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Thursday, January 9. 2014Bumps in the Road to 2016
For the record, I have no issues with Christie calling a reporter an "idiot". Most of them are idiots. Unfortunately, they are the heralds of his public personality. It would help if he managed his tongue a bit. That said, you don't have to go very far back to begin to see where he started going off the rails. Perhaps the first indication was his speech at the Republican convention in 2012, which was a decent enough speech, but all about Christie. This didn't win him any friends. Then came Superstorm Sandy and the appearance of ditching Romney and cozying up to Obama. That was him playing the political reality and doing it as well as he could. It's hard to fault him for trying to make sure the citizens impacted by the storm weren't ignored by a president who ignores anything and anybody Republican. However, it did not win him many friends in the party mainly because of the timing. Lately, things have gotten more difficult for Christie. Among his most recent issues were the attempt to undermine NJ Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (who just happens to be my state representative and doesn't live too far from my house - very nice guy). Christie's coattails in the last election were very poor. It's rare that a governor wins with such a large margin and doesn't drag a few state Republicans into the legislative branch with him. In order to hone his 'bipartisan' image, Christie didn't do much stumping for NJ Republicans, in what seems to be a wink and a nod to the NJ Majority leader and state Democrats. He took this a step further and actively pushed for a replacement to Tom Kean, Jr as minority leader. This was an unprecendented involvement by the NJ executive in legislative affairs, and not well received. To make matters worse, Christie is now involved in a minor imbroglio in Fort Lee, where one of his appointees traded emails with his chief-of-staff regarding the creation of traffic snarls at the George Washington Bridge. Christie isn't clearly involved, but his fingerprints are all over what appears to be an attempt at pay back for the lack of support from the Democratic Mayor of Fort Lee. As a Libertarian, I run hot and cold on Christie. I respect his (quite substantial for NJ politics) accomplishments, but his ambition has exposed his worst side. Sure, he's a bully. That bully persona, however, is becoming who he is rather than remaining a useful tool in his kit, as it had been early in his tenure. He is inserting himself in places he does not belong, a fatal flaw of the current Chief Executive. If he really wants to be president, he would be well served to do his job, avoid causing trouble, and keep a lower profile for the next year and a half. I don't think Christie is a great potential candidate. Better than many others, perhaps, yet still terribly flawed. Yet that is the trouble with politics. Perfect candidates are non-existent, and this is the primary reason smaller government is better government. Trackbacks
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After his photo op with President Obama right before the election in 2012, I lost my interest in Christie. There was no need for that in order to get attention for FEMA help. It made me realize that Christie is more interested in the limelight than doing the right thing.
I am glad that this bridge issue may bring him down. The liberal press had already decided he was going to be the Republican's 2016 nominee. No thank you! I don't know much about Christie before he became governor, but rumor has it he has a problematic background with some scandal attached. Something that would torpedo his presidential chances...better to wipe him off the plate now, rather than later. I would vote for the radical commie bitch before I would vote for Christie.
I don't think he has a chance anyway. I think it was the left that pushed him into running because they knew he coudn't win. And this has successfully pulled discussion of the Gates book with comments on Hillary off of the table...unexpectedly
Christie is DIW for national office. He spoke stupidly after Newtown and revealed himself as a gungrabber. It may play in Jersey but not in free America.
Now, as Jon Stewart highlighted he is an embarrassingly inept corrupt politician. Well below the standards we've come to expect from a corrupt NJ politician. Hope he's considered a front runner for the time being to distract the media and take their fire. Other than that, I don't see much use for him or potential as POTUS. I think he has a huge problem with the necessary virtue prudence among other issues.
Lie with dogs, expect fleas. How are they biting, Chrissy?
"He had potential. He could have been somebody" - somebody said that. Not trying to defend Christie but this is clearly battlespace prep by the Hillary camp.
I am thoroughly amused watching the high dudgeon about this from a media that has remained steadfastly silent through scandal after scandal of the Obama Administration. Closed lanes on the approach to the GWB... please. How 'bout the dead people in Mexico and our own border agent here in the US? How 'bout the dead Americans in Benghazi? How 'bout the IRS targeting the Admin's political opponents? How 'bout election fraud and intimidation? No interest in any of that but suddenly closing lanes approaching the GWB is slaughtering the old people. Yep. You beat me to it, Knucklehead. The double standard comparing this scandal to Zero's numerous scandals is.. well... glaring, I guess. And expected.
But if this is all as it appears, political payback, WTH were they thinking? They were up by 20 points and didn't need the Ft Lee mayor's endorsement. If this is true it points to a very dark side to Christie's character. An egomaniac who will use the levers of government to strike back at those who slight him. Gee.... who does that remind you of? When Christie first came to power and took on the unions, he got my attention, but it has been all down hill ever since. It's this kind of behavior that:
A) will diminish his 'brand value' and B) makes him so similar to every other candidate, the beneficial aspects of his potential candidacy are diminished. Why be just like every other politician? Obama engages in this kind of petty payback nonsense all the time and nobody pays attention. Doesn't mean it's not meaningful. So far, I've seen only anti-Christie stuff.
Which is fine, as I said I run hot and cold on him. I run cold on most politicians, anyway. To be fair to Christie, he's done quite a bit here in NJ and as politicians go, I give him a tremendous amount of credit for pushing back on several initiatives which were bad ideas, and for fixing many problems this state faced. Problems which wouldn't exist without politicians in the first place, mind you, but at least he's dealing with them. No candidate is going to be good, or perfect. So I'm not going to defend him. He's probably less corrupt than Jon Stewart plays him to be, but this is NJ so he's undoubtedly got his finger in several hundred pies (no pun intended, but accepted nonetheless). As national candidates go, I am far more likely to vote for him than I would for Hillary or ANY Democrat. Over the last 20 years the idea I could cast a vote for a Democrat has faded tremendously. I simply can't, anymore. I'll stay away from the polls, first. But he is, without a doubt, not a first choice for 2016, and he would be wise to wake up to this fact - a fact which is hitting him in the face rather quickly while he has time to fix what he's done wrong. If you lived in NJ, you'd be less inclined to hold Sandy's posturing against him. I've spent time in some of the regions affected, and while I oppose any significant Federal or State assistance, I can appreciate the role he played in helping to alleviate problems in SOME areas. I can also speak freely and say there are other areas he completely ignored, because I've been to those towns. Either way, he did do quite a bit, and the posturing was necessary, if uncomfortable and ill-timed. This still leaves open the question of who, exactly, the Republicans can put on the table in 2016 and is able to woo the entire nation. At this point, Christie remains the best option - until a better one (and there must be a better one) comes along. If he and Hillary are the nominees (though I doubt Hillary will run, or win the nomination), I will not vote. I can't vote for Christie again, though I've voted for him twice here in NJ (and with good reason). My first choice, Rand Paul, is still not taken seriously and it will take quite a bit for him to be taken seriously. Paul Ryan would be a weak second choice. My guess is the press would eviscerate him. Regardless who is put forth, all the talk of "corruption" will crop up again, somehow. Every single one of these people are politicians. They are inherently dirty. I'll add, because someone is sure to point to this, that I said I'm far more likely to vote for him than Hillary, which is true.
I also said I wouldn't vote if he and Hillary were the nominees. These are not inconsistent comments. I would prefer Christie over Hillary. I would prefer to not vote, however. I would vote for the third party candidate. It is the only way I know to make my voice heard, however small and insignificant.
If there is one I can reasonably feel comfortable voting for, I will.
They have become few and far between, lately. I am concerned we are simply going to get "John McCain Version 3.0" thrust on us by the GOP, whoever that is.
I continue to find it amazing that in a country of 300 million people, it is apparently impossible to find someone with the minimum competency and ethics to be president. And still shocked that someone as unbelievably bad as Barack Obama could have been reelected. “That’s weird. Christie fired someone. Can we do that? How does that work?”
- Barack Obama Too funny, does anyone still believe in integrity? Jeepers kids. News flash: President Chris Christie introduces new gangsta disability program. Never had an honest job? Always worked in the gubmint? Got caught going a bit to far? No worries, you qualify for gangsta disability insurance. I can see it like I saw last Tuesday. All bloody and real and stuff.