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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, December 31. 2020Thursday morning links
California Extends Its Stay-At-Home Orders Indefinitely, No End In Sight… 60% of Ohio nursing home staff refusing covid vaccine @GovMikeDeWine says The Forgotten 1957 Pandemic and Recession Nursing Home Patients Dying Of Loneliness Amid COVID Lockdown… Gender ideology ties Scouts in tough knots Resistance Journalists Looking To Take A Break Now That Biden Is In Office CNN Activist-Reporter Jim Acosta Admits He Won’t Cover Biden as Aggressively as Trump Ric Grenell: The America First policy is ‘never going back in the bottle’ after Trump B-52 Bombers Fly Over Persian Gulf As Pentagon Steps Up 'Deterrence' Warnings To Iran Still scary after all these years Comments
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I'm not sure how reporters taking it easy on Joe Biden is news, it's rather unseemly to be beating up on a senile old man who isn't going to be President for very long.
The Top Five Most Suppressed News Stories Of 2020
5) Mysterious Mutating Lockdowns 4) Hydroxychloroquine 3) Trump’s Vaccine Victory 2) Hunter Biden’s Laptop 1) Election Fraud https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/30/the-top-five-most-suppressed-news-stories-of-2020/ The Year In Which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged
QUOTE: Perhaps the biggest myth to die this year was that Americans’ constitutional rights are safeguarded by the Bill of Rights. . . . The Rule of Law is another myth impaled by 2020’s dire developments. . . . . Another myth that 2020 obliterated was the notion that politicians spending more than a hundred billion dollars every year for science and public health would keep Americans safe. . . . . The benevolence and compassion of public school teachers was another myth that 2020 obliterated. . . . . . This was part of the collapse of the broader myth that the rulers and ruled have common interests. . . . Another myth that perished in 2020 was that social media and the Internet could be a powerful propellant of free information. . . . This year’s presidential election put a helluva dent in the credo that politicians rule with the “consent of the governed.” . . . . Perhaps the saddest casualty of 2020 is the myth that average Americans cherish their personal freedom. . . . . As the Harvard International Review warned, “The very methods that liberal democracies are currently using to effectively fight the virus are the same tactics that authoritarian leaders use to dominate their people. The tools that have been temporarily deployed in the fight against a once-in-a-lifetime disease may become permanent.” That was written on May 23, more than 15 million Covid cases ago – proof of the failure of lockdowns and pervasive restrictions to make Covid-19 vanish. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/year-which-comforting-american-myths-were-ravaged It’s only a myth that we have rights, if we don’t stand up for them. Of course, to vociferous of a defense of your liberties, gets you labeled as be coming unhinged.
It’s very heartbreaking and infuriating, to see a once great country, the great shining city on a hill, the beacon of liberty, a land that has sacrificed so many of its sons and daughters to the cause of liberty, be reduced to a banana republic. A penitentiary. Perhaps the greatest of ironies, is that as the left tears down statues of evil white men, slave owners; happily cheered on by great swaths of the country; they turn us all into slaves of political correctness. Our masters in the unelected halls of government, given the keys by our representatives, over these many years, do to us which they seem to protest against. It is the greatest gas lighting in recorded history. re: The Forgotten 1957 Pandemic and Recession
That is an interesting post at Marginal Revolution (March 24). Will history remember the Covid-19 pandemic? I wonder about that. Neo had a post on this topic in 2005: The tsunami and the forgetting. That post mentions several natural disasters that we have largely forgotten, including the 1918 flu.
The New York Times had an article on 5/14/2020 specifically about "the forgetting" of the 1918 flu: Why Are There Almost No Memorials to the Flu of 1918? That article says there are two memorials in the world to the 1918 flu, one in New Zealand and one in Vermont. I live in Vermont, and I did not previously know about that memorial. I have since visited it.
In May BD linked to an essay on this topic in New Criterion. That essay posits that:
QUOTE: Pandemics [and, presumably, other natural disasters] remind us of the limitations of human power, and so are readily forgotten. For some reason, the Maggie's Farm anti-spam measures won't let me post a link to the article in the May 2020 issue of The New Criterion, which is titled "Like the plague." Follow the link in comment 4.3; it is the 6th link in that post: "Plagues and Saints in history."
