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Tuesday, February 20. 2024Small Political PostI'm keeping some of this minimally. I've never supported Trump. Never voted for him. Also never hated him, even if I often had some disagreements. But I've had really hard political moments with many Democrats, who over the last 8 years have gone from just from me not supporting them. But moving more toward disliking them a little, while often to finding more Democrats who are just blatant liars, often evil, greedy awful human politicians in behavior for themselves. They would gain support from journalists who (due to my 38 years in media) may become liars and engagers of false claims and beliefs. This does not mean Republicans are 'better'. I haven't been a Republican in over 20 years. I still dislike them, too - just not as much as Democrats. Some citizens have dived deeply for misinformation and lies about both Republicans and Trump in particular. Most of that is often ignored or misrepresented publicly. It's really annoying as Democrats have become such truly awful politicians. This was a good article, mainly because it has been consistent for 8 years if you do read honestly and fairly. I could find probably thousands of similar articles like this and how so much journalism and media has been awful in this approach. Hell, I saw it at my offices but couldn't say my POV publicly back then. At least not till I was let go. The current attack on Trump's business in NYC is annoying. I did have one view - I've had to deal with a lot of other businesses like this in media for what the claims against Trump are in the current lawsuit. But his attack is 100% because politicians/attorneys have engaged their legal/political opportunities to push BS. I know because I pointed out similar legal conversations I had in business but avoiding this approach for real businesses doing the same damn thing. Because it happens way more than people care or deeply engage. Sometimes getting stuff done properly to continue a business is more important than going to court over claims. So why this time? Makes no sense to me except the hatred is just so heavy. It's similar to why our one former commenter's claims were idiotic when he'd claim he was "correct". He never was and I simply didn't enjoy his hatred and lies. Trackbacks
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I never really cared for Trump. It’s his ego. I don’t care for egotistical people. I’ve read about Trump since the eighties. When he ran for president, I found myself liking the guy. I sure liked his policies - minus the tariffs. The alternative was one of the worst human beings to ever walk the planet: Hillary.
Politicians are generally not very good people. Is that why they get into politics? I’m not sure when exactly the democrat party got firmly onboard the destroy America train. I can’t say that the democrats of past generations, even into the eighties hated America. My disagreements with them had mostly been on economic policy. Even Bill Clinton had decent economics; although I think the economy was still coasting on the policies of Reagan. Bill Clinton’s presidency began the entrenched warfare against conservatives. That piece of excrement that blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, was the catalyst to those policies. I believe it was the Clinton administration that first came up with policies that regarded those of us that love the Constitution to be potential domestic enemies of the State. I think Hillary has always been an evil influence on Bill. But Bill was a pervert (perhaps a cocaine habit), so he was easily controlled. The rose colored lenses in which I viewed the Republican Party, began to fall during the first six months of Trump’s first term. I observed with dismay as the House, led by Paul Ryan, sat on their hands. They did very little to move the agenda forward. The same agenda they had always claimed to support: Just give us the House, Senate and the White House, we’ll move mountains, the mailbox demands for money said. Now I look back and can clearly see my mistakes in supporting a party that didn’t support the American culture. Oh I used to scream at the radio when Rush would talk about a soirée he had attended. Telling his audience how much these people despised any talk of the Christian American culture, especially abortion. “Can’t you people just shut up about these issues.” “Name them, Rush!” I would say. Well now I know who they were. Not by name, of course. But they were the ones that controlled the real purse strings of the republican establishment. Now there is little doubt to the policies of the Uniparty. It’s a global agenda. America, the ideals of America, must be destroyed. The end game is truly the One World Order. The Order that I had sneered at as a giant conspiracy. Part of the agenda is to kill most of us off; especially the rugged individualist, the men and women who built America. There seems to be one man standing in their way: Donald J. Trump. P.s. I wish you the best Bulldog. You and all those that battle cancer. The dying. The sick. The suffering and those with debilitating diseases. I pray for all of you. You and your families.
I'd say you and I agree a lot of similarity of your message.
