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Saturday, February 15. 2020Does "art" exist?
"Fine art," folk art, cave art, graphic design, indusrtial design, religious art, illustration, artisanship, architecture, etc. A Treatise on the Nonexistence of Art, Pretty Nearly, Anyway (h/t, reader)
Posted by The Barrister
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Radio actor and monologist, the late Jean Shepherd, once quoted an artist friend of his as having said, "Art is whatever you can get away with."
Fred is pretty much a jerk.
If all he sees in Mona Lisa is a fat chick, he is also an idiot. Yeah, we all know, when dealing with stuff that is not essential for life there will be a lot of fluff and flim flam, but lets not throw it all away as he seems to want. Was it Herman Goering who said that when he heard the word culture, he took the safety off his pistol? We actually used Mondrian’s patterns for our kitchen counters. My wife loves them. The guy who did the counters thought we were crazy. He’s probably right. But, as I said, my wife loves them. So shut up. Thank the Lord she’s not a fan of Kandinsky.
This was a particularly bad attempt at art criticism which was actually more of a criticism of art critics. I explain what is wrong with this kind of approach here:
https://themusicsalon.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-nonexistence-of-art.html Yes, can't have 'Joe the Plumber' actually LIKE the look of a building, now, can we? Better we just insult the average Joe so 'we' can feel superior.
This treatise of Reed's was written in 2015 and is so very true, especially today. I am of the opinion that NO government should spend taxpayer money on 'art'. OF ANY KIND. If a group of folks want a park full of headless junkheaps, they can fund it themselves AND buy the land to put it on. Even in my little town we have fools yammering on and on about... the 'incandescent soul of the artist, brought Real', or some other drivel, about some publicly procured (MEANING: MY TAX MONEY!!!) 'art' dirtying up an otherwise nice little park. Appreciation does not 'take time', it should never 'take time', it has been there for two years now and it is still a headless pile of heavily used air conditioner parts. Much better to get one of those car-part dinosaurs that sit outside of junk yards - at least there is a semblance of order and you know what you are looking at. Bryan? I call B.S. You like the junk that passes for 'art'? Go buy it. Quit insisting everyone else worship your emperor, he is buck naked. I forgot to add this apt quote from - I think - Heinlein:
"A publicly supported artist is nothing more than an incompetent whore". I was never much into art until my 40s. I went to see an exhibit of Dutch masters. The way they captured light and recreated the images of the people opened my eyes. Now I love art. But it doesn't have to be famous. I saw a hotel put up drawings by grade school kids that had been taken to see the nutcrackers Suite. They used crayons. Raw talent poured off of the paper. I also like outsider art, where people take a welding torch to their old car or make paintings using dollar store brushes and coca-cola and mud.
Art helps you see. Music, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, comedy,drama.we are surrounded by art. yesterday I spent the morning watching Maris Jones. She used to make Vines before it closed. She has wonderful videos on music and comedy that hardly anyone watches. She is an artist. Youtube is full of art. Open your eyes. I remember a story about a mathematician experienced in pattern analysis was hired by an (un named*) museum to examine the spacial frequency distribution on some (un specified) paintings attributed to Jackson Pollock to try to determine which may have been fakes.
*non disclosure was in effect, so that's all we know. I have never seen a more compelling discussion of the value of great art than Scruton's "Why Beauty Matters" It's an hour well spent.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHw4MMEnmpc (in English but subtitled in something else) I saw an art gallery with a sign: 'Art should disturb'. No, no, no. Art should inspire. Art should teach. Art should uplift. Any trash can 'disturb' In college I took a required English literature class. The professor was a middle aged women PhD who proclaimed that first day that studying Joseph Conrad was her life. You could hear the eyes roll and sense the stifled groan. By a stroke of luck the 4th day she had a family emergency and her PhD English Lit husband taught the class and did not have a stick firmly planted up his A$$ so the class was tolerable. How does this relate, you ask? The women professor was probably/undoubtedly clueless of her bizarre bias and ill considered life choices. BUT she was the expert the one to tell us all what great English lit was. It was her way or an F and you were considered an illiterate monkey. Only she knew what was good English lit. And that is how most art critics and experts come across and they are clueless to this. They actually believe that if you don't agree with their superior god given wisdom you are and ignorant red neck or worse (is there anything worse?).
Yes, the Mona Lisa is a fat ugly chick! There I said it! I have no appreciation of what passes for real art. I'm not elite, I fly coach on Spirit airlines. I drink wine from a box and stay at Motel 6. Oh yeah; ditto for poetry. Never thought to see such out and proud philistinism on Maggie’s.
Yes, I agree. San Francisco is covered in 'modern art' ;->
Now. Don't you feel superior? “Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles”