OH, ABSOLUTELY: Democrats hurl f-bombs at Obama. Are they racist now? Racist, racist, racist. Also, racist. And there’s nothing worse than being racist, believe me. Stupid Democrat racists.
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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, December 14. 2010Just Don't Hurt Me"Otis Lee Crenshaw." A reader thought this was good for a giggle: Let's Say Thanks
This website, sponsored by Xerox, Let's Say Thanks, sends a free printed postcard to US military personnel stationed abroad.
![]() Those fierce bipartisan moderatesOur view tends to be that "bipartisans" and "moderates" are simply those who approve of slow socialism by mistaking goo-goo nursery school sentimentality for opinion and principles. Stacy McCain gets it: The Fierce Fury of the Angry Mob of Impassioned Bipartisan Moderates. He begins:
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Caption this![]() Thank God for Rich PeopleBernie Goldberg proposes a monument to rich people in DC. We need to add his site to our blogroll. Very smart, funny fellow. NASA: Next Ice Age on the way
(unless we all drive SUVs). Ace
Chevy Volt adQuote of the day“This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation” and is unsupported by previous legal cases around the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Fed. Judge Hudson, here Tuesday morning links
It's about time. Epstein: Obamacare is now on the ropes, legally. It's about the limits of the Commerce clause. He comments:
Showdown nears on release of NYC teacher ratings They grade students. Why not grade teachers? Oh, I see. It's about their ratings being published. They are our employees, so we should know how they're doing. Money and politics: The O may raise $1 billion The Boston Globe goes after SSI The reason the seriously physically disabled aren't applying for disability these days is because they are all working now. All Swedes are Jews now What's the difference between massive immigration and invasion? Reason: Why has the USDA been plumping up the food stamps program like a factory chicken? They won't rest until every citizen is feeding on government cheese from the public trough. WSJ: The Cancun crack-up Jay Cost: Don't underestimate the Pres How the O can win in 2012 FLOTUS on Deciding What Kids Eat: “We Can’t Just Leave It Up to the Parents” Let's all live according to Scientific Socialist principles. New Low in Support for Health Care Reform WaPo: Memo to the left: Hands off Obama "He's our only Hope." The guy says If Assange is convicted of rape, then we are all rapists now. (h/t Insty)
Monday, December 13. 2010Carnegie Hall: NYC snaps from yesterdayMy brunch at Petrossian yesterday was blini with Beluga, smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict, and Pear Tart, with a Bloody Mary first, and then some champagne. A fine day on the town with my in-laws who love my kids more than words can tell. Some pics - don't know who those guys are at the door in the rain, but they did not enter and were not properly dressed anyway.
Carnegie Hall has some exterior renovations going on. They almost tore down Carnegie Hall in 1960:
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Virginia, Severance & Section 1501A major question is, what are the effects of the Virginia federal district court ruling that the individual mandate within ObamaCare (officially titled PPACA) is unconstitutional? For now, and even if the Virginia ruling is eventually sustained by the US Supreme Court, the effects are relatively minor. The ruling took a conservative stance on severance, allowing the rest of the law to stand. The impact of the individual mandate on the other parts of the PPACA, although arguably substantial, is actually weak. However, revealed are, once again, several of the serious failings of the PPACA, which if implemented can mean far higher insurance premiums and, perhaps, the implosion of the private insurance industry – and individual choice -- in near the condition it is today. The Ruling: Section 1501 of PPACA mandates that individuals purchase medical insurance or face penalties via the IRS. The Va federal judge finds this goes well beyond any previous extension of the Constitution by requiring a behavior that otherwise wouldn’t occur, commenting that the possible extensions of federal power would then be endless. Two other federal district courts did find this constitutional. Other challenges are in process of first hearing, most notably the one in Florida federal district court brought by 20 states and expected to get a favorable ruling, as well as appeals of preliminary judgments elsewhere. The Virginia judge did not grant an injunction on the individual mandate, as he expects the Supreme Court to deal with it before it becomes effective. Severance: A severance clause in a law holds that if any part is found unlawful, the rest of the law will stand. This clause was removed from PPACA by its drafters. PPACA supporters and most lawyers didn’t think any of PPACA would be found unconstitutional. But, the Virginia judge took a conservative stance toward severance, “the time-honored rule to sever with circumspection…Accordingly, the Court will sever only Section 1501 and directly-dependent provisions which make specific reference to Section 1501.” A pdf search of PPACA finds no other such key provisions. The Obama administration argued that many other provisions of PPACA are seriously impacted but although implicit in the crafting of PPACA such language is not in PPACA. Continue reading "Virginia, Severance & Section 1501"
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Bug of the Week: Carpet Bugs
I thought Carpet Bugs were mythical. Pic is Carpet Beetle and beetle larva.
