Race Hustlers and Poverty Pimps
Here they come - out of the woodwork like cockroaches, hoping that Katrina might offer a feeding opportunity. Or, could you say, like looters during a flood? You thought they were gone, didn't you? Irrelevant, ancient history, self-charicatures, now replaced with a healthier and more positive view of race in America, right? A new generation of positive, hopeful, independent, self-respecting black Americans, right? Nope. Sorry. Those old folks - the black leaders of the 70s who built their reputations on "government programs" weren't gone - they were just resting, biding their time, waiting and hoping for an opening.
And waiting for any opportunity with increasing apprehension, because the Repubs have been chipping away at the plantation with their emphasis on morals and responsibility.
What is the strategy of these old folks, raised on the politics of poverty scams? Scare the blacks back onto the Dem plantation, and guilt the whites into handing over more $ which they can deliver to their constituents. Same old same old.
Everyone jokes about the black hurricane caused by Bush, but some of these folks talk as if they believed it. As if the people harmed by hurricane Andrew, which devastated white Florida, did not also require 5 days for federal help to arrive. No damn difference. But facts have nothing to do with this. As RRWH delicately puts it: "But to those who've been sucking off the government tit for 4 generations, then Big Momma Government is the first ones they turn to to bail their asses out of a jam."
Does anyone take these losers and their race-baiting seriously in 2005?
In my opinion, nothing did more damage to American poor, including the black poor, than the 1970s "War on Poverty," and we continue to reap what was sown then - seeds of helplessness, dependency, excuse, grievance, and entitlement - the worst possible lessons for proud, free people in America. Far more lives down the drain than a thousand hurricanes. Let's hope this older generation of black "leaders" will be ignored. And let's begin hearing voices from black leaders who have faith in their people and who respect their intelligence and abilities and pride.