read any of the words below it?
I don't understand why they are not worthy of comment here. Some of those I just grabbed out of my....I did not research as well as I should have. At least one of them has to be wrong. I did read your comment, Larry.
The idea of a wall is just a metaphor, really. The real thing is this: If you hire an illegal, you are breaking the law. Same as in every other country in the world. Funny, tho, to realize that the only walls built to keep people OUT are in Israel and the US. We must be doing something right if half the whole world would come here if all they had to do was to wade across the Rio Grande. The point is this: It's our country. If you want to come here, just ask us first, like everywhere else. Be legal, be polite, be appreciative and grateful, and be civilized. ...William Cowper said,
"When was public virtue to be found when private was not?" Benjamin Franklin stated, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." Truth be known, I could probably fill a book with the words of wise ones who have spoken in kind. But, you know, I understand this principle well. I know that people get the government they deserve; what bothers me is that I’m going to get the government they deserve. (all the above from this, one of B's links above) http://www.intellectualconservative.com/2007/06/06/getting-the-government-the-third-world-deserves/ Larry,
You are vexed by the illegal question to put it charitably. You listed a bunch of man made barriers, The Great Wall, etc and noted none of them worked. Well they did for a while. Nothing works forever. The Berin Wall was damned effective. The real answer of course is war. I doesn't permanently solve any of the various disagreements man has but it has over the thousands of years delivered people from bondage to freedom. I'd say that's reason enough to keep war handy. You are terribly misinformed on the cost of what a wall across our southern border would cost. I and others provided those figure this past week. Go back and review them and I believe it will save you a CVA. As for the immigration of people into the United States the routine is well defined. I'm not familar with the part that says one may bypass the routine and simply infiltrate,invade,illegally enter MY country. Nope can't do it. The only reason the powers that be allowed 12-20 million to get here was for leverage. believe me it wasn't to provide cheap farm labor or clean hotel sheets. Leverage on what? Leverage on the North American Union and the SSP, which is what this is all about. Larry , hit the books, articles, educate yourself on the issues, don't go for the head fake. The illegal entries were all allowed for a reason as I have described above. By the way, if we did build a wall,with guard towers and an open field of fire, denuded of all vegetation and cover, simply levelled sand, say 600 yards wide, mine it with anti personel mines and snipers in the towers who shoot to kill ... son, believe me..it would work. In fact I bet you could get expert marksmen like myself to do it on their vacations..you know a "Defend America Border Shoot Vacation" $1200US, ammo included. Spend a few hours every day or night for a week or two zapping the few who would try to "make it", then back to the air condtioned villas for a nice bath , a nice filet and wine at "Border Blaster's" fine foods and a recap of the days events ...and you could sleep like a baby knowing you'd defended your country. hey that's a great idea. I wonder if I could Kelo the entire southern border, opena chain of Orvis approved "American DefenseMen Retreats" and provide the gov'ment with revenue instead of just wasteland....damn I think it would work....We could have a TV show, "The American Marksman Idol" ..... wow I'd better get those Kelo papers in order. Mas margaritas por favor!! Habu I have done the books.
At my age, I have actually read some of that stuff as "current events". Be that as it may. The world you describe is not one I want any human to live in, certainly not me or anybody I care for. But you have cleared up the doubts. Y'all are not anybody I want to hang around with. I posted my comments above, but y'all got in line before it.
It's time to go to dinner, but I do appreciate all of the comments. Good fun, but please take it all in good spirit and good cheer, or life isn't worth it. I am off blog duty tomorrow, and The NJ should be back tomorrow night, assuming he is neither drowned nor lost at sea. Or kidnapped by a fabulously rich blond babe in Nantucket, which is his dream, I believe. LS, habu is a satirist. He makes his points with satire. Satire is a form of humor.
Drowned, lost at sea, kidnapped by rich blonde babe: Which two offer peace, and which one offers earning every damned penny of it the hard way?
:-D Thought occurs to me--y'all can not see past the "illegal" facade...maybe you could form a corporation to sell "Mexican Offsets".
The notion fits well. Ah, Habu; you got me giggling. I knew it was you before I got to the signature.
"...look past illegal" ?? What? You have no idea how much time I spend trying to stay within the law. Just trying to keep my taxes right - I always add a couple of thousand to my income to cover any possible errors. And I stop at stop signs - always. Not joking about this. I am with the Barrister - the law is no small matter. Freedom is based on law - he is right. yeh, i always recognize his hamwriting--i mean, handwriting.
Larry, just speaking for myself here of course, but I think you are making a lot of assumptions that are not warranted.
