From Oliver Wendell Breyer at Volokh:
These Progressives advocated deference to the government for the same reasons Breyer articulates: reverence for experts, belief in majority rule, and the need to protect society from itself.
As a result, Progressive judges approved segregation laws, laws banning private schools, laws limiting women’s ability to participate equally in the workplace, and more. Most infamously, Justice Holmes vigorously approved of forced sterilization of the allegedly mentally infirm, relying on the public interest as articulated by contemporary experts. “Three generations of imbeciles are enough,” he wrote.
While well-intentioned rather than imbeciles, Progressives since Holmes' and Wilson's era have demonstrated more faith in powerful elites, technocrats, social engineers, scientists, and other assorted (mostly academic) experts than in individual freedom - which includes freedom to ignore the experts du jour. The Progessives (ie, modern "Liberals") been misguided about that, ever since. The examples are endless. There's no fool like an educated fool and, as CS Lewis said, there's no totalitarian as dangerous as the one who wants to do you good for your own good.
95% of experts on any topic are shown to be wrong, in time. Not so with common sense, which has endured through history. The unwise, impressionable, and self-impressed are vulnerable to having the common sense educated out of them, and arrogance put into them.