Re: The Boy Scouts
There are several problems which may lead to the Boy Scouts ultimate demise. But the biggest problem has nothing to do with the Boy Scouts. Rather, it has to do with the way that politics are practiced in America. In most other countries, the philosophy of an organization is directly attributed to its leaders. But in America, which is slowly devolving into a communist country, the "Managers" of an organization are permitted to remain anonymous. So instead, we get a "Spokesperson" who knows nothing. The Boy Scouts are victims of a political program designed to keep the motive for all decisions secret, in standard military fashion. And local Scout Leaders don't have the cojones to call out communists when they see them. After all, those "Boy Scout Uniforms" are pretty communist. An Eagle Scout is almost a Military Hero. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uBnT2JYez2bktgqSLdKs9IAf_Sflq138/view?usp=sharing Every child that has ever been confronted with the facts of life on a playground knows everything there is to know about rights. If someone takes something from you by force, it's only really yours if you're willing to fight to get it back. It doesn't matter if it's something material, spiritual, or metaphysical. Ownership exists via assertion of rights - including the right of might.
Americans haven't been stripped of any of their rights. Quite a few are ceding their rights out of pandemic fear, they think temporarily, perhaps out of a misplaced trust in Government's capabilities. But only some are asserting themselves for their basic rights, for now. As the logical incongruities of health edicts continue to mount, and more people get through COVID one way or another, more will start to assert themselves in defense of their rights. The Boy Scouts was destroyed by the LGBT mafia. Part of the reason they did this was for generations the Boy Scouts protected the boys from gay predators and the gays resented it. But ironically after the Boy Scouts bowed to allowing gay scoutmasters now the Boy Scouts are being destroyed by law suits against them because they allowed gay predators to abuse scouts.
Resistance journalists looking to take a break now that Biden is in office: A "break"????? As I keep saying, I don't know if the media is/are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dem Party, or if it's the other way round, but it's OBVIOUS THAT THEY'RE IN CAHOOTS! See also, Jim Acosta.
US Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed on Wednesday that it flew B-52 "Stratofortress" bombers from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota non-stop to the Persian Gulf in order to send a warning message to Iran. OOOOO-kay. Have you ever been in Minot in the winter? I have. Those two crews won the lottery for round-trip tickets to WARMTH. https://babylonbee.com/news/gavin-newsom-says-counties-must-stay-on-lockdown-until-death-is-eradicated
My new year's prediction! Well, actually my new presidential term prediction: China will invade Taiwan. It will happen suddenly and be a fait accompli in less than 24 hours. If American warships happen to be near or in the way they will be destroyed. By the time you hear it on the news there will be more Chinese soldiers in Taiwan than living Taiwanese. It will be done. Meanwhile, the U.S. will still be in lockdown fighting the Chinese flu.
China will then turn it's focus towards Australia and New Zealand in a determined attempt to overthrow them if possible or invade them if necessary. Meanwhile the U.S. will still be in lockdown in a great depression and our government will be more concerned with redistribution of wealth and social justice than it will be in what is happening in the world. Biden will be out of sight or resigned and Kamala will still be talking about her childhood Kwanzaa memories of her Indian family in Canada. I doubt that the CCP will invade Taiwan. They have been infiltrating the Taiwan government, businesses, academia and media for decades. Once the current President is gone they will do to Taiwan what they did to Hong Kong. Sad.
Yes, China is likely to take Taiwan as soon as Biden is in office and the U.S. will do nothing about it. Technically, as a matter of law the U.S. already doesn't even admit that Taiwan exists. Also watch Hainan island. China has been touting it as Asia's "Hawaii" and has been building it up as an Asian dream destination. However, the CCP has been using that as cover to also build a lot of secret military installations which will allow it to immediately project massive force into the South China Sea and quickly destroy/overwhelm any American attempt to resist.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yulin_Naval_Base Biden has been on Red China's payroll since he left the Vice Presidency, receiving at least $900,000 in compensation for a phony professorship laundered through the University of Pennsylvania. This is before you get to all the other largesse that has been passed to Biden's family. His proposed Secretary of State has also been on China's payroll through money funneled to the "Biden Center" at Penn. Biden's "counselor" on his inner circle administration is also on China's payroll, compensated through the Biden Center. https://www.thedp.com/article/2020/11/penn-biden-center-future-public-policy-demand-students-professors Levin: On January 6, we learn whether our Constitution will hold
QUOTE: If this outcome is allowed to stand without a fight on Jan. 6, it is difficult to see how this can be fixed. The Democrats will view this as a sure sign that they are free to do more and even worse. It will become extremely difficult for Republicans to win nationwide elections (something the ten or so GOP senators who wish to run for president should keep in mind). It will also become increasingly difficult to win a Republican majority in the Senate. And the 2020 constitutional violations will be used as a baseline for even more unconstitutional manipulations of the electoral system. The Democrat Party's goal is to turn the nation's electoral system into the one-party rule that exists in virtually all blue states, especially California with its supermajorities. Levin is right but the fix is in. The SCOTUS and the Vichy Republicans have no stomach to contest this. My crystal ball says Biden is in. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/levin-on-january-6-we-learn-whether-our-constitution-will-hold The reason that Republicans are going to find it increasingly difficult to win elections is primarily because so many of them don't deserve to. As is being so thoroughly demonstrated in this post-election period. Although there are some stalwart members, Republicans are mostly craven cowards in nice suits.