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A dilemmaThis is not my personal dilemma, but I was chatting with somebody this weekend who was mulling it over. Her interests are more in the CFA area than in management areas. Manhattan Skyline to Change Dramatically This DecadeAt Pajamas, "A perfect reflection of America's character, Manhattan will be displaying many new skyscrapers in the coming years." The piece quotes The Fountainhead:
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Hating Sarah Palin for being normal and happySchwartz at Am. Thinker discusses. It's a funny piece. A quote:
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A few morning linksScroll down and catch up on our posts over the past few days. Some meaty stuff there. Quite amusing: The 12 days of Winter QUO VADIS FIDEL? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? The Leftist World Council of Churches and the Jews:
Sunday, December 12. 2010Sanest undergrad school in the US?No recruited athletes, no legacies, no ethnic or sex balancing. Why Caltech Is in a Class by Itself. A quote:
Human nature and capitalismExcellent summary of the topic at The American by Arthur Brooks and Peter Wehner. Perhaps I like it because it confirms my line of thinking, but says it better than I can. They begin:
It's one of the biggest topics on earth. Good job, guys.
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Sunday morning links
A very sly dude behind his folksy persona. Lord Monckton does the simple math. Nobody else in Cancun could do math. How did they get through college? Ron Radosh takes a look at that Mead article we posted: TNR and the Crisis of The American Intellectual: Can the Old Liberal Stalwart Play a Role in Today’s World? No, not really. And I grew up on TNR, The New Yorker, and the NYT. I think I have learned more, over time. The Leftist war against doctors: Asclepius Shrugged Why do they hate docs? They sure like them when they need them. Maybe, like children, they want love and care for free. Well, who doesn't? Everyone Hates Ethanol Subsidies. Why Can't We Get Rid of Them? I think the reason the O put Clinton on stage was because the O doesn't understand Econ 101 well enough to talk about it without a teleprompter. And I think the O left because he didn't want to feel upstaged by Slick Willy. Just my opinion. The O needs to learn more, study a little, get eddicated. Gov. Awesome goes after tenure He cracks me up, but he's too skinny to be President. Bernie Sanders is a classic New England crank, a perennially disgruntled nut. He thinks people who make money have a "sickness of greed." I think he has a sickness of power, and maybe a sickness of envy. And a sick greed for my income, which I mainly use for tuition payments. Does Bernie want to throw my kid out of her college? Furthermore, I don't know hardly anybody who could not use a few more bucks. Hey, Bernie - the "rich" already pay almost all of the taxes in the US. That's not right. We think every citizen who benefits from living in the US should pay his dues, and all at an equal rate. That's what I said - all income, no deductions, equal rate. No death tax. Death tax destroys family farms and family businesses - and taxing cadavers just doesn't seem fair. Not fair to pick the pockets of those who cannot fight back - especially when the wealthiest cadavers have ways around it. Amusing, at Insty:
From today's Lectionary: "More than a prophet..."Matthew 11:2-11 11:2 When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples Herald Angelsh/t AVI Saturday, December 11. 2010Must Be SantaCoolest version of this dumb song ever made. That's New Orleans, or meant to be, I suspect. Minnesota accordion plus New Orleans. Only Dylan would do that.
Dawn Treader
All 20 theaters at our megaplex were empty this afternoon. If you haven't read this book in the Narnia series, you should. It's sort of a Christian version of Jason and the Golden Fleece tale with the theme of spiritual warfare and redemption. It would take me an hour to write a half-decent review, so I'll just say that it is faithful to the book, and the special effects do not overwhelm the story. I passed on the 3-D glasses. There is no sex, good clean righteous violence, and neither the name of God or Christ are mentioned once. Eustace is good. Aslan seems a tamer God than usual. You don't get to see heaven, but Reepicheep travels there at the end.
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A little Nietzsche for AdventFrom Prof. Sean Kelly's Navigating Past Nihilism (h/t, reader BL):
Another expensive giftFor wristwatch hoarders and collectors, a 6-watch watch winder. I didn't know such things existed, but I did not need to know.
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