So yeah, still crazy busy with my final Radiation every day and Chemo - but finally ending next Monday and moving to feel better.
I am still reading news regularly. The Abortion changes by SCOTUS happened two years ago properly as it reversed Roe laws. Justifiably. I do not support abortions, but I do believe the US government needs out of this. It can say states should allow it - but the basic law (and even Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated the truth) that was clearly impossible to remain and needed massive state level changes and management. The change was smart in 2022. But Democrats continue to say no this is not true and we were all cheated. Women tend to lean on this as well. The reality is laws SHOULD REMAIN but each state should set the levels of engagement and use - and that's the end of the discussion. Trump wisely recognized this all recently - and while I don't love him, at least he's been correct on this.
Moving onward, Jack Smith keeps falling apart. And my guess is almost every one of the Trump in-law issues will eventually fall apart and make nothing. Already Smith is falling apart, and even Georgia is winning its gains and management. Only Carroll's case against Trump "won" because it was a civil case - but it takes a lot to review all that information and assume she had a truth - which was damn near impossible and unlikely. But given Trump it was easy to win and push it - so they did. But even that could still be rejected as more information comes in.
While I don't push for anyone in particular in November, here is what I know. I wouldn't ever vote for Trump or Biden - I'd fare exclude Biden, really - and I'd really like to see a more open number of opportunities but know that is highly unlikely. That said, the size of spending for local injection to win your party is basically over without any of the local tests. Biden and Trump ARE the two main elections which MEANS that the MOST spending for advertising will occur starting late August and mid September it will really take off. This money wasn't spent for local party gains - that ended quickly without much spending. Now the goal(s) MUST BE - SPEND THE MOST YOU CAN TO WIN THE NATIONAL ELECTION.
As an FYI - Biden will have to rig things. Expect him to. It would not surprise me to rig and cheat and make all kinds of questionable things. But he's just not bright enough to win. I have to assume the Democrats will hope they win him and then find a pass to shift him out finally afterward. I can see them trying to rig that...