Thank you, also, for your personal support. FWIW, I didn't know Trump personally myself. However how I did know him: 1. Two good friends had known him for business. One chose to turn down a major job offer. The other accepted one and worked for him for many years and very positively (until he lost his job over an unusual situation that is meaningless now - yet he remains a supporter). 2. I know people who lost business and money/profits because of Trump's business behaviors which I sometimes found uncalled for (yet completely legal though today lawyers are taking a very odd hatred and approach to much of it and I'm pretty familiar with the falsehoods and misuse they are engaging). 3. I know his impacts in Atlantic City in particular, and the roles he'd engaged, because of business and friends and how they were impacted in some way. None of it meant I hated him. I mean - I've known business people who have done FAR WORSE things and have FAR WORSE behaviors and beliefs. I can't understand anything your posting about other than, "everyones awful and I'm annoyed" When a major legal travesty that had arose from a banana republic style attack on a Presidential candidate that clearly is an assault on democracy, your annoyed?
My political views and supports (which are actually rare and very different today than over 20 years ago) are pretty specific after getting the degrees I have in the topics.
Long ago, I WANTED to be involved actively more in politics. Today? It's all almost BS and personally driven opportunities by politicians to enrich and empower themselves and utilize variable versions of different parties to 'get what they want' and pretend they really care about anyone or any topic. Mostly they don't. Really. Trump is a bit different. Personally he's a difficult person. Actively, he says strange and difficult things. But reality is he's never as 'bad' as I read, and never as evil as I've heard people say. Biden, meanwhile, pretends and gets support easily - but he's far worse in every way than Trump. As for your comment "When a major legal travesty that had arose from a banana republic style attack on a Presidential candidate that clearly is an assault on democracy, your annoyed?" Yes. I am annoyed. Because it's not just one example of a banana republic style attack on a Presidential candidate. There are possibly 5 or more of these! And deeply driven for political reasoning and highly questionable legal engagement, use or coverage. So yes - that is annoying. It's not that I think Trump is "clean" or "guilty". In some way, there are ranges of some form of both. Nothing as clear as many believe or say. Yet we'll ONLY HEAR from mainstream media that it's clearly criminal by Trump. That said, I could easily provide 5 easy clear crimes Biden engaged, while journalists and lawyers have lied to hide it or protect him. That's ALSO annoying, isn't it? To be honest, Biden is far more dangerous from my POV. There's nothing in politics, and hasn't been for many years, where I've said "X politics is always and everywhere acceptable, correct and must be engaged." There are ranges of this, and usually it's not very positive or good. Oddly, Trump's wasn't nearly as bad or supportable of media views at all. Not perfect in any way, but hardly dangerous or unsupportable. Biden? Largely not supportable at all, and quite easy to reach that POV. But Trump is an odd situation. As my parents (over their 80s) say "we do not like Trump, but he's clearly the preferred option in reality for any smoothly open for discussion person. Too bad our Democrat friends have all told us they now hate us for being fairly open to discuss reality and they simply refuse so ended our relationships." I agree with my parents. Not to vote for Trump or support him - but always open to discuss his reality. I've had plenty of New Yorkers scream at me and call me "evil, stupid and dishonest" for trying to have a fair, open discussion. That's all. You didn't vote for Trump.
Zach would be pleased. The two of you have something in common after all. Nope. Just because I didn't vote for him doesn't mean we agreed at all. I called him out about that several times because of his lying behaviors and claims.
I don't believe voting for someone means anything meaningful, in particular if you deliberately say BS about politicians like he did regularly. I don't like any politicians, really. Have over 40 years of studies and degrees in Politics and Economics....but how I've approached or held my views shifted dramatically since about 1996 onward. The key point isn't about voting. I had one friend who joined the old "pussy cap" march in 2016. Back then, I disagreed with her POV, but I did say "I'm supportive of people who believe in whatever they believe and being fair for them to engage particular activities if they are fully aligned with whatever it is. I don't agree with your POV, but I'll support your right to take an option." After that march - I shifted dramatically. Most of them became clear ass morons with hardly shifted angry and evil lies and comments. It increased a lot by time. Doesn't mean I support Trump more. Just means I never hated him. Which I believe is critical. |