First off, just to get it out of the way, you might want to take the Berlin wall off your list. Different purpose. And it did work 99% of the time anyway. As for the rest, so what, your latest example is a hundred years old and was built by the...oh shit, almost committed one of those faux pas thang's. We will never build a wall that is 100%. Grant you that. But anything would be an improvement over what we have. I will also grant that cross border travel of animal species is an issue, and it does concern me. Let me list my requirements for crossing the border: 1. What is your name? 2. Can you prove that? 3. Do you have a criminal record? 4. (Though not possible) Do you intend ill upon this country? Except for absolute numbers. That's it. No brown test, no English test. Just will you be (or attempt to be) an American citizen. Wall, door's. Control is all I ask for. Though you already have your knickers in a knot, I am married (for 29 years) to a second generation Mexican/Brown person. I live in a southwestern city and have listened to more bad Mariachi music than you can imagine. Don't you dare call me a racist. I'm with Luther. My part of Texas is half Mexican, and no one even notices. It's as natural as the day is long. For 10 years I worked all over Latin America, for Latino clients most of the time, and have Latin-ancestry friends and neighbors whose families were in Texas a couple centuries before the Alamo. I speak Spanish (crudely but fast enough), and am by-and-large the least racist sumbitch that ever shat between brogans. But no matter, LS has me all figgered out.
I'll lose sleep over some of this. No sarcasm, no satire.
I don't have anybody figured out, least of all me. And I still insist that I have called no one a racist. (As to satire, by the way--that is a tough sell. I am pretty much reduced to trying to figure out what was said, figuring out what was meant if it is far off of what was said is a job for the "Too Hard" box.) And there have been several allusions to my knickers being in a knot--a finding without evidence. Unless by that is meant "has strongly held opinions and has some notion of what they are", then, yeah, I guess they are. But I have never seen the point of arguing with people that agree with me. Good night and good bye. My email name is LarrySheldon and I get my email at Cox's net infrastructure. The memories are dim Buddy, but I remember my old man going to meetings of the IWW. I was young, and sat in the car of course, a decked out 55 Old's if I remember correctly. Who knew?
Larry, I have recently learned to not make such broad pronouncements. It is just pixels here, no one is pissed at you, we all like the dialog, haven't you seen what a fool I make of myself? Not that you are a fool, that's just me. My point is that the more voice's the better. That is how we work this shit out. Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil.
(attempt to elevate my contributional effort)
Roy Orbison, in his later years before he died at the age of 52, was asked why he had returned to the church after a lifelong absence. He answered: "I don't have a pure statement but I believe in Jesus Christ and try to live by the rules of morality and conduct and a certain faithfulness in all things. That helps a great deal--so does common sense. It's very important to me. Your mind is created by a higher power and common sense will often tell you what to do." And such a lack we have of that, common sense that is. I try too live my life in those other respects as well, though often falling short. We do the best we can, I guess.
Larry S.
Here are some simple things that will help. If you're having a hard time figuring yourself out, quit trying. Move on to the other Larry S. that reisdes inside. If you can't figure him out keep moving through the layers until you come to the essence of Larry. It will then be revealed who you are. It's almost a Zen thing with the exception that Zen Masters will first tell you that if you believe you understand Zen then you don't. It could also be as simple as how the poet Alexander Pope put it..."Whatever is,is" ... this worked for many years until Bill Clinton decided to ruin "is" for us all. Now I ask you,"is" that fair? That would depend, at least that's what Bill C. said. So just go with the Larry S. you're most comfortable with. Not a one of us hear are going to solve any of these challenges. I think the best we can hope for is that the challenges, once exposed to the light will become transparent enough for our leaders to make off with all our money without us ever knowing. If all of the above fail then just take a huge hit on the bong and turn on some Firesign Theater or purchase the late 60's boffo "A Child's Garden of Grass" Just remember....feed your head. "feed your head"
--"White Rabbit", Grace Slick, Jefferson Airplane, BWK (Before We Knew). (White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane)
One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar Has given you the call Recall Alice When she was just small When men on the chessboard Get up and tell you where to go And you've just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving low Go ask Alice I think she'll know When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!" Remember what the dormouse said: "Feed your head Feed your head Feed your head" ********* ...all i can say is, her delivery was *great*. Larry S.
You pronounced on more than one occasion that "you were out of here", "didn't want to live in aworld with people like us" etc.... trumpets fanfares announced your departure. Why did you leave us your email address? Good Coyote article. Coyote & I think alike, and act alike, on this issue.