Massachusetts has a new medical insurance law. I don't unders
tand it all, but Bruce Kesler likes it, and he studies these things.
The key is that you are required to be insured. Like with car ownership - if you own a body, you have to insure that darn thing yourself so you don't dump your maintenance costs directly onto everyone else. And taking care of one's health and one's family's health is a greater source of pride than taking care of the car - or should be.
Interestingly, it turned out that most of the uninsured in Massachusetts were young single men - they figure they are invincible, and they would rather buy beer and cars and F150s and deer rifles and Ezra Pound poetry and new outboard engines. That is natural - irresponsible, but entirely natural.
I don't think it will have much effect on the private practice of medicine, so that is a good thing. Hospitals will like it: they will get paid. And people should like it, because it keeps politics out of medical care...hopefully.
Read Kesler's piece here. This could be ground-breaking.
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PSS: Dissent from a Massachusetts reader - scroll up.