At Pajamas, How a Teachers’ Rally Made Me Anti-Education.
It's a remarkable photo-essay. He says:
Horrors! I was taken aback by my own thoughts. How could I be so cruel? What evil right-wing influence was making me think this way?
I went through a similar transformation years ago. I am heartened to see that some are still capable of real "critical thinking." Perhaps all Liberals are not hopelessly committed Communists. My main take-home from the pics, however, is that these are not well-indoctrinated ideologues - they are just greedy for my money.
There is no end-point to the Leftist's desire for the fruits of my labor. It is always "more."
This has nothing to do with education.
Image from the article.
ED addendum: related: Elites Gone Bad - What America needs is a better class of left-winger.
Another addendum at Powerline: Long Live High School English Teachers. Photo from that piece below:

What's her pension invested in? Not-for-profit windmills? What about your greed, honey?