It's in the air, isn't it? The Lefties are in despair that people do not like the dog food they are selling, and Conservatives feel that their mission is hopeless. And everybody feels that the economy sucks.
What's the point of caring if nobody is delivering your jollies? The old line goes "The pessimist says, “Things can't get any worse.” The optimist says, "Yes they can..."
Repubs and Dems: both Socialist
McCarthy wonders whether it really matters who wins elections
Don't count me out yet, because I'd like my grandkids to taste the American freedom of past days.
Tracked: Jul 13, 21:42
$125 Billion for Solar Power Project That Produces Only 0.25 % Of Germany's Energy The NAACP to Condemn Tea Parties for Non-Existent Racism: The Narrative Continues The other 40% say he’s done nothing but justify the faith they already had. government ...
Tracked: Jul 13, 21:43