It's an old joke -- that, eventually, in a true "nanny state," everything not forbidden will be mandatory.
The above noted in a piece by Jay Tea on how MA is considering extending the Nanny role that Mayor Bloomberg has in NYC. And he accurately points out that, of all things Americans ingest, alcohol is the most problematic. A trans-fat never killed anyone, after all.
Meanwhile, also in MA, there is a move to revive sodomy laws - for health reasons! The gays will love that one.
Maybe "health" and "safety" are our new, narcissistic religions, worshipping our oh-so-precious, irreplaceable selves?
Or is it control just for the sadistic fun of it?
Why don't I find such things simply silly or amusing? Because if the government can rationalize controlling things like this, they can rationalize controlling anything and everything - whether for "my good" (because I am an drooling idiot and cannot feed myself) or for the "common good" (because I don't matter as an individual). That is, fascism - whether our "very caring" leaders are elected or not. So it isn't funny.
Image: Mary was not an evil nanny.
Update. Related: The state cannot love you, at Never Yet melted