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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, August 19. 2016Everyone Should Get an Ollege Education
Well, good morning to ye. I wrote about 500 words of screamingly hilarious text, filled with mordant observations, into the Maggie's Farm website editor. It was like leaving a bucket of corn next to the paddock. It done got et. That means the links for today are late, and they're not funny. Sorta like Game of Thrones. Maggie's makes do with a coal oil powered website, with alcohol lamps on the desks to light our compositing machine, and that's the way we like it. No text is as funny as the text that gets erased. The fish that got away is always the largest. Writers never can reproduce lost work, even five minutes after they wrote it. Every manuscript is a foreign country as soon as it's written. If the printer accidentally burned Anna Karenina, and you asked Tolstoy to re-write it, he'd probably say something like, "I'm pretty sure it's about Russia, but don't hold me to it." So if you need a laugh, you'll have to do without my erased observations. Picturing me putting needles in a doll that looks like the webmaster will have to do. On to the links! People ignore software security warnings up to 90 percent of the time If software warnings from multinational tech companies didn't read like Hop on Pop, maybe people wouldn't ignore them. All the examples I see say things like, "Whoopsie, that shouldn't have happened! Our code monkeys have been dispatched to check into it. Here's a picture of a penguin!" These teachers are demonstrating they're unfit for their jobs, and should be fired. They'll be given prizes instead. Barnes & Noble fires CEO Boire, board says not a 'good fit' I could have fixed Barnes & Noble. Hell, I could have fixed Yahoo. Unfitness for a job is now considered your primary qualification for it. Melbourne ranked world's most liveable city for sixth consecutive year by EIU Another begged question. No cities are liveable. We'll give the article a pass for sticking the mealy-mouthed word "most" in there. Tallest midget in the circus. I like that the first reason a city is "liveable" is healthcare. If your first consideration for where you live is finding a doctor, you'd be happiest in a nursing home, I think. What Great Listeners Actually Do I'm sorry. Were you saying something? Cisco to lay off about 14,000 employees: tech news site CRN Not many people know what Cisco does. My impression of the company is that it's 500 times more important than Google, Apple, Facebook, Snapchat, and several hundred other tech companies combined. The Internet is really just a bunch of switches, and Cisco made them all. They're hemorrhaging workers because the CEO decided he (she? I refuse to look it up) wants to be in the Software as a Service business for some reason. After everyone loses their job, and the company tanks, maybe Barnes & Noble will hire him. Clint Eastwood’s ex-wife Dina marries Scott Fisher, ex-husband of Clint's former girlfriend I'm confused. I've been assured that it's only trailer parks with confederate flags in the trailer windows where this sort of thing goes on. And we all know that only hillbillies marry their relatives. Woody Allen could tell you that. Is it possible that low-rent behavior isn't about money? DNA traces origins of Iceman's ragtag wardrobe I find Oetzi the Iceman to be the most interesting story of the last 50 years or so. Hmm. Shot in the back with an arrow, and left to die. Dude was a burglar. Researcher Grabs VPN Password With Tool From NSA Dump If you're unfamiliar with the term, a VPN is a Virtual Private Network. It masks your IP address while you travel the Internet. Well, it sorta does, apparently. You're right. I don't. Unlike Annabel and Emily from the Daily Mail, I've heard of Photoshop and publicity stunts. Still funny, though. Enjoy! Say, it's Friday, isn't it? That's like the fifth Monday in a row. I hope our list of links helps you power through until they light the smoking lamp, and the blessed weekend begins. A votre sante, Maggie's readers!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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The one you lost must have been REALLY funny. I so agree about lost work, it is never the same.
Melbourne is a very nice place but most livable city? The problem is the rating choices. Often these will include things like having an opera or a major college etc. My job forced me to move around a lot and travel. I have been to almost every city larger the 50k and about half of the smaller ones too. My top ten cities would undoubtedly reflect my personal likes and dislikes. But now that I'm 73 and have health problems a good hospital and available doctors tops my criteria list. I've never been to an opera, don't like crowds and my local college towns seem a little phony and are unsafe places to raise teenagers. I think livability is a very personal thing and these surveys tend to be very biased.
Cisco is trying to become the ultimate "Virtual Organization" Outsource manufacturing, outsource distribution, outsource engineering, outsource design, outsource accounting - pretty soon it will no longer be a company but a brand, and the only employees will be those who manage that brand.
"[P]retty soon [Cisco] will no longer be a company but a brand, and the only employees will be those who manage that brand."
Sorta like Kim Kardashian. "I find Oetzi the Iceman to be the most interesting story of the last 50 years or so. Hmm. Shot in the back with an arrow, and left to die. Dude was a burglar."
Or perhaps he just ran afoul of the prehistoric ancestors of the Clintons. Me thinks The Barrister might be a former Sailor.
The smoking lamp is lighted in all authorized spaces. |
Tracked: Aug 21, 09:14