Refresh your education, on line, at home�in your spare time, for free! And no exams.
This is an early�Christmas gift to our readers, from me. Lectures on Modern European Intellectual History by Steven Kreis.
It's really a survey, but with plenty of good links to dig deeper. It doesn't�read the original sources�for you, but�it's highly enjoyable and informative, and it will bring back everything you once heard, or should have heard,�in college, especially if you went to the great University of Chicago, or Columbia. Trouble is, they do the original sources but don't have the patience to�tie it all�together. That's why we�appreciate real teacher�guys like Kreis.
I am doing one lecture per day, but I will have to do it twice because of my ADD and the distraction of our short-skirted young�receptionist who is the current cause of my Adult ADD. (Billable hours? Well, you know how hard we�barristers work when we aren't drinking, reading the papers, surfing online, jousting on eBay, sighting in our muskets and bows,� hunting, dining,�emailing, ordering books and movies and toys�on Amazon,�or looking at gals.)
From Abelard to the certifiably insane�Nietzsche, Kreis does an excellent job�of putting everything in historical�context. I hope his fortunate but doubtless�oatmeal-and- Budweiser-brained�students appreciate what he does - his enthusiasm and his thoughtfulness.�It is a true delight, for which I am grateful.