The kerfuffle about this Richards guy, who I know nothing about and never saw the TV series, who called some hecklers "niggers" in an ill-considered effort to be edgy and funny, just one comment: the joy and sense of confirmation of the race-mongers has been palpable. They feel relief, like being given a gallon of gas to get to the next gas station.
For people who build their careers, and base their incomes, on tracking down racism, any public stupidity becomes a cause celebre. It unveils the "dark undercurrent of latent racism", or BS like that.
Why? Because nowadays there is so darn little racism in America that race-mongering is a dying profession, like manufacturing buggy whips.
So anytime some moron, especially an actor or some similar fool, says something stupid, it has to rise into a very BIG DEAL. Race-mongering has become a very desperate career - and that is a good thing for America, as long as we do not take it seriously when Jesse and Al find an excuse to get themselves in the news again.
In an era when Condi Rice is Secretary of State, and Obama is running for President, the racial witch-hunting seems a bit silly, and dated. America has reason to be proud to be the most post-racism nation on the planet.
We have become a "content of our character" country, as MLK dreamed.