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Tuesday, December 1. 2015The kids are revolting
There is something wrong with the general state of education in the US today, and part of it seems to be some lack of grown-ups with integrity and maturity. What do adults do when kids stage tantrums? Grade-fixing might be Farina’s idea of ‘renewal’ at failing schools The Upside Down Campus Protester The Contradiction at the Heart of Speech Limitations Sought by Campus Progressives North Korea Has Taken Over Academe The Pathology of the Professors CAVED: These 10 college presidents surrendered to campus protestors’ diversity demands Academic Freedom, Conformity of Opinion, and the Student Demands
Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival Hysterical Yalies protest a free-speech panel. Ivy Leaguers need to stop with the PC obsession
No, Nissy Aya, Columbia’s Core Curriculum Is Not ‘Traumatizing’ The Pea of Victimization Under Twenty Campus Mattresses Duke students who hate Duke A quote from the eminently sane and adult Dr. Everett Piper:
Posted by The Barrister
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Re: "Duke students who hate Duke"
The reason that is typically offered to justify minority demands and 'safe spaces' is one or more racist/homophobic incident. But often what is lost in the discussion is the majority of these incidents are frauds committed by the very activists demanding protection and 'free stuff' from the incident. The facts around any one of these incidents is often difficult to uncover even though the facts are usually known to the authorities. Why is that? In the story we hear about the noose hanging from the tree at Duke. But the person who put/left the noose there had no racial intent to it. There was never anything racial or hate filled about the noose. there was indeed a noose left on the tree (which is kinda unique in this context full of phony stories and phony incidents planted by the activists) but it never even occurred to the individual that made the noose. Now, surely someone will respond; how could you not know the implication of a noose? But in fact for most people who are not activists and do not make race a factor in all their life decisions this kind of thing is foreign. Just as you and I and every American didn't know simply showing the sole of your shoe to a Arab is huge cultural insult. Racism, or at least white racism directed at blacks, is rare today. So it must be created by black activists to justify more 'free stuff'. It is a crazy upside down world where we have so little racism that it must be fabricated to give the activists something to demonstrate against. Someone recently said "It’s ironic that socialist are the most grasping, the MSM least informative, Liberals the most constraining, gays the least tolerant, blacks the most racist, Obama the most divisive, and universities the most closed minded." Ironic, indeed and incredibly harmful to our country. But often what is lost in the discussion is the majority of these incidents are frauds committed by the very activists demanding protection and 'free stuff' from the incident.
Don't know about majority or not, but there certainly have been enough campus hate crime hoaxes going on to make skepticism the proper initial response to a report of a hate crime on campus. campus hate crime hoaxes gets 202,000 hits on Google. The tendency of Libs/progs to make claims without much in the way of supporting facts is highlighted in this article Liberalism's Imaginary Enemies- WSJ via Google News. (Because of the Google News link, this WSJ article becomes available for non-subscribers.] An excerpt follows.
QUOTE: Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies. "If you shout long and loud enough, you will be believed," appears to be the Lib/prog credo.Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal advocacy groups routinely claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country where the poorest counties have the highest rates of obesity. The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” But the line gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School. The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school? They do because there is no epidemic. But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.... I mention these examples by way of preface to the climate-change summit that began this week in Paris. But first notice a pattern. Dramatic crises—for which evidence tends to be anecdotal, subjective, invisible, tendentious and sometimes fabricated—are trumpeted on the basis of incompetently designed studies, poorly understood statistics, or semantic legerdemain. Food insecurity is not remotely the same as hunger. An abusive cop does not equal a bigoted police department. An unwanted kiss or touch is not the same as sexual assault, at least if the word assault is to mean anything. Yet bogus studies and statistics survive because the cottage industries of compassion need them to be believed, and because mindless repetition has a way of making things nearly true, and because dramatic crises require drastic and all-encompassing solutions. Besides, the thinking goes, falsehood and exaggeration can serve a purpose if it induces virtuous behavior. The more afraid we are of the shadow of racism, the more conscious we might become of our own unsuspected biases. And so to Paris. I started college in 1960 and remember the student demonstrations and how the college administrators caved in. We joked there was nothing more craven and cowardly than a college president and nothing has happened in 50 years to change that belief.
Williams College was completely paralyzed by one of these incidents a few years ago.
Allegedly, the words "N-words must die" or something to that effect was found scribbled on a white board in a corridor of a dorm. The campus was shut down, there were demonstrations, and all sorts of sensitivity reparations were promised. Letters were sent by the College to all the alumni profoundly apologizing that such an evil thing could have happened on a profoundly progressive campus. The school made a big deal about how the College was bound to catch the perpetrator because the key card system logged the identities of all those going in and out of the dorm, so they knew it had to be one of those people. Not only did they bring in the local police, they said they were having the FBI investigate it as well. And then, from that day to this, silence. If these students - and all who claim similar fears - are truly so afraid of actual violence, real assaults, genuine lynch mobs and other attacks on them, then they need to go home. Leave the school and go home to their parents and tell the parents that they're so put upon at school that they cannot stay for fear of their lives. Guess what? That won't happen, for the same reason that the vast majority of these acts of "violence" and "threat" are hoaxes: these students are using their race, their sexual deviancy, their mental illnesses - or more likely, their pretending to such deviancy and illness - to continue the free ride they've had all their lives. Have you noticed how few if any of these folks are from the poor side of town?? Spoiled rich kids, admitted to colleges and universities for which they are not prepared by affirmative action, legacy programs, athletic recruitment ... that whole host of "Gee, we like you" admissions criteria. Natural result is that they can't cut the mustard, can't meet standard and can't fake it or get Mommy to fix it for them. So they whine and cry and all the rest. Give them a tour in a combat zone in the military and they'll quickly lose their confusion of disagreement with violence; they'll see enough of the real thing to have their childish fantasies wiped out. But fortunately for all the real men and women in uniform, no draft exists now. Instead, kick them out of these schools and send them on their way, not forgetting to charge the law-breakers with the appropriate crimes and getting them indicted and tried for them. What a bunch of ... well, I can't use that phrase here, but my father's WW2 generation would be bitterly ashamed of their great-grand children's inability to stand up to the least disagreement or disparagement. Send them to talk with the survivors of the Tuskegee Airmen, the Nisei infantry regiment, all the other members of racial minorities who fought in real wars abroad and at home to win these children the easy lives they have now.
Don't miss the Pathology of the Professors over at the NRO.
The most relevant fact is that in their rush to join in the professors toss aside the much alleged critical thinking. QUOTE: Inherently uncomfortable with power, and identifying all their professional lives with the underdog, the oppressed, and the righteous strugglers, professors are more likely to adopt a submissive position toward students demanding social justice, regardless of the basis of the students’ complaints. |