The Democratic Party has always been good at utilizing a clever slyness when it comes to being successful political operatives above all else, with moral victories hovering near the bottom of priorities. The Republicans are mostly phonies; in my opinion they are fully satisfied with losing as long as they retain their position somewhere along the trough. A loss for the country is not necessarily a loss for the Party, just as we have seen as they silently stand by to see Trump's victory stolen, hoping that the beast will spare them, for now. Next, watch them placidly observe the Senate majority evaporating as they lose in the Georgia runoff, having done nothing to correct the machinery of Democratic fraud even though the Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans, and the two Republican Senators are incumbents. Still predicting Trump will win:
Calling the Presidential Election – and Beyond - UncoverDC QUOTE: If you’re thinking Joe Biden will be seated behind the desk in the Oval Office on January 20, put that thought on hold. I’m standing by my Sept. 26 prediction that President Trump will serve a consecutive second term. What happens between now and inauguration day, and in the weeks following, will not be pretty. Three months ago, on Sep. 26, I wrote a piece titled, Predictions for how 2020 comes to an end. In that article, I made seven prognostications. First: Trump would win in a landslide. He did. Second: Joe Biden would not concede. He didn’t. Third. Massive voter fraud would create confusion. It did. Fourth: Election results would be delayed. They were and still are. Fifth: Some states would try to throw the electoral college into confusion. Some have. Sixth: Nancy Pelosi would be acting patriotic and concerned about the Constitution. She has. (Emphasis on the word “acting,” because she is neither.) Seventh: Marxists on the street (Antifa, BLM, etc.) would intensify their burning, looting, and murdering. This one hasn’t happened—yet. But as I mentioned above, once Trump is declared to have a 2nd term, this seventh prediction will come true, and violence will break out in massive waves. Brace yourselves Anyone who’s thinking ahead has already stocked up on essentials. That includes a few months’ worth of food, medicine, and yes, toilet paper. We can pray that it doesn’t happen, but several sources with decades of experience in our nation’s intelligence agencies told me they expect approximately 300,000 ruffians to hit the streets and vent their anger at the news of Trump’s 2nd term, and they expect the violence to be intense and widespread. https://uncoverdc.com/2020/12/31/calling-the-presidential-election-and-beyond/ People not currently involved in Scouting have no clue. Young ladies of Scout Age can join Scouts- in their own female troops. The troops are not sex integrated. There is good solid reasoning behind this. In a study of other country's Scouts before making the decision, it was noted that adult leaders in sex integrated troops, both male and female, bent over backwards to help female Scouts, and left male Scouts to fend for themselves.
At the Cub level- packs can be integrated- but not Dens, the sub groups of the pack. All boys or all girls. Same reasoning pretty much. At the Venturing/Sea Scouting/Explorer levels for older Scouts, the units are co-ed, and have been for a long time. If a Scout is in one of those, they can work on Eagle- with their Scout Troop. As for troop adult leadership- national can put out any guidelines it wants. Each individual troop can accept/reject anyone for any reason- and the reason doesn't have to be stated. The key 3- Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and Charter Organization Representative can bounce out any Scout or adult from the troop. Usually they're all in agreement. Had to bounce an adult once- it wasn't pleasant. We gave a reason- though we didn't have to. She discovered that there was nothing she could do about it. She and another discontent started another troop- initially larger than the original. Lasted 2 years before folding... The sponsoring organization selects the Charter Rep. The troop committee selects the Scoutmaster and Committee chair. Who is the troop committee? Parents of current Scouts normally, and often of past Scouts. And past Scouts who've stayed in the area and want to help out... Our troop isn't going to take in any adult who doesn't have a child (or grandchild) in the troop, or who hasn't been associated with the troop in the past. National does require background checks for adult leaders. Some sponsoring organizations run additional background checks. The important thing is if you're a parent (or a grandparent raising a grandchild) is- be at least peripherally involved with every and any adult led group your child is part of. Scouts, sports, dance class, martial arts, community theater, church choir- anything- know what's going on. Show up at practices once in a while. Pop in unexpectedly. Whatever. Any organization that has children attracts predators. From what I've observed in news and in person- the targets are usually children of single mothers. Another reason such children are at a disadvantage in life.... |
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