From Barone's Tea partiers embrace liberty not big government:
Polls and recent election results tell us that racial minorities and the so-called "educated class" -- the people who expect their kind will administer centralized institutions -- still take the side of the Progressives. Most Americans, however, are rejecting the path of dependence and are intent on declaring their independence once again.
It's a good straight-forward piece on the history of the well-intentioned but obsolete and antiquated American Progressive movement. It's not 1900 anymore.
As we say here ad nauseum, freedom, unlike wealth, is a zero-sum game. I will prefer freedom with poverty and insecurity any time over the alternative. Patrick Henry was my ancestor. Been there, done that. Governments underestimate The People, for their own insane and selfish reasons. We are not children, although government has the power and the guns and the courts which we gave them to make us medieval serfs again if they wish to do so. For the Greater Good, naturally - and for the wittle bitty chirren.